This is the 'hump' month for the year, so I want to make the most of it. I'm hoping for warmer weather still - we started June with wet, cold and the cusp of snow. Really!! For June I am still keeping to my year of simplicity and again, just three items are on my list.
Of course there is Let's Book It - since I am sponsoring it. But I do have a lot of things I need to visit that have been sitting.
I thought I would browse my three notebooks of printed off 'gotta make it' projects and this little gem fell out. I am not sure what the source is as no indication on the print out (and no year) and I don't think all of it is even there. So that gives me a challenge. Little houses and trees - gotta love that, too.

And in hoping for some nicer weather - I love to sit on my front porch in the early hours before the noise of the day begins. I need to add not only Slow Sunday Stitching, but a few more early morning stitch time.

And the Rainbow Challenge does help in some scrap clean up and play. The color this month is pale/light blues. Did you notice I worked those into the other photos? I cleaned out my baggy last year, so I have to hit up the FQ tote and maybe some of that yardage on the shelf. Yardage tends to sit forever because I play with all that little stuff so much - need to cut into something fresh.
With a short list it gives me options to play - I love play time. All these little pieces sent to me in this cute tin. I can join Beth with Monday Make and see what little wonders I can come up with.
Since it was Monday, I played. Now to let these little blocks talk to me and tell me what they want to become.
And I have that challenge to clear out 'that spot' by the end of June. Have you noticed that when you move one thing, you have to move that thing, and then another thing, and then another? And a little more purging was done with this. That's a nice thing about having in-home sewing classes - you can set out a 'free' pile of items and by the end of the week it is all gone.
Now that doorway - that's a story. It has been 3 years now. My mom had to call for emergency help on a weekend I happened to be vending. Instead of going into her side of the house, ER called in the police (doors were all locked) who broke thru my side of the house to get to her - three doors!!!! (along with breaking other items) And with an old house, old fixtures and frames just aren't something you pick up at your local Home Depot, you have to browse special warehouses.
OK, on a happier note - I have my first finish for the month of June.
This is the chambry baby quilt from that dumped pile of scraps that I played with thru last month. 40" square and just fun - and it fits with RSC15, too!
And the back. I actually found this on the shelf - had pieced all my blue plaids and chambry and ticking from a project long ago. It made a perfect back for this (yes, there was some cut-off put back into the fabric food chain). And the stripe binding came out of the 'left over binding' drawer. A simple open meander with a powder blue thread top/bottom - washed/dryed and ready to cuddle.
And I'm still waiting to wear my flip-flops,
Sewingly Yours,
Pretty impressive to have a finish already for June!
And ooooooo - little houses and trees! I'll be watching with great interest!
Cute house and tree pattern. I have a tree template I've never used. Will be fun to watch your village grow.
I can only imagine the challenge finding unique sized house components. Have heard that some people have resorted to custom shops to build them. Sounds pricy.
Love your sweet light blue quilt. Looks soft and warm. Congratulations on a finish!
Hope your weather improves.
Oh your enthusiasm is infectious! What a lot if ideas for the coming month
Your home has stories to it anyway.
I like all your small projects you selected. Using the embroidered piece for part of a table topper is a great idea. I have some stashed pieces from long ago that I need to find and maybe put one together....thanks for the inspiration.
I have a file box full of gotta-make projects, both printouts and torn-from-magazines. I go through the box every so often and manage to discard a couple each time. Of course I add more....Inspiration is everywhere!
That chambray baby quilt reminds me of a doll quilt my grandmother made from similar fabrics. The backing was from my grandfather's nightshirt, and it was patched, no less.
Oh dear... hope Mom is okay. Now you have three doors to fix :(
Well, just hang old UFO tops up! LOL
You do have your plans laid out for June. I love that chambry finish.
No, I don't suppose finding replacements for a broken door in an older home is an easy task.
You are definitely going to be busy. Again I look forward to seeing the finished projects.
My sewing cubbyhole is just too small for a mess... but I try to achieve it every
I really like the new projects you are starting. Love those nine patches!
Snow? Really? I hope it has since warmed up. It did for us this week. Good luck with all your plans for June.
That baby quilt looks so soft and comfortable. Those soft blues work really well in it.
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