Around October 2014, I decided that I needed to simplify a lot of things in my life. Then I started to see many other bloggers turning to this same feeling. I want to keep my quilting and creativity - Simple - and allow myself to enjoy it more. So for 2015 there are no long term goals, or lists, or accountings, or stressing. I am limiting my participation in swaps and hops and QALs - I am keeping it simple.
I have found great pleasure in returning to those treasures that got 'shelved' and forgotten. I will take my time in browsing them to find that project that will fullfill that simplicity for the month or however long it takes to complete.
So for my January Let's Book It, I chose a print out that has hung on my wall for so many months. It's 'Ground Cover' by Me & My Sister and uses a layer cake. A simple pattern with simple fabric (well pretty fabric) and I may even take the time to hand quilt this one.

I do love playing in my scraps and find it very relaxing. And there is always an abundance of them! But I am keeping my projects with simple in mind.
Do you get these freebies in the mail? (along with the hype to subscribe to the magazine). I have quite a few of them. Using RSC15 to work each month on these will make it much simpler to do.
I have in progress from 2014 - Country Corners, Sew Sweet Simplicity, and my OMG. And I do like to participate in Hands2Help and 100 Quilts for Kids. I have some flimsies that need quilting and I will use those for these wonderful charities.
And there is my year - simply,
Sewingly Yours,
Me too Sharon! I have decided to only enter those swaps/QALs that fit into my schedule. I have such a propensity to say "Oh, I can do that!" and then finding that I am stretched every which way.
I shall be see you every so often this year though, because I too love going through those old books occasionally. After all that is why I kept them in the first place.
I really like your thoughts on keeping it simple! I am not going to pressure myself to finish things this year. Just relax and enjoy the creating process. You have picked some really nice projects to start the new year.
I've spent the last few months taking a step back and doing exactly the same thing - have rediscovered my love of knitting and taught myself to crochet with no pressure - I think us crafters sometimes get bogged down with all the stash we hoard that we do need to occasionally take a step back and start to relove it all - have fun and most of all enjoy!
Wonderful post and thoughts. Keep it simple and real---only doing what I enjoy.
Sounds like you'll have a productive and relaxing year in the sewing room. Enjoy every minute!
Even just reading this felt soothing and slower, good for you. It's amazing the pressure we put on ourselves.
That's a very good goal for the new year. Every once in a while I have this talk with myself. Last year I decided to give up on arbitrary deadlines decided by someone else. My lists keep me focused, but they can also start to feel like a hard-driving boss, and I have to tell myself that the only one pressuring me is me. Enjoy your really is the best way to live.
Simple sounds good to me too, Sharon.
Yep! Simplify Simplify Simplify!! That's one thing I'm trying to do! I even donated about half of my Christmas decorations before I decorated my house this year. And I want to try to actually quilt some of the tops I have folded and waiting... Happy New Year Sharon!
Simplicity was my "word" last year :) I really did keep most of my world simple, except for the designing a pattern and publishing it part - that kind of made my world crazy for a while! At the rate I'm going already, I don't think this year will be very "simple" with regard to new projects for me LOL! But I do intend to have more fun and less commitments this year. Of course the RSC will be a part of it, and I love your Book It party. I plan to be more involved in that this year if possible :)
I also plan to simplify some this year , not too many extras , just finish what I have on the go for now , You have a great plan for 2015 , look forward to seeing what you create :-)
Oh, Sharon - I am one of those keep it simple for now on!! I did so many commission quilts with deadlines this past year that I have almost burned myself out on quilting!! I am going to switch things up, work on some knitting and crocheting and needlework along with my Quilts of Valor quilts and gift quilts!! I think 2015 is going to be a great year!!
Sounds like a plan! Despite my recent post regarding the Millefiore and Scrappy challenges I really do tend to just work on what's in front of me. That would explain the box of UFOs under the cutting table...
Sharon I've been thinking the very same thing about just being simple with no lists and goals ect. Just be creative and enjoy the process a bit more????
Love the simple idea. No goals for me other than maybe, just maybe finishing a few more of those UFO's! That's more than enough for me! LOL!
Simplicity is definitely an inviting thought. I made the Ground Cover pattern for this year's H2H Challenge. It was quick and easy, but looked great. I used some dark, dated florals, but they looked new and interesting when paired with crisp white.
I petered out during the last quarter, but the RSC is still high on my list this year. It's one challenge that is low key enough for me to enjoy.
I feel the same, Sharon. I want to simplify this year. The Rainbow Scrap Challenge encourages me address my scraps. I'm thinking simple. And I want to work on projects, fabrics and patterns that have languished on the shelf too long. This is going to be a good year to make quilts and crafts for family, friends and charities.
Simplify sounds so relaxing!! Sounds like a lot of fun. Happy New Year Sweetie, can't wait see what beauties come out of your simplification and creativity. There's always something special going on in your quilting space!!
I'm going to simply carry on from where I left off - hoping to deal with some scraps too and work my way through my projects - enjoying them as I go :-)
Sounds like a wonderful plan... enjoy!
I hope to open up some of my much loved books this year and participate along with you. Happy New Year.
Happy New Year dear friend! I am right there with you!
Good words for 2015...."Keep it Simple" :) :))
That is a perfect plan and I know that you will succeed. Enjoy your simple days.
That's the plan for me this year too. Taking the time enjoy the journey with no stressing about the little things. Lovely blog
I printed out this very same pattern hopes I will make effort to do it this year! Lord knows I've got a few Layer cakes here! Have a Happy Day Sharon!!!
Keeping it simple sounds good to me!
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