
Friday, February 26, 2016

Last Brown Weekend

I wish that meant it was the last brown weekend for outside, but things are still in 'winter' sleep around here.  I finished up the brown 9-patches with my 1.5" scraps.  Although, I think I added just as many or more back into that barrel.

The Patiences Corners blocks for the next part of the RSC16 column quilt.  The brown bramble looks like most of our trees and bushes right now and I'm hoping to see our first flowers soon - little purple viney things (weeds).  So this column really represents our February.  And I found these in that scrap tote I am trying to empty out this year.

It's starting to look like a quilt!  Can't wait to see what the next column is going to be - and color.  Maybe green?

Not the kind of brown you want to find.  This beautiful fabric is dated 2005 (not quilting at this time) and I remember getting it to make a table clothe for my kitchen table.  Well,  I was re-habbing from a car accident and someone just threw the fabric on the table and items set on it stained it as well as the moisture pulled the 200 yr old varnish off the table.  I just cannot get this clean.  So I am using it for something else.

Ah, another brownish stain I have trouble removing.  Yup, I made some binding out of that fabric which goes nicely with my blue and yellow scrap 'Nifty Nines' quilt.  She knows once that binding is totally finished - no more cat scanning is allowed, so she's getting her last snuggle in.

I have a few quilts finished (and my SIL) that I hope to some day get photo'ed outside - if the weather ever permits.  We had a couple of days of torrential rains and awfull thunderstorms - in February!  And today was so windy you could have flown the skies with Dorothy and Toto.

** linking up with **
Feline Friday

Sewingly Yours,


  1. The blue and yellow is such a wonderful combination of color. That is a great "brown spot" on that quilt and a good idea for repurposing the other brown spot.

  2. Hi Sharon I am loving the colours,hope you have a lovely weekend my friend xx

  3. I love blues and yellows, I look forward to seeing all of your blue and yellow quilt if you can get your fur baby off the quilt. Lots of lovely brown blocks,

  4. I think your getting the stink eye regarding that quilt!! We've also had heavy rains and a full day of heavy fog (quite unusual). Today is a wind advisory and tomorrow is back to 50°. Everything here is either mud brown or dead brown. Not my fav season...

  5. You have so many great projects on the go! Love those little nine patch blocks!

  6. Love your stained fabric....just my The heavy winds blew out of here yesterday, finally. The pressure gradient gave me a lot of pain for 3 days, so I hope to make progress now.

  7. Bella always picks such pretty quilts to cuddle into, I think she's more of a golden stain and she looks so comfy I wouldn't have the heart to move her.

  8. cute kitten! (they're always kittens) I love the twinklers and your brambles

  9. That's too bad about the varnish on your fabric. It's very pretty. Fortunately, it looks like you still have plenty for something else.

  10. Always fun to check in on your projects. Hope spring finds you soon!

  11. Awwww - you know you would never want to remove that adorable "brown stain" LOL!!! She looks so snuggled in! Your columns are definitely taking shape. I didn't do any brown blocks, not enough time in the month with the cruise, but looking forward to the next color.

    The weather has been very blustery and bitter here in middle Tennessee too Sharon - ugh!!! I'm hoping it's the last hurrah for winter :*). There's a definite hint of spring in the air!

  12. That thunderstorm (in February!) was a surprise!
    I love one of your brown stains - glad you could work around the other one. 8)

  13. That 'brown stain' looks like she is giving your quilt the 'freshness' test!! Looks like she likes the way the quilt smells!! Too cute. Great projects!

  14. I love the way your print in the February column ties it in so well with the January row. Great idea!

  15. Lovely brown blocks; you certainly have a large variety of fabrics.

  16. The RSC quilt is definitely shaping up. I agree the fabric will be perfect for binding the blue and yellow quilt. Great not to have to junk it.

  17. brown and dreary here too. loving your rsc quilt and I dont blame the furkid. I would snuggle in that quilt too! love the colors

  18. I know Spring is just around the corner...I'm over dreary weather! Brown is a hard color for me to work with. I like where you are going with it!

  19. Your tiny nine patches look great! I think I, too, have just as much brown now as I did when I started. How does that happen? It's great that you can use at least some of the floral fabric that was stained and not have to get rid of all of it.

  20. Sorry about the stained fabric. It is such a lovely fabric too. You did a very recovery using it as binding. It goes very nice with that quilt. Can't wait for a sunny day so you can share all the goodies you have finished. ;^)

  21. Those tiny nine patches are soooo cute. Column quilt is coming along NICELY! I'm ready for a new color, too.

  22. Your RSC Sampler is looking great. And that was a clever use of the ruined fabric. I have two kitties, and one (Alfalfa or Alfie for short) is a male orange tabby. His litter sister Darla is a gold and black tabby. They are little rascals (hence their names), but great company in the sewing room.

  23. Love your two columns on the RSC challenge

  24. Love your two columns on the RSC challenge

  25. Your column quilt blocks look great. I too am looking forward to both the color and blocks for March. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  26. I can't wait to see how your column quilt turns out. It's got a good start. Bella seems to always find a comfy spot.
