
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Let's Book It - Feb 2016

Dust Off Those Books
Boy, this month just flew by didn't it?  I know there are a few more days, but I have scheduled posts right to the end of the month - so link up is a day early.  BUT remember, it is about pulling that book, magazine, pattern, or saved file and work that project - does not have to be finished.


This Paula Stoddard book was my inspiration for this month's project.

I pulled my scraps - my tote of shirtings and homespuns.

The bits needed for the flowers (and their background fabrics) were pulled from another scrap tote. 

I used black thread and one of the blanket stitches on my machine to do all the flowers and their parts.  I spent time at my daughter's (babysitting while she attends lectures for her next degree) and that's when I did the hand quilting - after the munchkins went to bed.

The binding is all the scraps from the piecing - all of those scraps used up!

The back was an old piece of Debbi Mumm - gone!!!  and there were just two 4.5" squares left of that tiny buffalo check - my hanging corners.  Yes, the batting used was a cut off from a quilt, so more scrap used up.

Finished sized is 12.5" x 26.5" and I love it!!!!!

Now it is your turn to link-up:

This month's charm is the LeMoyne Star



  1. This turned out so cute, I'm not one for plaids but I love this!

  2. Oh, yes, I like this one, too!!! I am quite taken with that purple flower jumps up and says look at me. The plaids give a welcome home feel to this.

  3. Love the plaids and the flowers!

  4. Ooooh, I love it all put together! Fabulous!

  5. Oh, it's wonderful! I'm turning into such a big fan of plaids!

  6. This month did go fast! It's always good when a project uses up bit of scraps and stash and remainders. You're all ready for spring!

  7. Very pretty! I really like those plaids with the flowers, it has a very homey feel. Congrats on the finish.

  8. I love that wall hanging, too! Good luck to daughter working on next degree. This month has flown by.
