
Monday, March 18, 2013

Snowed In

Well, like so many, the tackling of paperwork+books+receipts+inventory+forms=TAX TIME!!  Finally finished and all out the door.  Which was perfect timing as we are in another huge snow storm.  But while I stressed thru the above, lots of wonderful things came to my door to bighten my days.  This lovely 'bit o' the green' came from Wendy-aka StitchDuchess as part of the 12" Mini Swap group.  And a cute FQ and lovely card.

I, also, won with two different random draws with the Project Quilting bi-weekly challenges.  A great one yard piece of hand dyed blue from Chris at Dye Candy Fabrics which will work into the Forest QAL I am sure.  And a Fiber Packet from Pam of For Quilts Sake.  Some lite batiks , various fibers, buttons, and beads.  This I am saving for our Quilt Guild summer challenge.

And lovers of Laurel Birch fabrics - eat your hearts out!  The lovely Erin  aka Vesuviusmama was de-stashing with a first come - first serve for some great pieces.  I lucked out totally.

This was such a large piece that I had to photo it in half.  I just am so in love with this piece of fabric, thank you so much Erin.  This will be my NewFo project maybe in Nov, so I have a great quilt for Dec.  YES, I plan on cutting this apart, don't drop of a heart attack.

I was fortunate to win this magazine from the Quilty Pleasures QM blog during their anniversary and block celebration.  I cannot wait to browse thru this - seen parts on their blog - and I know my 'project list' is going to grow.

I received a box from Joyce of Texas -- get to this later.  As I was laying out the goodies of course the Tuxedo Moe just had to lay claim to this pile! 

This is all the loveliness laid out - minus a cat!  Now I keep a file folder for win notifications so I can check when they come in - AND - so I can send out an appropriate Thank You card.  Do you thank your gift host when you win???  So, I cannot find info anywhere on this one, if someone out there remembers, Kick My Butt!!  I have the address from the box, but the card only had a first name (no blog listed) - I really want to send out a thank you. *** She kicked my own butt - Joyce aka Young By Design, thank you so much for all this goodness***

 I am so ready to SEW - I have those 8 bobbins set to go, machine is cleaned, work surface cleared, new blade in the rotary, and the furries have finally wandered off to nap in the quest bedroom.  Priority projects - the newest Project Quilting challenge and then the April Showers Hop piece (plus set up the draft post).  Then catch up on some blocks and then to play in that great box of scraps Selina sent me.  We are having a three day snow storm - so I am going to be warm and content!!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Well the luck of the Irish was definitely with you! I LOVE the Laura Birch panel and yep I'm with you, cut that baby up and make something just amazing with it!! Hope the snow melts before Spring gets here. So ready for Spring.

  2. Hi Sharon! Oops! That package was from me. I'm glad you got it okay and I hope you'll be able to use some (or all) of it. Enjoy!

  3. Ugh - tax time! I feel your pain!! Lol* Glad you made it through and are back to focusing on the fun stuff...sewing!

  4. go girl! Keep on winning. I can't believe you are snowed in again. We already have the A/C on down here in TX. I think it was 85 today.

  5. Good for you Sharon. You support lots of blogs so I'm always happy to hear you had a WiN! Congrats! :)

  6. You are one lucky lady!!!! Maybe buying a lottery ticket is a good idea :-)!!!!!! Here's to happy sewing for you.

  7. Sheesh! and lots of Luck...from the Leprechauns?? You made out like a bandit! You sure have some fun stuff (including a fun furry one!) to keep you company for the storm. =)

    Stay safe and warm!

  8. congrats on your wins Sharon and that fabric panel is gorgeous and i love your irish mini.xx

  9. Yay for you on the win!! How fun that was! Moe just got right in there and claimed his spot, didn't he??! Nice haul in the box!!! :)

  10. Congratulations! You lucky girl! Very nice winnings, especially Laura Burch fabric.
    Glad to hear taxes are all done. Got to do mine :(
    SNOWED IN AGAIN! That sucks! Hurry up spring. Hope you don't lose power.

  11. oh my lots going on in your neck of the woods. Some mighty fine prizes to boot!

  12. Beautiful prizes! Congrats on all of your pretties! Cannot wait to see the Christmas quilt!

  13. Snowed in and sewing...sounds cozy and comforting. Here in southern AZ it's already hit 90...down to the low 80s now. Summer clothes and flip flops are out!
    Looks like you've been right lucky lately and I'm tickled pink for you. Enjoy the winnings & the well-earned sewing time!

  14. Wow! You sure have hit the jackpot lately. And Yes I do send thank yous. My gram taught me to always do that.

  15. You almost broke the bank with all these wins! Congrats on some great --all great --wins. Stay warm and busy during the winter's final fling or so we hope.

  16. You certainly had your share of lovely surprises. I hope the snow isn't too bad up your way. We only got 3 inches, but there is a top coating of ice that is making it treacherous. My son had a hard time driving home from work last night. The wheels on the passenger side of his car slid off the road into a shallow ditch. He was able to steer the car back on the road and get home, but this morning the car was shaking. He dropped if off at the mechanic. We'll hear about the damages later today. Luckily he wasn't hurt.

  17. Hopefully the snow will melt soon and you will have full springtime weather while you sew. Love the LB panel that you won, I am sure whatever you make will be amazing! Glad you liked the mini, I enjoyed making it for you.

  18. Lucky lucky lady! Well, you certainly deserve it! Love that Laura Burch panel - and I can't wait to see what you make with it! Enjoy the "snow day"!!

  19. Lucky ducky, YOU should buy a lottery ticket to see if your luck is still running, LOL! I love your little St. Patty wall hanging!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  20. Definitely luck of the Irish for you Sharon! You won some really wonderful goodies. But I'm with you - that Laurel Burch fabric is to die for!!!!! I have that same panel and have been hoarding it for just the right pattern to burst in my brain. It will be fun to see what you do with yours :*) Cut apart those blocks and make something yummy!!!

  21. Congrats on your win , you deserve it , enjoy!!
