
Monday, April 8, 2013

April Showers Blog Hop

I would like to thank Madame Samm for the inspiration and Erin the head Cheerleader for putting this hop together.  I share today with these lovely ladies:

Gina @ Sew Much and More
Sharon @ Vroomans Quilts
Theresa @ Bumbleberry Stitches
Jennet @ The Feathered Nest Studio
Patti @ A Yankee in Queen Liz's Court
Gene @ Gene Black - Alabama Artist
Susan @ Susan's Scrappy Domain
Bente @ I Like to Quiltblog
Deb @ Quilting & Other Craft Therapy
Megan @ AnnieOak Designs  

I know 'April Showers bring May Flowers' jumps into everyone's minds with this theme, but I tend to think outside the box - or is it stand outside the box?  Anyway - all I could think of was 'When it Rains, It Pours' and the Morton Salt Girl.  I use to have a huge collection of Morton tins that have been sold or donated to museums - but I just LOVE the Morton little 'Rain Girl'!  More information on the Morton Salt Company can be found HERE

I love the Blue, Yellow, and White design of the Morton Salt Box and immediately went to my Summer Breeze fabrics.  I think they will work just lovely in this project.

I drew out the 'Umbrella Girl' from the 1968 design.  Used Pentex fabric color pencils to add the yellow and blue hues to her and used DMC black floss (2 strands) to bring her to life.

I chose a windmill block that I though represented both the color and the history behind Morton.

My mug rug pieces together into a small flimsy, ready for quilting.  Oh, she is so cute!

 I used a navy blue Madeira metalic thread for the rain and white Connecting Threads with a stitch in the ditch around the windmill block and interior of the whole piece.  The lighter floral binding is also the backing of this mug rug.

As a thank you for stopping by, I have a give away  - the mug rug and what is left of my Summer Breeze.  10 Fat Quarters - a few have a little used from them - and all the scraps left from my three quilts and the mug rug project with this lovely fabric bundle.  If you are not interested in the scraps - I will send on the FQs only.  Just leave a comment - I will ship international - be sure I have a way to reach you.  I will leave the comments open until  April 16th - midnight - EST and announce the winner the next day.

I hope you enjoy the April Showers Blog Hop,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Whate a cute mugrug. thanks for sharing
    have a great day

  2. she is beautiful. What a great job in capturing her. Great choice.

  3. Ficou lindo como tudo que você faz,parabéns.Obrigada

  4. I love the little Salt girl!! Such a sweet project. Thanks so much for the great giveaway chance - The FQs are beautiful and I love scraps!

  5. I love the colors, the salt girl, everything! It is adorable!

  6. what a darling mug rug!! thanks for sharing!

  7. I love your mug rug, Sharon. It's gorgeous. The fabrics are so pretty.

  8. A lovely mug rug! Beautiful fabrics.

  9. Love you little rain girl! So cute

  10. This is adorable! I've used my Summer Breeze fabrics for a number of projects and have very little left. I think they were a great choice for this project. :-)

  11. I'm so impressed with your drawing skills! That little Morton Salt girl is just darling.

  12. Absolutely gorgeous! My favorite color combination is blue and yellow. The salt girl embroidery is just so adorable. Thank you!

  13. Love your Morton Salt girl! Excellent job. Thank you for sharing.

  14. What a lovely mug rug! It's gorgeous. The fabrics are so fresh and nice

  15. Sharon,
    Great job using the blues and yellows of Spring and Morton Salt! I've not seen a Morton Salt box in ages......tsk tsk.....the shelves are overrun with store brands and trendy organics. One of my favorite childhood memories is the hours spent playing with the individual mini sized salt boxes...the ones that were only an inch tall...

  16. I love the Morton Salt girls and I think your mug rug is fabulous!

  17. What a beautiful mug rug. The girl is so cute.

  18. That is gorgeous! I was wondering how you did the colouring, very clever! Thanks for sharing and the chance to win those lovely flowery fabrics!

  19. What a wonderful way to think outside of the box, salt is so yummy and Morton's salt girl it so cute! p.s. I LOVE SCRAPS, lol.

  20. I had not heard of the 'salt' girl, so I will be googling her to find out more. I love your mug rug, the fabric choice just perfect.

  21. What a beautiful mug rug! Love the colours you have used.

  22. I love your umbrella girl. It is a very beautiful mug rug
    with such sweet fabric.
    Thanks for sharing your creativity

  23. Sharon. Very creative. I wonder how many of us remember the Morton Girl? I certainly do! You did an awesome job and the project is perfect in the yellow and blues.

  24. Love the blues ! The mug rug is so lovely

  25. Love your mug rug! And I have always loved the Morton's salt girl! Guess I didn't realize how many different style girls there were.

  26. Sharon, love the mug rug. Thanks for the memories of the Morton salt girl. I remember when they did the last update of her. Took some getting used to.

  27. Mooie Mugrug heb je gemaakt!!

  28. Oh my dear, this is the fabric, the block and especially your beautifully stitched young girl....

  29. I love your umbrella girl and looks so lovely with those colours! Thanks for sharing and the give away !

  30. Cute mug rug. I love the pretty blue fabric. I have always loved the Morton Salt girl.

  31. Oh Sharon...I love your mug original! Thanks for sharing with us and giving us a chance to win such a nice gift.

  32. Your Morton girl is lovely - thanks for sharing your mug rug & thanks for the chance to win.

  33. Wow 35 comments already and it is still so early ! Great idea.

  34. What a great idea, and equally great execution!

  35. Love the mug rug - you always come up with such clever ideas! Beautiful fabrics as well, thanks for the chance to win!

  36. I love that Morton Salt girl and putting her on a mug rug was a great idea. She's beautiful and so is your windmill! I really love it!

  37. That is such a cute mugrug and would look great in my living room.

  38. The blues really underline the April Showers theme and are so so pretty.

  39. One of my favorite color combinations is blue and yellow. I like your Morton salt umbrella girl. She's so cute.

  40. What a great job! She looks fantastic.

  41. Love the mug rugs. I would be interested in your fabric.

  42. I love it. It is so cute. Thanks for having a give away.

  43. Fantastic mug rug...cheerful and cute..thank you for this chance.

  44. This is just wonderful! Your little Morton girl is darling! Thanks for the giveaway and thanks for the trip down memory lane!

  45. How darling! You captured her beautifully. Jane

  46. LOL...I thought of the Salt Girl too, but I was headed another direction already.

  47. Sharon like you I love blue and yellow together. Your mug rug came out beautiful actually I think they should be called something like "art rugs" doesn't that sound better...enjoy your day!

  48. I love the girl and her umbrella. I love scraps, fat quarters - anything.

  49. Love the mug rug and the fabric!

  50. I can always be sure you will knock it out of the park! LOVE your mug rug,

  51. What a sweet sweet mug rug! Just perfect!

  52. Very nice Mug rug. You always inspire me. Thanks!

  53. Beautiful - and so creative of you to use the Morton Salt Box - love the history.

  54. Wowie! You did a great job on this and really captured the Morton Salt girl well. The yellow and blue fabrics are wonderful--are you sure you want to give those away??

    THX for the opportunity to win them.

  55. SQUEEL! I'm a sucker for blue and yellows, love the mug rug, I've gotta make one, thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win some of my favorite line of fabric.

  56. This is sew cute! Your Morton Salt girl is adorable and the windmill block is lovely. What a great idea! Blue and yellow fabrics are my favorites. I would love to win. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win ... :-) Pat

  57. I love those Morton salt girls too. Your mug rug is so sweet. I have been wanting to try coloring in some embroidery but havn't gotten to it yet. Yours is quite the inspiration. Thanks for the chance to win those wonderful fabrics. My daughter has been wanting me to make her something in those blues and yellows for a while. Another wonderful inspiration. Thanks.

  58. Your mug rug is really cute, and I can see it's really raining in that picture. Super! And by the way, I love scraps.

  59. I LOVE your mugrug. I think you did a great job on this. I am a follower that loves scraps. Thanks.

  60. Great mug rug and giveaway! Thanks for sharing.

  61. The Morton Salt girl--what a great idea! And you did a FANTASTIC job of portraying her in your mug rug! Well done!

  62. Memories! I remember those rain girls and the Morton Salt tins! Lovely mug rug! Perfect for our rainy spring days - it has been raining nearly nonstop for almost a week.

  63. The fabrics that inspired your mug are soooooo springy. They make me smile. I love the Morton's Salt girl....maybe it will rain here in central Texas but the salt will continue to pour... ;-]

  64. I have not seen the Morton Salt Girl pictures in a long time. Your chosen fabric is just lovely and the pattern suits your theme just fine. Well done!

  65. I love your mug rug...The colors are beautiful. I remember asking my mother what salt had to do with rain! Thank you for the memory.

  66. Great memories of the Morton Salt Company and the umbrella girl. Love the mug rug and the fabrics your choose. Thanks!

  67. I really LOVE your mug rug. You have captured the Morton Salt girl perfectly. The colors are so pretty and the design is wonderful. Great job. Thank you so much for sharing and for the great giveaway.(Love scraps, too)

  68. I like the way you thought out of the box. Your salt girl is fabulous and just perfect in with her blue and yellow pinwheel. Too cute....and any scraps are welcomed! Hugs.

  69. Love your Morton salt box girl. Thanks for the chance to win.

  70. I absolutely adore your morton salt girl!!

  71. Love the mug rug and I really love the fabric colours. I would love to win this. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity on the draw

  72. That is gorgeous, Sharon. I love the fabric selection you used and the Umbrella Girl is beautiful. Blue and yellow together has always been a favorite color combination to me. Lovely work!

  73. Sharon, I LOVE your little Morton Salt girl! How perfect! You did such a good job on it all!!

  74. Absolutely adorable! Love the colours and the design! What a generous giveaway and perfect for spreading spring cheer!

  75. I live that little girl. I remember her from my childhood and live your idea of adding her to a mug rug.

  76. What a cute mug rug. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  77. Oh! I love your outside the box thinking! She is lovely! The colors you selected are perfect! I always enjoy your blog post! Thanks for the giveaway and a chance to win!

  78. Absolutely GORGEOUS Sharon! I love how she looks so life-like and the colors you used are just perfect!
    Thank you so much for participating in the hop.

  79. I am really into the embroidery and quilt piecing together look right now and this mug rug fits the bill.

    Thanks for sharing and for a chance at your generous giveaway.


  80. Cute mug rug, and thank you so much for the history lesson. Very interesting.

  81. I can't make up my mind if it is the colors or the salt girl you drew, that I like the best, but let's just say I like the whole thing. So very clever!!

  82. What a wonderful job you did on the mug rug. I would love to have the scraps and fq that you are offering! hulseybg at gmail dot com

  83. I love your mug rug idea. I can't wait to try this myself. Thanks for chance to win.

  84. What a lovely mug rug! I always remember "When it rains it pours/"
    Neat to see how the gals have changed over the years!
    I love that collection of fabrics!

  85. What a lovely, well-thought-out project and a generous give-away. I love those Summer Breeze fabrics ... thanks for sharing!

  86. Your rug is so springy I can see that this little girl is very popular with everyone. Thanks for sharing.

  87. You win for most original idea - love it! Your mug rug is delightful and thanks for so many details in your post - that was great!

  88. So beautiful! I love how you combined piecing with embroidery and ooh la la those gorgeous fabrics too!

  89. I LOVE SCRAPS!!!! bring em' on! love how you embroidered the little morton girl. so cute! thanks for the chance......

  90. Blue/white/yellow has become my favorite color combo. I loved your mug rug with the Morton's Salt girl.

  91. So Cute !!!! I love the morton salt girl and how she evolved. Sweet sweet project !!!!

  92. Fantastic outside the box thinking and a very sweet mug rug!

  93. Your mug rug is so cute with the Morton salt girl. I too collect things with her on them. Thanks for offering this giveaway.

  94. Love the Morton Salt Girl! Your mug rug is really cute. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com

  95. This is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Thanks for a chance to win.

  96. Sew pretty and clever! Thanks for sharing!

  97. Great mug rug Sharon!
    I love the colours
    Thank you for sharing!

  98. Oh Sharon! How I love it! Love blue and yellow. What a great idea, love the girl. I hope they never take her away. Congratulations on top pick!

  99. What a lovely and creative mug rug! Thanks for sharing with us.

  100. I love blues This is an adorable mug rug.

  101. Love your mug rug! Would i be telling my age if i told you i remember the girls on the morton salt boxes?! Your mug rug brought back some wonderful childhood memories. Thank you for that. Hey, i will take scraps. I figure if i can get a few scraps i can start piecing a quilt when i get home from chemo

  102. Yellow is my favorite color with blue second, so of course I love your mug rug. The Morton Salt girl is so cute!

  103. I would love to win this! Thank you for the chance!

  104. you bet I am interested in the FQs and the scraps, oh I love those fabrics and they would be perfect to make some curtains, somehow for my bathroom!

  105. Thanks for such a generous give away. The fabrics are great. And I love your mug rug. Nancy:

  106. She is just lovely! Thank you so much for sharing here. (I love summer breeze fabric - I made a quilt for a good friend with it. Such a lovely choice.)

  107. I love the little Salt Girl you made. She is lovely and your mug rug turned out great. Thanks for sharing and for the great giveaway.

  108. Congrats on being in the top 2 for the day! Your mug rug is adorable!!

  109. Your mug rug is absolutely adorable the 'Umbrella Girl'!!!! Thanks for sharing and for the sweet giveaway!

  110. I too am a Morton Slat Girl fan! and the blue and yellow fabric is beautiful too! Great Job!


  112. that would be Salt not SLAT :)

  113. What a lovely mug rug. You are so creative..The blues and yellow fabric is just what I need to finish a blue quilt I am making..Thanks for the chance to win it..

  114. Oh Sharon! I love it! It's sooooo blue!! And so darn cute. :)

  115. I remember that little girl on the Morton Salt, I still use it today. That was a great idea for the mug rug, and thank you for the givaway.

  116. Absolutely fabuloous! I learn the cutest things on these bloghops, never seen a salt girl, but my, isn't she adorable! I love the fabric you used, lovely colors!
    Thanks for sharing!

  117. How cute this mug rug is! And I love the colors, beautiful. Thank you for a chance to win! Happy spring!

  118. So cute. I love how she turned out!

  119. I love the mug rug. . . .and I would be happy just to have the Morton Salt girl pattern.

    Thank you.

  120. I love that mug rug! The Morton's Salt girl is adorable and the fabrics are lovely. Thank you for the giveaway. :)

  121. You're right - she is cute! I Love her and I would love to win all your pretty fabrics too! Thanks for the giveaway and beautiful job on your mug rug!

  122. so creative and looks really nice. I would like to be in your drawing. Thanks

  123. Oh, how beautiful Sharon! I recognised the image immediately as one from my own childhood. You created a lovely mug rug! I'd happily add any of those fabrics to my stash. Thanks for the giveaway!

  124. You did a nice job! I love your mug rug, it is just original!Thanks for the giveaway!
    Marisa from

  125. Morton Salt girl - oh how cute! Thank you for sharing.

  126. Love your mug rug, Sharon. Perfect for the blog hop theme. You did good!

  127. Sweet Sharon! Lovely mug rug in beautiful fabric. Morton Salt girl, Sweet! Judith, Texas

  128. Are you kidding? I love scraps! Your Morton Salt girl is precious and so memorable of rain.

  129. I love that you used an idea close to your heart. I wonder if the Morton Salt girl was the first "umbrella girl"! You did a great job with your design.

  130. Very pretty. Love all your fabrics. They are more than welcome to come live with me. Very very pretty. Now that was really neat how you chose to do the Morton salt girl. How vintage...Great job.

  131. gorgeous mugrug, absoutely unique!
    Liebe Grüße
    Bente in Germany

  132. Love the Morton gal and the blue/white/yellow combo...a favorite of mine. Thanks for sharing.

  133. Ever creative. Love the touch of history as well, thanks for sharing that. Can never go wrong with blue and yellow and white in my book. Great job.

  134. Sharon, I would have never thought to do the Morton Salt Umbrella Chick but I love it!! I used to love it as a little girl for some reason. Great Give-Away Too!!
    Gmama Jane

  135. Not only do I love your mug rug but the fabric you chose is beautiful... perfect to welcome Spring (sure wish Mother Nature would get the message... we still have snow and more came today... sigh!) Thanks for sharing in the hop!!

  136. OMG Sharon soooo many comment. Perhaps I'll get lucky as "she" is a real cutie. Would love to have "her" and all her "bits" too! :)

  137. It is Nice to see the Morton Salt girl with umbrella, you used such lovely fabrics. I'd love to use your scraps, what a treat it be to get this in the mail. Thanks.

  138. beautiful mug rug, love the lady with umbrella. thank's for the chance to win and enjoy the blog hop

  139. I love your mug rug! It is so cute. Thanks for sharing & a chance to win such a fabulous prize.

  140. Your Morton Salt Girl is lovely! I so hope I win this. I don't do much embroidery, but you have inspired me to finish one little project I began last year.

  141. love your Morton Salt Girl, great job. Thanks for the chance

  142. What a great little rug. The Morton Salt girl looks lovely. I like all the fabrics that you used. Blue and yellow are such a winning combination.

  143. Oh, Please, Please pick me! This Summer Breeze line of fabrics is one of my absolute favorites!
    Cutest Mug Rug you made, I love the extra quilting touches you did!
    Take care, Leslie

  144. Your salt girl mug rug is absolutely fabulous! I love it and the fabrics you chose absolutely say spring to me.

  145. I love your mug rug! And I also adore the salt girl too! She brings me back to my childhood! So cute!

  146. Wow Sharon! What a CUTE little mug rug! I used to have a mug with the Morton Salt girl on it many years ago - I ordered it from a mail-order catalog. I loved that mug! Your post brought back some sweet memories :*)

    I'd be thrilled to win your giveaway! You know I love blues - and nothing goes better with blue than yellow! And who doesn't love scraps? Well, I do anyway :*)

  147. Oh, I always loved the Morton's girl...and the Coppertone girl! lol Thanks for hosting and sharing your beautiful project.

  148. So many memories in that mug rug. I just adore it!

  149. Sharon, your mug rug is so sweet! Love your mug rug, especially the salt girl stitchery combined with the pinwheel block. You are just so creative! Well done!

  150. Love your take on April Showers! Your Morton Salt girl is so fun. I remember my mom catching me pouring salt out when it rained just to see if it was really true. Got it trouble for that one.

  151. I love the Morton little girl! So cute, and you did a great job capturing her.

  152. I too have always loved the morton salt girl and I would love to win the giveaway. Thank you.

  153. What an adorable mug rug I have always loved the Morton salt Girl and you did a beautiful job as usual.

  154. What a cute mug rug! I love the summer breeze fabrics. I've been wanting to make a blue and yellow quilt for our spare bedroom for a while. Thanks for the giveaway.

  155. I love the mug rug with the rain
    girl. Thank you so much for sharing with us! Thanks for the
    chance to win!


  156. You are so creative! Love the Morton Salt Girl. Thanks for the opportunity to win!


  157. I absolutely fell in love with your fabrics - ohhhh, yummy. The Morton Salt girl has always been a favorite of mine and you did a fantastic job of reproducting her. Outstanding!!

  158. LOVE your mug rug and the fabrics you used. Your stitching is beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us.

  159. Lovely mug rug. I love the cute Morton's girl. If whoever wins the FQ's doesn't want the scraps you can send them to me ;)

  160. She is cute and oh so dry under her umbrella. Love your postage stamp quilt too.

  161. How clever! I grew up with this brand of salt!

  162. I love your Morton Salt Girl. Such a creative idea. Who doesn't love others scraps.

  163. I love the colors. Thanks for chance to win. The mug rug is too cute.

  164. Love your mug rug...the girl is so cute! Thanks for the chance with the giveaway!

  165. Your little umbrella girl is positively adorable. Brings back memories. and BTW, Summer Breeze is one of my all time fabric fabric lines. Thank you

  166. I love blues and yellows! and your mug rug! so cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

  167. She is adorable.... I still have mugs with her on them. Congrats on being one of the chosen.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  168. OMG - what a cute mug rug! I'm partial the yellow/blue combinations and this is just over the top. I can't believe I missed day 2 of the blog hop - so glad I went back and looked!

  169. Sharon, you shine! Love your mugrug, and would be happy to give it a new home...LOL
    Seriously, your stitchery is wonderful, and I always love blues. Lovely, just lovely.

  170. My daddy was a 'Culligan Man' and, Morton Salt is used in the water softeners. We had a Morton Salt sign with the Morton Salt girl in the shop. Your mug rug brings back lots of memories for me (I worked for my daddy off and on for years). My brother owns the company now. Thanks for the memories, Sharon.

  171. Very nice. The mug rug is awesome and the colors are great. Thanks for the giveaway!

  172. What a wonderful inspiration for your mug rugs. And you have picked perfect prints for the rugs. Thanks for giveaway chance.

  173. I love the mug rug and the colors! Great job!

  174. Truly beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  175. Such an inspiring mug rug. Love the Morton salt girl too.

  176. I love your mugrug, and what a great giveaway! Lovely work.

  177. I love the vintage look of your rug and I love the colors! Thanks so much for sharing your talent and your fabric!

  178. Your Morton Salt girl is wonderful! I like the use of metallic thread for the rain and the fabrics are so pretty.

  179. I also love the Morton Salt umbrella girl. The mug rug is so cute. What a great giveaway, too. I don't know anyone who turns down scraps.

  180. Thanks for sharing your little salt girl, she has been around a long time. Very nice

  181. What a pretty mud rug. I love the view of how the shower girl has evolved. Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  182. beautiful mug rug. love the colors sew fitting

  183. that is the cutest idea ever. Great way to think outside the box. thanks for the giveaway.

  184. Oh I love the Morton Salt girl fact I have coffee mugs with the 4 different versions on them...the rug would go so cute with the mugs...thanks for the chance at the giveaway!

  185. Beautiful colors and design!


  186. I love the stitchery of the little girl. Thanks for the chance to win. Beautiful colours.

  187. What a cute little mug rug and how neat to see all the different umbrella girls that have been used over the years!
