
Thursday, December 5, 2013


It is December and the last few BOMs I am following are finishing up.  And I can't find the rest of the blocks to them.  Fabric, yes - blocks, no.  And I keep all things together - so this is a mystery.  So I worked on a mystery.  Using my SILs machine I did up all the pieces for Celtic Soltice clue #1.

Actually, this is for Bea - I mentioned to her I wasn't putting a tree up - maybe no decorating at all.  But, the shop is decorated and we used these dowel trees.

My Dad made these years ago for sale in the shop and we have just a few left, so keep them for display now.  The base - maybe you can make out the seam above the dowels - he made bases and then different sections so you could 'build' a tree.

And some of the sections had fewer and shorter dowels - building your tree.  There were scroll work wood stars for the top, but they have since been lost.  So instead of putting up a fake or real tree in the shop - these treasures have found a purpose in the shop this year - and hold a memory of Dad.

I am lost as this poor old girl had to go to the shop - she'll be home for Christmas - BUT boy I sure do miss her. She will be retired as strictly my piecing machine because - well she is aging and deserves to be petted nicely - BUT -----

On Cyber-Monday I found a great deal on this - A Juki HZL G110 for a third of it's original price (with extras).  You can see her stats HERE.  I am impatiently waiting for my Christmas present to ME to get here.


Since I had reached 600 posts and over 200,000 views, and I am sure I am over 700 followers (everyone follows a different way now - I don't know what the total is) - so I feel we need a really good Christmas Give Away.  So I am giving two $50 gift certificates with Fat Quarter Shop away - one for my USA followers and one for my out-of-states followers.  Simply tell me what  you have lost or found this month - include if you are US or OOS - and if you are a no-reply responder, leave your e-mail.  I will leave comments open until 10pm (EST)Friday the 13th (ah, lucky day) and post the winners soon after - and will contact immediately - I want you to have those gift certificates for a wonderful Christmas.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Congrats on the blog milestones! Your new machine looks wonderful. May Christmas come early for you. Thanks for the chance to win. If I am the lucky winner in the USA, my Christmas will come early, too.

    Lost? Well, I am looking for my favorite seam ripper. I bought a new one that I like but it is not my old one with the comfort grip that has worn to the shape to my hand. I am hoping it is not lost ... just misplaced ... and that I will find it soon ... :)

  2. Those trees count for Decorating! Sorry you have put your blocks in a safe place that even you can't find.
    I recently found a long, lost Marti Michell Log Cabin Ruler that I'd misplaced. Not that I'm too anxious to use it... Thanks for the Drawing, Congrats on so many POSTS!

  3. Too fun ! I have lost my TJ Lane silver thimble - boohoo... I suspect a kitten found that it was a fabulous and shiny toy... thanks for the giveaway!


  4. That is a very nice Christmas present to yourself. It should give years of faithful service. the dowel trees are a great idea as well.

    I think the question should be what haven't I lost recently. My watch went missing so I bought a new one, then one shoe of my favourite pair of party shoes and finally the plastic wallets with the remaining blocks I've cut for my Votes for women quilt. Everything is in the house somewhere, just not sure where. I am an OOS follower.

  5. I found a bunch of new Christmas ornaments I forgot I purchased at the end of the season last year. Yes....And as far as looseing stuff. That is always a mystery in our home. I think we have ghosts that just help themselves to things that disappear never to be seen again.

  6. What a wonderful giveaway just in time for Christmas. Thank you, Sharon. I lost my patience while quilting. To find it again, I got up and walked away from my machine, breathing deeply and stretching for about 15 minutes. I gave myself a mental shake and started anew. It seemed to help and I found my patience was back.

  7. I think I lost my brain, and as a result I now have a 360 mile round trip to do on Christmas Eve to collect my sister and bring her to us for the holiday!

  8. Congratulations on your milestone. I am excited for you to get your new machine. There is nothing like it. Merry Christmas to you.

    I have lost a kit I bought when I was in Ireland. I intend to make a clock for my sewing room. Can't find it anywhere. I know I put it in a good place that made sense at the time. No clue. I'll keep looking.

    I am a US follower. Thanks so much for the chance to win a gift certificate to my favorite fabric shop.

  9. Congratulations on the 600+ posts. Keep writing. We love reading.

    Mice - I keep losing beloved mice (or rather Ms Cat does the losing!). All - green, purple, pink, etc/ - are found (once again). This morning. I did a sweep under the couch. Ms Cat is happy!

  10. Congratulations on your milestones Sharon!
    The most important thing I found this month is my sewing mojo - I don't know where it's been hiding but I'm so glad to have found it again!

  11. Congratulations and thanks so much for the giveaway! I'm in the US, and have been on a fabric diet for some time now. I'd love to be able to buy something new for Christmas! :0)

  12. I "lost" nearly 3 days of December to the flu. I did not have time for this. I'm better now, but I still feel like I've been thrown from a horse. :(

  13. Congratulations on your milestones Sharon. This month I lost about 1kg (2 lb) and don't know where it went! Not that I'm worried at all about it. LOL! Thanks for the lovely giveaway Sharon. I'm in Australia.

  14. Let see...I lost 1 of my gloves for machine quilting...yes just one. Have no idea where it is, but I'm sure it will turn up as soon as I buy another pair.

    But I found my Master Gardener badge that's been missing for a couple of months. Found it on the "bed" in the extra know...the room where you stash stuff when someone is coming over....LOL!!

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  15. Lost: my bias tape maker. Found: the sender of a mystery Christmas present that arrived at our house a few days ago. (Why do they put those messages in such easy to miss places at the companies that send the gifts??) I'm stateside. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  16. Congrats on your followers! I'm a happy follower and look forward to your posts. Love your new present....she will be such fun to learn her sewing ways. I lost the quilted Christmas hanging that goes on my front door.... I found it in my "fall" box of goodies. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  17. Congrats on your milestones and thanks for offering such a wonderful giveaway! Just before Thanksgiving company was to arrive I did a big sewing room cleanout/reorganization to make it look more presentable. Now I'm having trouble finding certain fabrics! I knew where they were in the big chaos, but now, not so much.

  18. Awesome milestones to celebrate!! I am OOS and would love to win your most generous giveaway! Now about losing things... I have been searching high and low for my Swiss Card scissors!! They are wee, only about 2 inches long, so they could be 'anywhere'!! Maybe when I get down to some serious tidying up over the holidays, I will uncover them! Thanks again!

  19. What a lovely new machine!! What will you name her? Enquiring minds want to know!

    As to what I have lost, I think I'd have to say "my mind" - but I'm hoping to find it again soon! I'm finishing up the commission stuff this week (hopefully) so I can work on my own Christmas projects - and I'm sure my mind is in there somewhere!!

    Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway - oh, and I'm in the US (but you already know that!)

  20. I have been doing my charity knitting and needed a bit more yarn. Purchased a bage of three skeins at the thrift store and found a sewing needle in one of the skeins. Ouch!

    Congratulations on such a milestone and I love those dowel trees.

  21. What a hot lookin machine. Best of luck with it. Glad your other, mature machine will still have a place in your quilting life. Your dowel trees from your dad are a terrific memory. Ok for the lost item, I lost my diamond ring for almost a year. Found it in my underwear drawer when I was spring cleaning. Can only guess as to how it got there.

  22. I have a bad habit of taking off earrings part way through the day and often not anywhere safe. I hunted and hunted for one of the pair from a lovely inherited pair of my mom's. I went through the vacuum cleaner bag, wouldn't let the garbage go until I sorted through. Lots of cleaning got done in the interim. Well, last week I was expanding the table and adding leaves for dinner guests and found the lost earring, sitting between the seam of the table. Thankful for finding, that's for sure. I hope you enjoy your new machine. I am one of your Canadian readers, thanks for the opportunity.

  23. A couple of weeks ago when I was taking off my brown socks, I noticed that the heels were getting pretty thin, but I decided to keep them, so into the wash they went. But when they came out of the dryer one was missing & could not be found, so I threw the remaining one away. Then yesterday morning, when I put my brown blazer on, I discovered the missing sock inside the sleeve. Thanks for the chance to win.

  24. In the states....I am always loosing something!!! It is so frustrating too. Just this week I made a major find. When I set up my nativity sets, I always collect the little baby Jesus to keep until Christmas eve. Last year I couldn't remember where I put them. This year I found the box with all of the babies and I was beyond thrilled.

    Your Solstice bloocks look wonderful and I love that wooden dowel tree.

  25. I have lost the desire to try to scramble around, crazily trying to cram everything in and I have found the determination to limit my involvements in 2014 so that I can focus more on things I want for myself such as more quilting on my own projects and more time at the gym!
    Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  26. I hope you enjoy your new machine, but glad you get to keep your trusty old one. It seems I loose time. Or maybe as you get older time just seems to go faster and faster. Thanks for the chance at the win. I live in the states.

  27. I couldn't find the top to my Christmas tree, yes it's fake. So I improvised and hooked the star up there. Then putting away my BOXES of Christmas decor you can guess what I found. Guess what is still in the box waiting for next year.

  28. Ooh! The anticipation of waiting, I'd be at the door. I hope your new machine is everything you've dreamed of, it looks wonderful to me. Congratulations on your many accomplishments!!! As for what I've lost or found? I've found a few quilt patterns and quilt pattern laminated cards, while cleaning out some older magazines. Unfortunately I misplace many things in my sewing room. When I get the bug to straighten up in there, it's almost like a quilters Christmas. I end up finding purchases from vacations and quilt shows that I'd forgotten. Good luck, I hope your new baby comes to you quickly! ;-> Toni Anne

  29. My "new" machine is a Bernina 801. Seems that all my machines are old (except for the Juki that I use on the quilting frame). That would be my find.

    Does losing my mind count for the giveaway?! ha ha ha ha

    Guess not, well, I am constantly losing my guild name tag . . . and I have made 3 of them so that I would always be able to find at least one. . . .NOT!! ha ha ha

    I'm in the US.

    Have a great weekend.

  30. i was in a serious accident a few years ago and one of the injuries was a severe trauma head injury and i suffer from shor term memory loss, so i am always misplacing things. yesterday, a friend took me to the store and one of my nessities was toilet paper. well today i was looing for it and it was nowhere to be found. that is until i went to get some milk from the refrigerator. yep, there was my precious toilet paper sitting on a shelf beside the milk. thank you for a wonderful giveaway.

  31. oh i am in the united states. sorry i forgot to add that.


  33. Congratulations on the blog milestones. The new machine looks wonderful. I looked high and low for my Christmas CD's yesterday. Finally gave up and went to get something from one of the cabinets in my sewing room and there they were. Cutting out a project was much more fun after that! I live in the USA.

  34. What a wonderful thing to have such a unique item that reminds you of your dad during the holidays! Your dad must have been very handy with wood, and very creative like you.

    Let's see, what have I lost & found????? Well, I lost almost 10 pounds in October/November, but then I found it during Thanksgiving :*)

  35. Wow, maybe it's my mind I lost? I forgot to say I am in the States. Also wanted to congratulate you on such a wonderful milestone. We are all delighted that you blog and share your life, thoughts and sewing projects with us!!!

  36. oh my don't you hate when you lose things like that. I have a bad habit of putting things away in "someplace" that I know I will never forget only to forget. I lost my broom recently still can't find it and our house isn't that
    Congrats on those great milestones!!

  37. Congratulations! I lost and found a stone out of my earring. I'm in the US.

  38. Hi Sharon, I love the TREES.. This is my kind of decorating for sure.. The memory of your Dad is a good thing..
    As for my loosing something- I have lost my temper many times in the past week. ( ugly I know). with that being said have also lost a pattern I was planning on making one of. No place to be found as of yet..
    Thanks for the chance to be a winner. You are so generous in all you did..
    Merry Christmas and may you have all you expect and more!!

  39. any thing that i hid and told hubby to help me remember. Thanks

  40. I feel like I've lost time. Lol! Christmas is coming far too fast for me! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I lost 2 "candy" ornaments that I made for an advent Christmas tree for my granddaughter. I am fortunate to have found 94 triangle star points that I made for the border of a quilt. Like you, I keep it all together so I was totally mystified that they were missing! Enjoy your new machine and I wish you a very happy holiday! I follow you on Feedly so add me to your count of followers. Sent from NY

  43. Congratulations! I enjoy reading your blog. I have learned lots of wonderful information on your blog. What I have lost most recently is my mind. I took on too many sewing/quilting projects and way too busy at work. I do think I will get my sewing/quilting projects finished on time.

  44. I don't actually lose things like my middle daughter does but I do misplace things. BUT, just yesterday I thought I had really lost a pattern for a sweater that I started for my little grandson. I was visiting them for a month and when I got back, I wanted to finish the sweater. Not only did I not find the pattern, I forgot what pattern it was. Dumb, dumb, dumb. However, after some (a lot) of cleaning up, I came across it. I counted the stitches, made sure it was the right size needles and now I'm on my way.

  45. I love something every day these days. But if I can bring my cat into this, she has a very favorite orange fluff ball that I haven't seen for a month or so and wondered if I had vacuumed it up. I was missing that thing myself. Then two mornings ago there it was on the living room rug. She had found it and now it shows up in the funniest places. Congrats on your milestone and the beautiful new sewing machine. Lucky you.

  46. Wooooo, nice machine you will be getting!! And congratulations on so many posts! I lost some ornament hangers that I really needed, but I did without them. Of course I found them

  47. Congratulations on your blogging milestones and on an awesome Christmas gift! I've lost several days (and a few pounds) to the flu this month. I'm feeling better and my taste buds are actually working so I imagine I will find the lost pounds quite soon. Thanks from chilly Minnesota for the chance at your wonderful giveaway.

  48. I'm in the US. I've recently lost and found my good pair of scissors. I have no idea why they were hiding.

  49. I've lost my marbles and hope to find them in Netherland.....grin. Enjoy your new baby.

  50. Congratulations on your blog milestones and new machine! I lost my wedding band and engagement rings. I took them off to put hand cream on and forgot to put them back on. I looked everywhere for 2 days and finally found them in the laundry in the pant pockets I had on that day...needless to say I was very happy. Thank you from No. Carolina, USA. anglanouette at gmail dot com

  51. Hi Sharon, congratulations on your milestone. I live in Queensland, Australia. I live alone and it never ceases to amaze me how I still manage to lose things, even though I have no one else to blame it on LOL. I can never find the little bits of paper patterns that I save to try out for applique or patterns that friends share with me, so I have been making a notebook with plastic sleeves to collect them all in one place. Why didn't I do this years ago, who knows? xx debbie

  52. Ooh lucky you Sharon. I would love to get a new machine. Not that there is anything wrong with my one, I just love new toys!

    I found $5 in my jeans pocket the other day. No idea how long it had been there as I haven't worn those jeans in ages. And you know I am in NZ

  53. I have found a bunch of almost finished cross-stitch ornaments that I had begun years ago! Now I'll finish them!
    I'm from NW Ontario, (freezing!!) Canada

  54. Hope you find those missing blocks. I've 'lost' lots of time for finishing presents because someone 'found' me to make the dinner for the church Christmas musical (90 people so far) tomorrow night. In my sewing room, I keep losing my needle threader, but, I've found lots of little treasures in the basement, that I keep bringing up as I try to straighten things up, little by little (tons left to do, unfortunately). I also 'found' 2 cute Christmas wall quilts at thrift stores in the past few weeks. I'm USA.

  55. I'm from OOS (Sweden). I've "lost" my sewing machine for a while, will get it back on Monday. It's been in for service.

  56. Congratulations on your new machine and your blogging too :-) I like the tree :-) This month I "found" my Christmas decorations! There are always some that I forget I had that bring a smile to my face when I see them :-)

  57. thanks for the chance to win, being on your blog lists is a prize too!
    I love the present to yourself, us gals just have to fulfill our dreams

  58. Congrats on your new machine! Don't you love getting a good deal? I seem to constantly losing things. We are living in two homes until April. When we will retire to the house we live in on the weekends. Just tonight, I realized I had left my warm pj's at the other house. I did find a pair to wear, but may have to sleep with an extra quilt. Luckily, I've made plenty and most of them are at this house. Thank you so much for sharing the gift certificates! What an awesome giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  59. I'm so happy that you'll soon have a new machine. And wow on the price. That was certainly a great deal you got. Congrats too on the milestone. So what have I lost or found lately? To be totally honest...nothing. The kids lose things but I rarely do. Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize.

  60. Sharon I'm so excited for you - a new machine is a wonderful thing! There's a lot to be said for sewing on an older, tried and true machine but the thrill of learning a new one is so fun. Lost...I could make you a list. Seems I'm always putting things in a "safe" place and then not remembering where it was I thought was so safe. :) Today it's the cords to my Dickens Christmas Village. I'm one short...but I'm sure it's safe wherever it is! blessings, marlene

  61. I found a bin of fabric I had "lost" - but really, I just misplaced it thank goodness. Now I have more fabric to hoard! :D I am in the US. gratz on all the followers! We enjoy you :)

  62. I am in Canada... and I lost some blocks for the Countdown to Christmas mystery quilt for a few days. I will write about it tomorrow on my blogpost.
    A very generous Christmas treat for your readers!

  63. Congratulations on your milestones my friend. I'm so delighted to share in your adventures. Hugs!

  64. Congrats on the milestone, that's a whole lot 'o post, and views and us followers always checking what your up to. And you always up to a whole bunch. You know I always lose my husband at the store. I don't know why we find it so hard to stay together and we don't go together very often at all. But when we do, you'll be sure to see me wandering the isles calling "Tom" "Tom" "Tom". And this is after we tell ourselves we're going to stick together. Thanks for the chance to win a wonderful prize.

  65. Congratulations on your significant milestone and on the new machine! I have been unable to find one of my hand quilted lap quilts for several months and could not imagine what happened to it. This week when we brought out the container of Christmas quilts, there it was just waiting to be found. I am in the USA.

  66. What a huge amount of followers :) I've lost the back to a stitchery I've completed (came as a kit) must be in a safe place..... but I've found a gift card that expires Feb 14.
    I'm an OOS follower (Australia).
    Thank you for the chance to win. Have a great Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

  67. Congrats on that many blog posts Sharon and your blocks are all so beautiful! I found my box of Christmas fabric this past week and made a few projects out of the older fabrics which is always fun!!

  68. I misplaced the front of a pouch I was working on. The funny thing was I never even left the room and I couldn't find it for over an hour. I do believe it is time to clean up the sewing room. :)

  69. When I was young I remembered everything. Now I have a difficult time remembering what I had for lunch yesterday.
    I love the sweet wooden dowel trees your father made for your shop. He was a very talented man.
    I see you are going with the colors Bonnie suggested for her mystery quilt. beautiful fabrics.
    600 posts! I have enjoyed each and every one of them. You go girl.

  70. Congrats on your milestones ! I love your dowel trees , great you still have them , they are a treasure . I am forever loosing something , most recently my seam ripper . I always enjoy reading your posts.

  71. Congratulations on the posts, followers, and views! We know a good thing when we see it!
    Just yesterday I found a piece of flannel that I am supposed to make some Christmas pjs from...guess I'd better get to work! I'm in the US...thanks for the chance to win and shop at the wonderful FQS!

  72. Congratulations !Ive lost my socks. I have a drawer full of unmatched ones. I recently found some of the matched in the bottom of my closet under some hangers. confused!

  73. Congratulations on adding a new mechanical baby to the group. I keep reading wonderful things about Juki machines.
    The dowel trees look wonderful with all of the goodies hanging on them. I love the ribbon candy ornaments. Do you and your mom make everything for the shop or do you sell things for other crafters?
    While we were getting the house ready for Christmas, I found 3 UFOs. I was delighted to find one of them and perplexed about the other 2. I didn't recognize them and it took me a while to figure out where they came from. My Medicare card officially kicked in on December 1st and I am convinced that whatever brain cells I had left after menopause drained away the minute I put that card in my wallet.
    We were covered in ice yesterday and it is snowing like mad today. I hope the storm isn't too bad up in your neck of the woods.

  74. I got a Juki too for Christmas! It is great I hope you enjoy yours as much as I love mine! I loose everything! I am really bad about putting things away and forgetting where I put it. My worse to date is my other sewing machine power cord. When I was setting the new one up and putting the old one in my rolling bag I misplaced the cord. I know it is here but I still haven't found it. I found my daughters Christmas present I bought in March yesterday after searching for it for days! So I think my cord will show up soon! Lovely gift idea, thank you!

  75. Congratulations! Those numbers are very impressive but also the lives you've touched with the posts you've shared that are even more so.
    Talking about lost, does my mind count? Just kidding but my husband mentions often I could hide my own Easter eggs! LOL Seems like my readers are always missing. Merry Christmas dear friend.
