
Sunday, September 29, 2013

September NewFO

Is it really that time again?  Wow, only three more months left in the year and for you folks that count down - just 85 days to Christmas - yikes!  Seems like we waited forever in our neck of the woods for Summer(two weeks of it at the most) and then we fell into Fall - my favorite season.  I just hope Winter doesn't rear it's ugly head too soon.

NewFOs for the month were some baby quilts, minis, swap projects, all those pincushions, combined the 'Blue' and 'Size Matters' block hops into one project(there's more blocks in the box), and the Scrap Buster QAL.

And finished up some prior NewFOs - a mini and three large quilts.

Plans for October are some secret sewing for up-coming Blog Hops and the Monthly Doll Quilt Swap.  A light load as I will be prepping for and doing some Vending.  My goal is to have my 'check off' list done, Christmas shopping done, and all vending done by Dec. 1st - I plan to hibernate!!!

** linking up with NewFO at Barbara's Cat Patches **


Sewingly Yours,


  1. As usual such a lot of lovely finishes!- and still a lot of projects to come

  2. I've seen you doing these, but put together like that it looks like so much. Yikes, Christmas is coming!

  3. You've been busy. I will have to wait to do some Secret Projects in November. I'm not rushing the season, even if the Weatherman is.

  4. You do keep busy! Love your projects and finishes - wow, three large quilts done this month! I think I'm on that low fat diet! ~Jeanne

  5. At least Maxine is eating healthy foods; fighting gravity is a losing battle. Your projects look great.

  6. So many great NewFOs... I look forward to the day when when my UFOs are replaced by NewFOs! You had a an amazing month of sewing.

  7. Wow, great bunch of projects! And I can sure relate to the low fat diet!

  8. You had such a successful month! Maxine and I have the same problem with gravity!

  9. What a terrific month for you! I really love the NewFO with the pennants and animals. :)

  10. Wow, you are the NewFo Rock Star! You really started (and finished) a LOT of projects. Way to go.

  11. Wow! you accomplish a lot in short amount of time. Lovely projects.
    Especially love the blue and white BOM and scrappy one.

  12. Wow! You stay so busy! I'm lucky if I can get 1 or 2 projects finished. Good luck with getting everything done by December 1st!!

  13. Look at all that work. Everything is wonderful.....except don't tell me Christmas is that close. I'm plugging up my ears and closing my eyes.....hmmmmm....hmmmmm...humming a song to myself and not listening.

  14. Oh Maxine....she pretty much hits the nail on the head most of the time.
    You get more accomplished than any one person I know. Wow!

  15. Wow, you had a really great month. Love your baby quilts and those pin cushions are really cute. Congrats on the finishes.

    Love Maxine. Unfortunately I can completely relate to her comments!

  16. Wow, you had a really great month. Love your baby quilts and those pin cushions are really cute. Congrats on the finishes.

    Love Maxine. Unfortunately I can completely relate to her comments!

  17. I really wish I could make it slow down. Alas...I just need to accept that I can't. Funny how when we were kids it was soooooooo long and now it's sooooooooo fast. Adore all the beautiful projects you have completed.

  18. Congratulations on all that you accomplished you little energizer bunny that keeps on going and giving. Love to see all that you do. I wish I could hibernate for next two months. Oct 1 is my 71 birthday and every year when it comes Christmas is right behind.

  19. thats a good plan Sharon and i love your beautiful work.xx

  20. Beautiful projects as usual! Love the plans for December I wish I could do the same.

  21. What a month you have had.....all of them great finishes. Roll on....

  22. Lots of cute projects this month. Love those little pin cushions.

  23. I'm with you Sharon - winter stay away for a while!!! Fall is nice though and I'm enjoying the mild days outside stitching on my side porch :*) As usual, you ran rings around me this month - I'm always out of breath by the time I finish your end-of-month round up LOL!!! You even finished up some UFO's - you go girl!!!

  24. I think you and I are on the same diet! And I think you win the prize for the most productive month. You go, Girl.
