Friday, January 31, 2014

January 2014 NewFO

2014 NewFO Challenge

I have found Barbara's NewFO Challenge a great resource for inspiration and creativity, so I am joining again with this year's challenge.

I have neglected my love of cross-stitch, so want to start including more.  Not only with NewFO, but also with Slow Stitching Sunday.  Sometimes is is just a good plan to pull up a chair and slow down.

And I enjoyed the Rainbow Scrap Challenge last year and there is always an overflow of scraps.  So joining in again and thrilled that the first month's color was blue - my favorite color!

I fell across Sew You Quilt 2 's Relaxing Round Robin - something I have wanted to try and plan to just work (challenge myself) out of one of my scrap totes to clean that out.  First round was the center block and the second round was a border.  The third round is to add some applique - I have a plan in place and this should be a challenge for me as I kind of avoid applique.

I have had a lot of people ask me how many BOM's I am doing - please don't think I am doing all those listed on my sidebar.  I have an overflow of 2.5" squares so when I saw Terry's Goodnight Irene Sew Along, I thought that was a great way to use some of those.  I have the center together and the outer borders are ready, but they will wait for February.  I think I will save this quilt for Hands2Help2014 donation.

This little piece was for Handmade Christmas and Mini Challenge for January.  I could almost save this one for myself.

These were for Something Old, Something New Challenge.  The Pinwheel mini was from a block I demonstrated at one of quilt guild meetings last year and the Delectable Mountains mini is also part of my Let's Book It - yeah, blowing the dust off those books on the shelf to make something new.

I know NewFO is about starts, not finishes - but these are small pieces, so easy to finish.  Plus, I am so bored being laid up that once I was allowed to hit that machine - I hit that machine!

Please be sure to visit  Barbara's NewFO Challenge to see what other's have created in January.

Sewingly Yours,

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let's Book It Link Up

How did you all do finding a book, magazine, pattern on your shelves?

 This is the book I chose to work out of and FQs to play with.

The pattern was 'Delectable Mountains' - kind of gave me that medallion center piece that is on my bucket list.

Yes, my helper.  I was really disappoint with the center - loosing points, that is so not my style!  I read and re-read those instructions and then re-did the math.  Now I know why that book sat on the shelf as almost all the patterns in this book are cut at rather odd sizes.  Now I can cut 7/8 and 1/8 and have a good ruler marked for those, but you are also cutting every triangle meaning you are working all bias.  Yes, I starched the heck out this thing as I went along.

Since I fought so much with the piece, I opted not to add the 'dove' units to the top and bottom - just a square finish for use as a table topper or mini wall hanging.

And so you can see the back.  Love this print and wish I had yardage of it.


The barn pin is a charm holder and the charm I have this month is the Dutchman's Puzzle.  I will ship international. The linky will be open until 10pm (EST) February 7th.

Now is your turn to share:

Let's Book It - Jan 2014

1. Dasha  5. Lyn in Colorado  9. Patricia @ Quilting Lines  
2. Cat Patches  6. Teresa in Music City  10. Dana@Stormy Days  
3. Lee  7. Deb @ asimplelife Quilts  11. Lyndsey  
4. Gone Stitchin'  8. Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Super Bowl Mystery

I can't believe I forgot all about this until I saw it on Kathy's Quilts - total DUH moment.  This is my LQS and I get their newsletter!!  OK, these mysteries are a one day event, small project, and you usually have your flimsie finished by the afternoon.

Kris at Quilt Bug has the fabric requirements posted and the schedule of the mystery clues time line.  Here are the fabrics I plan to use and if you visit Kathy, you can see her fun brights.  OR you can go with the color plan Kris has - totally your fun!!  I just 'shopped' my fabric shelves.  I've been wanting to play with that wineglass fabric for a long time - my border fabric - and pulled the other colors from that.  This will be my February 'Something New' and monthly 'Make it Handmade Christmas' project - whoot!!

So why the guys are enjoying the game and being all noisy - go play in your sewing room with a fun mystery.


I had very good news from my surgeon - got the green light to start walking everyday to build back up to norm.  Next appt. is a month away.  AND I got permission to start driving in 2 weeks - whoot!!   Thank you all for your blessings and prayers and kindness - you certainly had a big part in this healing process.

Sewingly Yours,

Monday, January 27, 2014

Thank Yous are in Order

I borrowed this photo from Confession of a Fabric Addict as there is no way I can get one to capture this quilt.  As most of you know (but for the new followers) I took a fall down my stairs and broke a hip in December - just after Christmas.  I saw this gorgeous quilt on Sarah's site - gosh they do such wonderful work and I do enjoy sending them blocks, fabrics, and quilt flimsies for their ministry.  Well, those sly ladies made this quilt for ME!!  And a dear blogging friend donated this kit to them so made it even more special.  Thank you to all who were involved with this little 'secret'. 

Hop on over

And some of you may recognize this bunny from Michelle's lovely site.  What a sweetie she is.  She calls herself a Hobbit, but I think she is a magical little pixie - bestest buds with Tinkerbell and all little wonderous fairies and creatures.  On Hoppy Friday, Michelle had a lovely post on her blog The Raspberry Rabbits about Kindness and Just Because Gifts.  Well, I was a wonderful recipient of Shell's Just Because - a gift certificate for 3 months of 'The Quilt Show'.  I am waiting to open this gift up after seeing my surgeon today (Tuesday morning) and being sure I am staying home and not off for another operation.  You bet I am going to enjoy this and Thank You all at Bunnyville.


A Priceless Gift

by Helen Steiner Rice

Friendship is a priceless gift
That can't be bought or sold,
But its value is far greater
Than a mountain made of gold.

For gold is cold and lifeless,
It cannot see nor hear,
And in your times of trouble,
It is powerless to cheer.

It has no ears to listen,
No heart to understand.
It cannot bring you comfort
Or reach out a helping hand.

So when you ask God for a gift,
Be thankful that he sends,
Not diamonds, pearls, or riches,
But the love of a real, true friend.

Sewingly Yours,

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Slow Stitching Sunday

Yep, I am still plugging away at this one.  I have 3 colors I am missing (with all that floss and missing) so waiting on those to come.  So working around those spots as best I can.  Would like to get the one tree finished and the roof.

This is my February project.  I received this little kit for Christmas.  I don't like to use the floss that comes in the kits, so I will be switching it out with my DMC so it is ready for next month.

I wanted to set up my 'Let's Book It" project so I could chain more units inbetween my handwork.  BUT, Moe needed a nap!  This project is giving me fits and giggles - so Moe can nap.

** linking up with Kathy's Quilts **

Sewingly Yours,

Friday, January 24, 2014

Grow Your Blog Party

2 Bags Full

I would like to welcome you to Vrooman's Quilts .  The Header photo is a painting of the farm/house/shop on the hill and yes, our road is called Quilt Lane.  You are welcome to read more about Quilt Lane HERE .

I prefer to work small projects that can allow you to play with a new technique, new threads, explore a design.  I take part in the Doll Swap Group and a small friends swap and occassionally the Bog Hops at SewWeQuilt.

I do make large quilts from time to time and like to play along with Block of the Month or Sew Alongs or Challenges.  I like to keep current activity buttons on my side bar.  NO, I do not do all of those, just like to share because there might be something someone else would like.

I do enjoy the NewFO and participating in the Something Old, Something New - and I just tried a new venture for myself.......

There is a page/tab set up for this with explaination.  Basically it is to encourage quilters to get out those books we so desperately bought to make that 'must' quilt/project - and now they sit forgotten on the shelf.  I see this working with NewFO, Something Old, Doll quilting, etc.........  Sew, we can multi-task with one project. 

I, also, like to participate in various charity quilting.  My Quilt Guild does a number of projects thru the year for local needs, but I have found some on-line projects that I like to contribute to each year.  

Get Your Mrs. Claus On (button on side bar) is a wonderful group that makes, collects, and distributes toys to children.  I try to send a doll quilt each month. 100 Quilts for Kids and Hands2Help (I add buttons as their new year starts) are dear to me and I try to send a couple thru each organization.

Thank you for visiting and please, take some time to enjoy some of the other participants.  Thank you Vicki at -2 Bags Full for organizing this wonderfull concept - there are over 500 participants - phew!!!!!  Yes, be sure to thank Vicki!! ** the complete list can be found HERE **

This doesn't look like much unless you are a collector and user of selvedges.  I had one gallon zip bag going and it overflowed and ripped, so more was stuffed with it into another zip bag...  Yes, there are a lot of selvedge, Moda ties, ribbons, lace, etc..............  This is my give away and open to all - international visitors welcome.  You do not need to be a follower, just be sure I have a way to contact you.  Due to the number of participating bloggers, Vicki has asked us to keep our give aways open until Feb 15th - to allow everyone to get thru as many as possible.  So comments will be open until Feb 15th 10pm (EST) and winner announced and contacted immediately after.

Sewingly Yours,

Blue - Robin - Irene

I finally played in my BLUE scraps.  Actually I worked out of the bag of fabrics pulled for Celtic Soltice as my string scraps are in a tote I can't reach.  That made me put away larger pieces in their scrap order.  I saw the 'garlic knot' block on Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville (when she finds antique quilts while mall/market hunting).  These I'm using 2.5" strips and squares so they finish out 8".

Churn Dash blocks are always fun to play with. These I used 2" strips and 3.5" HSTs to make a 9" block.  

The star block is from  Marcia Hohn - Quilters Cache.  If you are new to Marcia's site - look in the middle of her home page - asks where you want to go today - scroll to Quilt Blocks Galore where she has them listed by Alpha name as well as by block size.  This is a 12" block that is called "another star" by name.

And then I saved all my skinnies as is sorted and worked blocks to make the string blocks.  Everyone gave me their old phone books, so I am able to get a 7" square from those for foundation -  Then I trim to 6.5"  When I can get to my strings and skinnies tote - there will be lots more string blocks.

For my Relaxing Round Robin with  Never 2 Hot 2 Stitch,  I decided to play just in those two baskets of scraps.  The mini laundry basket is full of trims/left overs from 2013 projects.  I confess, I sorted thru it and put away larger pieces in my scrap storage system.  The apple basket has lots of muslin and lite trims that really need using up!! 

To start, my center could have been an orphan block (which I have), but I wanted to use up that fabric in the basket.  I love the star "Charming" pattern and use of the layout page to help with those little bits.

And a border for the center - I whimped and went with just a solid strip and continued the cornerstone out.  These are only 1.5" strips/squares, I want to keep this project on the small side.  A wallhanging rather than a throw or quilt.

 I have been playing a little each day with Goodnight Irene SAL.  I keep wanting to sew those 'X' blocks as 'O's - would that make it Goodmorning Irene?  Sorry, bad joke - but it does make for another interesting pattern.  I have all my rows done and was considering going for a larger quilt.  Then reminded myself I am going slow, stressless, and enjoying my projects this year - so sticking to my original plan of the smaller quilt.  This will be set aside for assembling/finish in February.

** linking up with Never 2 Hot 2 Stitch
                         Terry's Treasures

I'm doing my weekend link ups early as I have the Grow Your Blog post for Saturday and I am thinking that is going to generate a lot of e-mail to respond to - yes, I respond to all (unless no-reply).  Have a lovely weekend,

Sewingly Yours,

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Kona Blog Hop Winner

Sowing Stitches said...
Beautiful! Simply beautiful!! The colors are dreamy and I have been instantly taken up in a daydream dancing with sunbeams as I admire your quilt! And on this cold rainy Friday morning...what a treat!! Thank you for sharing your lovely creation with us!! January 10, 2014 at 4:25 AM

Thank you all for visiting and commenting. There were still no-reply commentors - if you did not get a response back from me, you were one of those unfortunate people.  There are two buttons on my side bar for fixing that - for both Google Plus and Google accounts (or just be sure to include your e-mail with your comment, which a number of you did).  An e-mail will go out to the winner for mailing info.  I will be taking part in the 'Grow Your Blog' hop on the 25th with another give away.

Sewingly Yours,

Monday, January 20, 2014

Make It A Handmade Christmas Challenge

2014 Christmas Handmade Pledge

I saw this just a few days ago on SewCalGal, put the button on the side bar and then sat and thought.  I make a number of Christmas Items thru the year, so why not start now.


So I am taking the Pledge and I thought this would be easily enough to do if I combine it with Sherri @ A Quilting Life challenge using those candy charms. 

I saw this TUTORIAL over at Connie's and made a few changes.  I don't have die-cuts and really am not very good at applique.  But you could fussy cut that center or even a pretty hankie or embroidery would work, too.  I had a piece of 'Monet's Countryside' by Fabric-Quilt, Inc. (old fabric) and a few 2.5" candy charms left from a Collection for a Cause - Mill Book Series-1835.

I have been using up this very old lily of the valley print as mini backings.  It goes with the garden theme.  And I found a scrap piece of binding that is from the Enchanted Pond collection - again theme. And these little projects are a great way to use up scrap pieces of batt. I used a piece of the selvedge from Monet's Countryside and signed and dated with a sharpie as my label and simply fused it to the back.   Corner inset pockets for hanging or it can go on a table.

I used a Superior white thread top and bottom and did a simple meander in the center, some loops and fans in the white framing, and some loopies in the charm border.  I have a lot of family members who garden, so don't know who will get this, but it goes into the present box - one gift down. 

This little project took me all of 2 hours to make from beginning to end.  So you still can get a small project done and link up with SewCalGal Challenge by January 25th.  If not, keep it in mind for the February Challenge.

** also linking up with Connies @ FreeMotion by the River - linky Tuesday **

Sewingly Yours,

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hops and Tours Continue

Today is the last day of Quilt Doodle Designs Hop.  Please be sure to visit these ladies:

And remember that the Kona Sunrise/Sunset added two more days.  Please visit SewWeQuilt for the schedule on the 20th and 21st.


If you've never been to the Free Spirit Fabrics  site, here is a chance to meet some of their designers (and some give aways) during their True Colors Tour.

Sewingly Yours,

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Quilt Doodle 2013 BOM Hop Day 2

I would like to thank Cindy of Quilt Doodle Designs for such a fun BOM for 2013 and for presenting this lovely parade of finished quilts.  I share today with these ladies, so please give them a visit and leave a comment:

January 19th

I had this lovely layer cake of Birds & Berries on my shelf and really wanted to play with it. And I had some white-on-white butterfly print left over from long ago - perfect chance to use that up (no selvedge to give info). Not knowing what blocks there would be, I knew I had to be real careful in my choices and save every little scrap for posible use. 

I got real lucky - one layer cake square left and about a 12" square of the white, with some bits and snips left over.  My favorite block has to be the Dresden Plate.

The cranberry (there is a little cranberry in some of the prints) sashing is a Grunge argyle pattern and I used some Kona white left over JR strips.  I had planned to quilt this myself and then I had my fall and fractured hip.  I had a couple of visitors hold this quilt top so I would have at least the flimsie to show...... BUT....

My longarmer and wife stopped in for a visit - they quickly picked a backing off the extra wide cuts shelf, cut a piece of batt off my roll - and wisked that quilt away.  A couple of days later, it was returned - QUILTED!!  I had the binding all prepped, so I quickly attached it and spent a whole day hand stitching it down.  Backing is a Connecting Threads extra wide and the binding is an older RJR line.

A simple meander with a white thread top and bottom - enough to give it hold and some pretty without taking away from the focus of the blocks.  Yes, standing like a wobbly flamingo, this is the best I could lay this out for photos.

My first finished quilt for 2014.  Thank you again Cindy, for a great sampler quilt.
BOM 2014

And Cindy has a new Row BOM for 2014 that is sure to delight.  I have some fabric on order for this (backgrounds) to play with some of those never ending  scraps in that bucket.

Thank you for visiting and be sure to visit the other ladies as well.  There are prizes for participants as well as commentors.

Sewingly Yours,