
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Blogger's Quilt Festival - Spring 2015 - Original Design

I want to thank AMY for again hosting this wonderful Festival so we can share are own little Quilt Market Show.  Catagory votes open on the 22nd and you can vote for Viewers Choice HERE.  I'm waiting until the 21st so the entries are in and then make my selections.

My entry for Original Design is "Antinanco" which means 'Eagle in the Sun'.  Before I was a quilter, I was a designer of cross stitch patterns.  I have done a lot of experimenting with framing cross stitch and have developed a fabric framing  which can be found on my tutorial page.


I designed this piece long ago and made many in quilts, wallhangings, and mandelas as gifts to Boy Scouts who acheived their Eagle Badge.  I found this while doing a 'clean-out' and really wanted it into a new piece - I have been out of the Scouting program for a few years.

Again, the scrap quilter in me amerged - all the fabric in this piece are scraps.  Stretched 9-Patches and offset Geese  with Blank blenders and Kona White - black skinny border is Kona Black.  The filler is an old Ro Gregg - Arizona Desert line.  Binding was from the scrap binding drawer - RJR.

To get a nice 'hang' for my wallhangings, I like to use a craft weight felt and topped with a layer of Quilter's Dream cotton/poly to puff the quilting.

I used my Big Foot FMQ foot and monofiliment clear thread to quilt the cross stitch area - not to disturb the stitches or add to the threads. Due to the thickness of this piece I also used a denim needle.  I quilt on my home machine.

I did a lot of outlining of each element first and then did a micro stipple/meander on the Aida and the Kona White.

I simply followed the pattern in the 'Desert' fabric with some thread painting and used a small horizontal loop in the orange of the 9-patch.

And we need to remember to label our work - some scraps that were in my string storage worked perfectly for framing my muslin label.


Catagory - Original Design
Size - 22" Square
Fabric - Blank blenders, Kona White and Black, Ro Gregg, RJR(binding), Aida Cloth, (thread) DMC floss, Connecting Thread Pro top, Superior botton line
Technique - Cross Stitch, traditional piecing
Design - Sharon@VroomansQuilts

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Your hanging is wonderful, Sharon. Good luck!

  2. Absolutely wonderful! I love this!

  3. Sharon this is a stunning piece. Wonderful detail.

  4. That is really lovely. I have carved many neckerchief slides for Eagle Scouts and they look like nothing compared to your work of art.

  5. That's gorgeous. What a fabulous tribute to and Eagle Scout.

  6. This is stunning! I'll be voting for you!

  7. This is stunning! I'll be voting for you!

  8. This is lovely! I love combining needlework and quilting. What a great piece!

  9. wow so much work in this quilt Sharon !! the cross stitching is so fabulous and the finished quilt is awesome !

  10. What a great blend of needle point and quilting. Beautifully done!

  11. It's just stunning! Your quilting is fantastic!!!
