
Thursday, September 26, 2013


I went silent for a while, but not because of any cat-astrophy.  I picked up a commission on the weekend and just poured myself into it.  Over 100 pieces of fabric got dumped on the portable table - of course my helper just thought I was making him the greatest bed.  I have the flimsy to a point of waiting on a fabric order - an older Debbie Mumm line that I lucked out finding on e-bay - my client REALLY wanted that fabric for the final border after seeing it on one of my older quilts - once it arrives, I will be silent again to put the final touches on the quilt and off for quilting.

So while waiting - I played.  This is the Jelly Jam Quilt from Fat Quarter Shop - that link will show pattern, chart, a U-Tube tutorial as well as a PDF download.  This is for a quick - 2-for-1 - two baby quilts from one jelly roll.  And this goes QUICK!!  You could make your own strips from scraps as you only need 16 strips for one quilt.  But you could certainly use the entire roll and make one big quilt.

I didn't want two quilts the same - so I used the rest of the strips to make a 'jelly roll race' type quilt.  Both of these are backed with a flannel and simple  straight line quilting with my walking foot.  I was able to get both of these quilts done in a day.  That FAST. 

And I still am waiting, so thought I would pull my huge pile of panels.  They needed straightening, refolding, and used.  This cute panel is 'Sunshine Zoo' by Jo Moulton for Wilmington Prints.  I had picked up the striped as a FQ bundle from Connection Threads (love them for binding) and found some great pieces that worked so well as borders.  Again, a flannel backing and I used a large meander quilting.  Another quick project done in an afternoon.

OK - had to share the other helper.  She thought it fun to come out of no where and pounce on this quilt while I was trying to photo.  Yes, part of the lawn is mowed , but the quilts got laid in the 'jungle' - no wonder she wanted to bounce.

I really am on a fabric diet, but I had won a gift certificate 
from Melissa during the link ups with the Star Surround QAL.  So I used it to get this FQ bundle from Southern Fabric - LONDON from Free Spirit.  This will wait for next year - there will be new QALs to play along with and I will need new fabric for the cause.

And I joined a new swap group - Sewing with Friends.  This time the project was a little friendship bag using THIS PATTERN.  If you are looking for a little something idea for a secret swap or secret sister - this works up so quickly and looks so different with color/fabric used.  And it was stuffed full of goodies - a quick and cute quilt pattern card, note pad, grograin ribbon tape measure, machine cleaning brush, and two double packs of candy charms.  My partner spoiled me - she felt horrible that my first squishy went amiss with the mail.

The first bag and goodies that someone else is hopefully enjoying......

It wasn't her fault it went missing and I had time to make the mail-out deadline, so did up another bag and filled it with goodies.  This time it made it's destination - hurray!!  I love that Lario, some shell fan-shaped buttons, and two quilter's stilettos (yes, I made those, too).

See - I can't stay away so long as it gets photo and news heavy.

And if I can get this guy to nap in another spot, maybe I can get some more sewing done.

** linking up with Feline Friday and Whoop Whoop Friday **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Your helpers like fabric as much as the quilter does. Those were very nice exchange bags you made.

  2. I've been doing the same thing, waiting for fabric from ebay and working on quick stuff while I wait. Love the last picture with his tail around the thread, what a wonderful guard.

  3. lots of beautiful work there Sharon and congrats on your win.xx

  4. Lots of goodies to show us today. Love the quilts and the bags. You certainly received a great squishy! Looks to me like you are overworking your helpers.... Butterfly must have her nap times so that she can really be of help. :)

  5. You really know how to use your time wisely ,great little baby quilts and the tote is so sweet . Congrats on your win , great fabrics!

  6. Wow! You are so busy AND productive, but I see you have LOTS of helpers (only, MY helper is not so helpful...). I love the cat tale wrapped around the thread spool. I love the quilt with all the Seuss spots and prints...and it is hard to get a good picture without the helpers in it, LOL!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  7. Glad your little furries are so helpful in creating those lovely quilts!! And keeping your mind occupied as you wait for that fabric to come in. :P

  8. When you say busy you really mean busy! LOL So many great projects and I love seeing your furry helpers at work.

  9. What a sweet kitty - but I find it hard to believe you're on a fabric diet miss! ;)

  10. Great projects! You have been sew busy and accomplished! Lovely fabric. I always enjoy catching up with the quilty kitties on Feline Friday when I get the chance to do so. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

  11. LOVE all the cat shots - especially the tail wrapped around the thread spool. I almost didn't recognize the Jelly Jam quilt. I've also saved the pattern and was thinking of making one as a Xmas gift for a nephew. I'll have to see what fabrics I have :)

  12. You've been busy! Lots of cute projects. Even the cats agree.

  13. I love how you make such good use of your time! The baby quilts are all adorable! Cute little bags for the swap...what a shame there was one gone astray, but good for you for saving the day. Love those goody bags!

  14. You've been really busy and such wonderful helpers! I love the tail around the spool of thread!

  15. I need my helper to get busy and drag me to my sewing room....grin. You should be my SIL...I wouldn't have any UFOs. Great projects!

  16. You are one busy lady, my goodness! Fun to do a commissioned quilt and select from all those fabrics. You should feel quite accomplished!

  17. You are so organized no grass growing under your feet. My Zeusie sleeps in the exact same place as your kitty when I sew. Keep on sewing Sharon!

  18. Wow, wow and wow. And congrats on the win. You always make me want to forget everything else and go sew.

  19. You have kept busy. The jelly roll quilts look fabulous and your bags are great. I think a fabric diet is more difficult than a food one.

  20. love the tail wrapped around the thread! mine tries to eat the thread. I turn around to iron and my machine is unthreaded.....grrrrrrr......... but they are cute assistants aren't they?
    love the bags......all of them! great idea
