
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Hands2Help 2015 - Finale

We are coming to a close with the Hands2Help Challenge.  I would love to give a huge thank you to Sarah @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict for coordinating this event again.  I know she puts a lot of work into this and this year more so as she offered up the Sweet16 - so many lovely quilt patterns using the 16-patch block.

I used this setting for the 16-patch and this quilt went to Happy Chemo.

And another setting for the 16-patch for this quilt that also went to Happy Chemo.  Both of these quilts were mailed out/received at the end of April as I sent out quilts to Quilts of Compassion for a urgent need at this time for the Ohio tornado victims.

So if you have your H2H quilt ready, be sure to link up - lots of great sponsors/prizes to be gifted as thank yous.  If you didn't participate, be sure to visit and see some beautiful quilts.

Sewingly Yours,

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Closing Out May

I had a simple list for May so I could enjoy May For Me - my birthday month.  First up was my Let's Book It project - the simple one block wonder.  It was also used for my second list item - Slow Stitching Sunday.  I did the dreaded needleturn applique and the quick large stitch quilting.

To celebrate May For Me I took part in the SewMaMaSew and held a week giveaway - having you all celebrate my month really was a pleasure.  And I had the pleasure of being a guest blogger for Hands to Help

The third and last thing on my list was RSC15 - I made all my RSC15 GREEN blocks thru the month.  I still have a LOT of green!!

I had the pleasure of fitting in a random act of kindness and did up a doll quilt with little dolly for a surprise gift for a friend.

And I finished the Batik 'Island Chain' quilt.  A lot of straight line quilting - very time consuming but such a great affect.

With a simple month, I realized I needed to some clearing out.  Remember the dumped fabrics?  Well they got sorted into 4 piles of possibilites.

The greens and yellow went into a simiple log cabin baby quilt and I added some giraffes from a scrap I had tucked away.

They are easier to see here.  I used a simple 'ribbon' quilting across the quilt and raw-edge stitched around the giraffes and then echoed .

The dark plaids and wovens went into a bow tie quilt.  I have the first border on here - actually I have the outer border on it now too, but it is huge and hard to display.  I am going to send this to a long armer on Tuesday.

The other two quilts - one is at the binding stage and one is at the row assembly stage.

I had a grand May and look forward to June - Middle of the Year.

Sewingly yours,
**linking up with Oh, Scrap**

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Let's Book It - May 2015

I hope you are enjoying re-visiting those long forgotten books, patterns, saved files, and magazines.  Although I don't have a large library, there is enough there that have sat on the shelf being ignored to last a few years of new projects.


This was the book I chose for the May challenge.  I love plaids, stripes, homespuns, and shirting mixed with muslin - I think it was the applique on each of these projects that made this book sit for so long.

This was the project that caught my eye for inspiration.  I was tempted to do machine applique, but this really needed the proper technique so I did work the piece with needle turn - and I didn't parish into nothingness!

I wanted to stay with a small project, so downsized to just a one block wonder.  And that was enough for that 'I can do needle turn' claim.  I so admire those that do those marvelous, large Baltimore Album quilts.

Sandwiched up and a day of 'slow stitching Sunday on Monday'.  The large stitch worked up very quickly for a lazy afternoon of hand quilting.

Finished off with a black binding - and if you look closely you cn see a 4" strip of the red plaid added into the binding.  Not a design purpose (yes, it was), but I was working scraps and I had no more of this black.  And not every black is a black - if you know what I mean.  Normally I use a heavy craft felt and a layer of batt with wall hangings to make them 'lay' nice against the wall, but with the thickness of the flannels, shirting and homespuns I didn't think I would get a needle thru it for hand quilting so just used one layer of cotton batt - thus I am not happy with the lay of this piece.  I found an old hand carved wooden button for the sunflower center. 

I chose the Pastel Penny Rug Charm for this Month to go with the Vintage Sewing Machine Pin.  A lot of people have asked where I purchased these - they are from The Pin Peddlers and they have a wonderful selection of sewing and quilting pins,charms and fun items for gifts (or yourself).  I am very pleased with the high quality and their service - just a very happy customer.

Now it is your turn to share:
Sewingly Yours,



Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Pets on Quilts

I've added the button on the sidebar.  August you say!!  Well, we will be half way thru the year soon - I know - surprise.  Lilypad Quilting is our most gracious host and I had the honor of being the first featured sponsor.  And Jacque did such a lovely write up, too - thank you sweetie.

It's really easy, just photo your pet on a quilt (or quilt on your pet).  There are several catagories, visit Lilypad and you can read for yourself.  Our sweet furkids get to shine.

Make those happy tails enjoy a fun quilt show.  I've seen them photo-bomb so many blogs.

And you don't have to think just meow and wolf - there is a catagory for other pets, too.

Don't have a pet!  Well you can enter a pet themed quilt.  Don't have one?  Well, there is plenty of time to make one.

Grab that button to help spread the word and keep as a reminder to get some great photos of your pet(s) on a quilt or make that pet quilt. 

Sewingly Yours,

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Long Weekend Over

I had a 'stay at home' holiday weekend as the shop was open (and everyone else was away) - although we had no one stop by.  I spent most of it cleaning and clearing out the bathroom as I had a plumber coming on Tuesday - so my Tuesday was a stay at home, too.  Since I got a late start I did the Slow Stitching Sunday on Monday.  The large stitch goes so fast, so this Let's Book It project just might get completed in time - although you don't have to have a finish.

I worked on the chambry and denim scraps from my clear-out space.  Half way there with these.

Yeah, this was hiding under those blocks.  I found this in my 'specialty' drawer.  Little scraps of whimsy and interest that are too special to tuck in with the other scrap storage.  The are my applique for...........

this quilt.  Yes, leave me home alone and not having to share my work space and I just go to town!  The green and yellow gingham, plaids, and stripes log cabin blocks got worked into a flimsy.  I'm hoping to get this one finished up on the next weekend.

And the bow ties got sewn together.  I would love to make another round on this, but there is not enough scraps.  SO - borders.  Yeah, I hate borders, but that's the plan.

This week I will be working on the last few star plaid blocks so that will be a flimsy.  Then the left over scraps from all of these projects can be put away or cut down into my fabric food chain - a good start to that clean up project.

Hope you had a lovely Holiday weekend and head into a great week.
Sewingly Yours,
** Kris mailed out all of the Birthday Celebration Gifts Tuesday - enjoy ladies**

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Hands 2 Help - Guest Blogger # 7

Please be sure to visit Sarah today for her last guest blogger with help for finishing up those quilts.

I know I should be working on my Slow Stitching today, but I've had company in and out as well as looking after the home shop.  So I am tackling those plaids some more instead.  Lots of bow tie blocks well on their way.
** link up with Oh, Scraps **

And since I will be off-line later today and thru tomorrow - Happy and safe Memorial Day.

Sewingly Yours,

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Birthday Week Winners

Thank you all for the sweet Birthday Wishes - you made my May For Me very special.  Now for the winners:


Happy Birthday! So generous of you to give rather than receive, although I'm sure you will receive some wonderful things from your family.
I've been a follower for over a year and am amazed at the quantity of projects you produce, especially since you have "Simplified" this year.
I live in the US (near Rochester NY).
I would pick the "Solstice" jelly roll.
I always enjoy your blog and hope that your Birthday is blessed. I like the Whitewashed Cotton jelly roll. I have been a follower for several years but just started following by email and that helps me keep up with you better.

I have followed for quite a long time, on bloglovin. I like that you update your blog regularly, you're always making something interesting, and you share helpful tips along the way. You always have a positive outlook and I really like that! The etsy store looks fantastic!! I could spend some dollars there! If I win I'd love Red, white and free layer cake :) I'm over-seas
Happy Birthday! I'm a follower in Aberdeen, Scotland. Would love to win Crazy for Red layer cake.
I will be in touch with each winner for prize confirmation and mailing information.

Sewingly Yours,

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Clearing Begins

And you thought I was kidding - there is a little light at the end of the day.  The large tubs are still under the board because my 'muscle' didn't come today like planned - hopefully this weekend.  BUT one of the tubs was emptied - all those pieces of scrap batt plus a big box of fabrics went off to the local church group  No, not scraps but a bit of a clear out of yardage.  That seems to sit on the shelf as needed fillers, background, and blenders.  There were things that have sat too long and now I know they will get used up.

This is what was cleared from that spot.  I had two baskets and a small tote and a baggy (or two or three) of all these plaids, stripes, dissected parts of shirts, chambry, and light weight denim scraps.  I see three, maybe four, quilts in this pile.

Of course when a pile of fabric gets dumped on the table, it calls for some serious snoopervising.

Once I got some organized piles to work with, the first project tackled was some log cabin blocks with the greens and yellows.  42 blocks that now need some trimming up to 7.5" square for a gender neutral baby quilt.  There were 20 more 2.5" center squares, but I used all the greens and yellows up so they went into my barrel.  Maybe I can find something to machine applique on this one. (and just noticed - not even a planned RSC15 - green)

I swear, someone waved a magic wand and that cat changed color!!  Somewhere along the way there was a changing of the fabric guard.  Did you notice?  Moe chose the dark pile and Bella chose the reds.

Sorry Miss Bell, I am working those reds - a lot of women's dissected shirt parts and I pulled my shoe box of leftover neutral JR strips for some Sawtooth Stars.  And why waste those geese cut offs - they make perfect smaller blocks.  This one will take a little longer because of the double star making, then I will tackle that dark pile.

Do you dump a pile of fabric and just play?
Sewingly Yours,

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Besides Quilting

My 'Let's Book It' project is a little closer to a finish.  See, I am making it much smaller than the original.  Just a nice little wallhanging.  I will have this sandwiched up for handquilting for Slow Stitching Sunday.

After so many quilts and quilting, I wanted to play with some small projects.  This Tutorial makes the cutest crayon roll ups.  I have few juvenile prints, but the few scraps I have work up so nicely in these.  Now I need to find boxes of fat crayons to fill them.

And some library book tote bags.  No tutorial needed - just took a large book to use for size - 2 rectangles ( 13" x 15") of the main fabric, 2 rectangles for the lining and two (4" x 25") for straps.  And I use some light weight pellon fuseable batt to give the bag a little sturdiness - and a light weight pellon fuseable strip of interfacing in the straps.  Box corners (2") - just a fun distraction.

And a not so fun distraction!  I did a guest post for Hands2Help on scrap management - things were so neat then.  Have you ever noticed that if you clear a spot, it becomes the perfect place to pile things up?  And the baskets - so my downfall.  But they are actually projects that will be cleared out by mid-June.  I stuck a board across units and covered it - tucked under and hiding are 4 large totes. One full of scrap batt that I hope the local church group will take for rag quilts.  One tote full of quilt tops waiting for their 'frosting'.  One tote is full of extra wide backings and the last one is full of bagged double fleece and minky -sale.  AND forgot to take it down - yup, my long term project with the 1.5" bits is hanging there (part of it).  This entire area is earmarked for complete clear out by the end of June.  

And I can hear you all laughing,
Sewingly Yours,

Sunday, May 17, 2015

May for Me - Birthday Week

AND MAY FOR YOU with Marcia

I usually do a special May for Me each year.  In the past it has been with Marcia and Tonya - then Marcia - this year of Simplify, I toned down my May for Me.  More of enjoying family and life.

But what's a Birthday without a party?  So I talked with my dear friend Kris over at Lavendar Quilts to discuss how to throw a fun party for all.  Now I have done business with Kris and her lovely Etsy shop - that's where I got the great lamb fabric.

So here it is - 4 give aways - yes 4!!.. Two for my US followers and two for my out-of-states followers.  You get to pick your prize too.  Any jelly roll or layer cake that you fancy over  at Kris' Etsy Shop.  I pay for the prize and the shipping.

Simply tell me in ONE comment if you are a follower (must be a follower), US or OOS, and which jelly roll or layer cake you would love to win (which means you have to go visit her shop).  I will leave comments open until May 23, 10pm (EST) and post/contact winners the next day.

Sewingly Yours,

Blogger's Quilt Festival - Spring 2015 - Original Design

I want to thank AMY for again hosting this wonderful Festival so we can share are own little Quilt Market Show.  Catagory votes open on the 22nd and you can vote for Viewers Choice HERE.  I'm waiting until the 21st so the entries are in and then make my selections.

My entry for Original Design is "Antinanco" which means 'Eagle in the Sun'.  Before I was a quilter, I was a designer of cross stitch patterns.  I have done a lot of experimenting with framing cross stitch and have developed a fabric framing  which can be found on my tutorial page.


I designed this piece long ago and made many in quilts, wallhangings, and mandelas as gifts to Boy Scouts who acheived their Eagle Badge.  I found this while doing a 'clean-out' and really wanted it into a new piece - I have been out of the Scouting program for a few years.

Again, the scrap quilter in me amerged - all the fabric in this piece are scraps.  Stretched 9-Patches and offset Geese  with Blank blenders and Kona White - black skinny border is Kona Black.  The filler is an old Ro Gregg - Arizona Desert line.  Binding was from the scrap binding drawer - RJR.

To get a nice 'hang' for my wallhangings, I like to use a craft weight felt and topped with a layer of Quilter's Dream cotton/poly to puff the quilting.

I used my Big Foot FMQ foot and monofiliment clear thread to quilt the cross stitch area - not to disturb the stitches or add to the threads. Due to the thickness of this piece I also used a denim needle.  I quilt on my home machine.

I did a lot of outlining of each element first and then did a micro stipple/meander on the Aida and the Kona White.

I simply followed the pattern in the 'Desert' fabric with some thread painting and used a small horizontal loop in the orange of the 9-patch.

And we need to remember to label our work - some scraps that were in my string storage worked perfectly for framing my muslin label.


Catagory - Original Design
Size - 22" Square
Fabric - Blank blenders, Kona White and Black, Ro Gregg, RJR(binding), Aida Cloth, (thread) DMC floss, Connecting Thread Pro top, Superior botton line
Technique - Cross Stitch, traditional piecing
Design - Sharon@VroomansQuilts

Sewingly Yours,