
Sunday, May 17, 2015

May for Me - Birthday Week

AND MAY FOR YOU with Marcia

I usually do a special May for Me each year.  In the past it has been with Marcia and Tonya - then Marcia - this year of Simplify, I toned down my May for Me.  More of enjoying family and life.

But what's a Birthday without a party?  So I talked with my dear friend Kris over at Lavendar Quilts to discuss how to throw a fun party for all.  Now I have done business with Kris and her lovely Etsy shop - that's where I got the great lamb fabric.

So here it is - 4 give aways - yes 4!!.. Two for my US followers and two for my out-of-states followers.  You get to pick your prize too.  Any jelly roll or layer cake that you fancy over  at Kris' Etsy Shop.  I pay for the prize and the shipping.

Simply tell me in ONE comment if you are a follower (must be a follower), US or OOS, and which jelly roll or layer cake you would love to win (which means you have to go visit her shop).  I will leave comments open until May 23, 10pm (EST) and post/contact winners the next day.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I've been a follower for four or five years. Read a few posts in Lavender Quilts' blog. Kris makes me smile. Especially the post about her finding a collection of blocks she doesn't remember. That could be me. I like the Red, Blue and White jelly roll because I think it would make a very nice QOV quilt.
    Happy Birthday Dear Sharon ... Happy Birthday To You.

  2. I am now a follower. I like the Snowbird (prints) or the Union Blues jelly rolls. Surprise me. And...Happy Birthday.

  3. I'm a follower since the May for me Bingo game. I like the Union Blues or Home of the Brave Jelly rolls. Have a Happy Birthday!

  4. Hi Sharon i am a very happy follower,i always love visiting your blog to see what master pieces you have stitched up.
    Happy Birthday my friend i hope you have a lovely day and if i was lucky enough to win i would choose Be Jolly layer cake,thankyou for hosting a wonderful giveaway.xx

  5. I have followed for quite a long time, on bloglovin. I like that you update your blog regularly, you're always making something interesting, and you share helpful tips along the way. You always have a positive outlook and I really like that! The etsy store looks fantastic!! I could spend some dollars there! If I win I'd love Red, white and free layer cake :) I'm over-seas, emilyste7ens at gmail dot com :)

  6. Oh yes, I am a follower ... sometimes no-reply if it gets un-fixed as I think google+ and bloglovin are in battle mode ...What is not to like about Union Blues ... or any blues, for that matter. You could not live in Japan and hate blue!

  7. Happy birthday! I have been getting your posts in my inbox (e-mail follower) and enjoying seeing your scrappy projects. I am in Kyoto, Japan and would be thrilled to win a 25th and Pine jelly roll from Lavendar Quilts for a little bit of Christmas spirit in Japan. ;-)

  8. Happy "May for Me" Sharon! I have followed you for a couple of years now, and love your posts. This is a really generous give away - thank you for hosting it. If I were selected I would like the "Union Blues" Jelly roll, or the "Best of Morris" layer cake. And I live in Australia.

  9. I hope your birthday will be wonderful! Thanks so much for this generous giveaway! I have followed your blog for some years now and am inspired by your many projects and by your generosity in making lots of things for charity! I'm in the US and should I be lucky enough to win I would choose the Block Party jelly roll. Thanks for the chance!

  10. Thanks for this giveaway. I follow by email. I would love to win the block party jelly roll. I'm in the US

  11. Happy birthday Sharon! Hope you have a great day. Thank you for the great giveaway, and a new to me shop ;) I would like a Somerset layer cake, Figtree's fabrics are so soft and pretty. I'm in the US, and I follow you in my blog reader.

  12. Happy Birthday Dear Sharon! And I'll pass the opportunity to win to another of your followers since I won a sweet quilt kit from you last year! We share a birthday week you know - one of these years we will get together and share some coffee and cake and quilty memories!

  13. I follow - love reading your blog. Happy Birthday! Should I be a lucky recipient I love Union Blues and would prefer a layer cake.

  14. My goodness, Kris makes it hard to choose - she has a ridiculous amount of things that I would love! I've narrowed it down to Crazy for Reds, though - just dithering over jelly or layer or jelly or layer or jelly...
    I put you on my Feedly list a couple of months ago, after stumbling over a pinterest pin and following it back. I always love to see what you're up to!
    Happy birthday and thanks for sharing!

  15. Jumping in to wish to a wonderful happy birthday!Forget the candles, we just send lots of hugs to a special gal. Following for a long time, and won't claim any more fabric....but I love that you are so sharing!

  16. Happy birthday to you!! I like the Block Party Jelly roll. I have been following you for several years. I remember the bingo May for Me. I played along with that one. Such fun!

  17. Happy Birthday! Doesn't seem right that you are the one giving away a gift instead of receiving one! I'm a happy follower and picked Whitewashed Cottons should I be lucky enough to win....of course, that's my favorite today...always subject to change. Have a good one!

  18. I follow you both! What a lovely giveaway. I liked the Block Party charm pack. It looks bright and fun. Happy Birthday!

  19. Love the Red White and Free--the next new quilt on my list is a Quilt of Valor and this would be perfect to use. I've never had a layer cake and would like to play with one. Sharon, I've followed your most interesting blog on for the past several years. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  20. I am a follower of yours. I would like Be Jolly Jelly Roll. I won a Christmas panel from Deb Strain and this would go with it to make me a Christmas quilt.
    Have a very Happy Birthday,

  21. A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. Thanks for the wonderful chance to celebrate with you. I think Crazy for Reds, Jelly Roll would be my choice. Oh and yes I am a follower here in the states.

  22. I follow. I like Red, White, and Free layer cake

  23. Happy Birthday! I love the Union Blues layer cake. I've wanted to make a quilt in those colors for a long time now. Thanks for the giveaway! :0)

  24. Hi Sharon. I love the Union Blues layer cake. I follow via Bloglovin'. Happy May for Me!

  25. I would probably pick the Snowbird jelly roll. So many awesome fabrics. The Best of Morris layer cake are pretty too. Thanks for your generosity!

    1. I neglected to say that I have a birthday too. Happy Birthday to us !

  26. Great giveaway, Sharon - Happy Birthday!

  27. Happy Birthday Sharon and thank you for such a lovely generous Giveaway. I am an OOS Follower. The Red, White & Free layer cake would be my choice. Hugs, Susie x

  28. Happy Birthday! So generous of you to give rather than receive, although I'm sure you will receive some wonderful things from your family.
    I've been a follower for over a year and am amazed at the quantity of projects you produce, especially since you have "Simplified" this year.
    I live in the US (near Rochester NY).
    I would pick the "Solstice" jelly roll.

  29. Happy birthday - hope you have a fantastic day! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us! I found your blog through the H2H challenge, and am now a follower (OOS). We have friends in the Ravena, NY area, and often travel via Corning, taking Hwy. 88 in Binghampton, and travel through the Schoharie area to Albany... I visited Kris' Etsy shop and fell in love with the Miss Kate jelly roll.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Happy Birthday Sharon!!! I am a US follower in Iowa and would love to win the Catalina Batiks jelly roll!

  32. Happy Birthday. May is a wonderful month for a birthday. I follow your blog via Bloglovin. If I am a fortunate one I would choose a 25th and Pine jelly roll from Kris' site. Thanks for offering this birthday giveaway.

  33. Happy Birthday Sharon!

    I am a follower in New Jersey (US) and would love the Somerset layer cake.

    It is wonderful that you are willing to share your birthday celebration with us. . . .do you need my addy for my portion of the cake? (I LOVE birthday cake! LOL)

    I hope your celebration is everything that you want it to be.!


  34. Happy birthday and what a fun giveaway. I'm a follower and I would love the Union Blues jelly roll if I was to win. I love that material.

  35. Happy Birthday - I follow you as I love finding out what you have been making. I would live to win "from bump to baby" jelly roll to make a quilt for my new baby niece.

  36. Happy Birthday to you! Yes I follow you. The jelly roll that I would love is the "From Bump to Baby" It looks like it would be fun to work with.

  37. Happy Birthday Sharon! Wishing you a lovely week of birthday fun. I'm a follower and I love the Solstice jelly roll by Kate Spain.

  38. Happy birthday Sharon. I am a Bloglovin follower and would love to win Mistletoe Lane

  39. I'm a follower in London UK. I'd love to win Miss Kate jelly roll.

    I hope you have a very happy birthday Sharon and a lovely week of birthday fun.

  40. I'm a follower in London UK. I'd love to win Miss Kate jelly roll.

    I hope you have a very happy birthday Sharon and a lovely week of birthday fun.

  41. Happy birthday, my friend! Slow down, breathe deeply, hug a furry and simplify. What a great way to make birthday memories!
    I would love to win the Miss Kate jelly roll!

  42. Happy Birthday! I'm a follower in Aberdeen, Scotland. Would love to win Crazy for Red layer cake.

  43. Happy Happy Birthday to YOU, Ms. Sharon, I do hope your special day will one to remember for many years for come!
    Thank you for the chance to be a winner! You are one generous Lady for sure.
    I would pick the "Union Blue Jelly Roll " by Barbara Brackman if I was to win.

  44. Happy! Happy! Birthday!
    I follow u in Bloglovin and would like to win 'Le Bouquet Francais' - just please don't ask me to pronounce it!

  45. Happy birthday, Sharon. I hope it is a great year ahead for you.

    I am an in states follower via GFC. I would choose the Grant Park line as I love Chicago!

  46. Happy Birthday. Following from the US. Moonlight Manor Jelly Roll is my choice.

  47. Happy birthday Sharon. Your May for Me has come around very quickly. I follow you from OOS! If I was lucky enough to win, I would choose the Crazy for Red layer cake. Thanks for the lovely giveaway, Sharon.

  48. I always enjoy your blog and hope that your Birthday is blessed. I like the Whitewashed Cotton jelly roll. I have been a follower for several years but just started following by email and that helps me keep up with you better.

  49. Happy Birthday to you!!! I follow via Bloglovin, and would love to have the Catalina batik or Union Blues jelly roll.

  50. Happy happy birthday!
    How fun to celebrate by giving away presents :)
    I love the French General Petite Prints, I'd use them for my Life Is Beautiful project!
    I am way way OOS!

  51. I'm a loyal follower, US, and I'd probably choose the Solstice jelly roll by Kate Spain!! Happy birthday, Sharon!!

  52. Happy birthday to you! And since you are throwing a party, I would get in the spirit with the Block Party (Sandy Gervais) jelly roll! So happy and bright. And wow, what generosity - thank you so much for sharing. I follow from Canada through Feedly.

  53. Happy Birthday! So sweet of you and Kris to have a giveaway. I went and looked at her site and I love Moonlight Manor. I've been a following you, US, forever (and a day!)

  54. I follow and read your blog, although I may be a day or two late sometimes. Happy Birthday and Merry Month of May to you, Sharon, and many happy returns of the day. It was a difficult choice, but I love the Mill Book layer cake. I'm a U.S. follower.

  55. Happy Birthday! Hope you can spend lots of time doing the things you love with those you love...while eating lots of chocolate!! I've been a follower for many years and live in the USA. If I were lucky enough to win I would choose the Best of Morris Layer Cake.

  56. Oh the From Bump to Baby jelly roll would be fun to win! (What a great collection of fabric Kris has...thanks for introducing us to her store!) And ya know I'm a happy I have ya right on my blogroll. Happy happy bday Sharon!!

  57. A Very Happy Birthday to you Sharon! I have one coming up in about a month. I just bought a cone of Aurifil thread from Lavender Quilts, she has a great shop. I guess I would go with Union Blues jelly roll if I got to choose.
