
Saturday, August 24, 2013

It's A Red Saturday

Thanks to Sheila again, I pulled out the baggy of red scraps.  The three little stars to add to the pile.

Then I moved on to sorting what was left into sizes for the log cabin blocks.  I did a little kitchen clean-up and found my faithful helper holding down the fort.

Yeah, I pulled strips out from under that furry pile, or he would move over a little to reveal another pile of red - eventually I managed to get those log cabins finished.  So I am caught up on all my Rainbow projects for the month.

The need for the kitchen clean up - I made Apple Chutney in the crock pot today.  Oh, my - it smelled devine all day and the taste - FANTABULOUS!!
I browsed recipes on-line and then did my own version because this is what I had in the house:

1 pound peeled cored, chopped apples (I used 6 medium apples)
1 small peeled and diced onion
1 diced red sweet pepper
1 cup pineapple tidbits (drained)
1/2 cup of cranraisins
* put these into the crock pot

In a quart mixing bowl I mixed together:
3 slices (diced) crystalized Ginger
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup apple cider vinegar
3 tsp. of pumpkin pie spice
2 tsp. of cinnamon
* stirred well and poured over items in crock pot

Set the crock pot (with lid) on high for two hours, stirred, and then set to low heat with no lid for another 4 hours. Made 4 cups of chutney.

I will be making more of this, but this weekend it will be applesauce in the crockpot.  AND that smells good too!! 

Oh, my other helper - Bella playing camouflage!  She has a bit of a cold so doing a lot of napping with meds.

I will be linking up with Rainbow Scrap Challenge HERE.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. oh yummy Sharon i will try your version of this,thankyou for sharing.xx

  2. Love the reds. Good thing you have helpers or that fabric would just not stay in place at all. Your recipe makes my mouth water. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Poor Bella, I hope she feels better soon. I love the reds and hope you'll post how to make applesauce in the crock pot.

  4. The red blocks are gorgeous, as are your two helpers. The power of suggestion has me smelling your apple chutney. I'll be another one trying it. Thanks.

  5. I'm a sucker for red and your blocks are great. Thanks for the recipe!

  6. Some of my favorite and kitties!

  7. I've never made chutney -it looks heavenly!!! I'm saving your recipe to try it some time. Love those Log Cabin blocks!!! Praying that Miss Bella feels better soon! Poor baby!!!

  8. Love your red blocks, Sharon. Happy to see Moe and Bella helping out this week. Hope Bella gets well soon. Delicious looking recipe. Our apples will be coming in soon. Most excellent crock pot idea.

  9. I am really liking the reds!!

    It looks like the cats have an easy life there. They look way too comfortable.

  10. Well, I always love red. ;P

    Never had chutney of any kind. Would love to taste some time. How is it served?

  11. Love a Red Saturday as long as it has a kitty...:D

  12. Very pretty red blocks. I love the red and white together in the log cabin blocks.

  13. What kind of apples did you use? I am liking your Star Surround blocks as they evolve. Joanne

  14. I am hungry just imaging the smell of that apple chutney. YUM! Love your happy stars. Glad the cat let you use the fabric for your log cabins. Great work on using up some red.

  15. I love those log cabin blocks. they are so sweet. I may have to try the apple chutney, dad's trees have many many apples this year.

  16. Your double stars look fabulous. I like the way the different reds give them a 3D look. The kitties look like it was all too much for them.

  17. Your double stars look fabulous. I like the way the different reds give them a 3D look. The kitties look like it was all too much for them.

  18. I love your star blocks and your log cabin project. You are inspiring me to want to make something.

  19. All your red scrap blocks are looking great, love the sleeping kitty photos.

  20. Cats in the sewing room are just purrfect! I had mine in with me today and it just makes me smile. Love your log cabin and the stars. Classics.

  21. Light, love and prayers for sweet Bella. Love all your red blocks. They are beautiful.
