
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March Days

I got confirmation that 'the bit o' green' arrived safely in Portugal.  This was my piece for the 12" Mini Swap group and the first time I have shipped to Portugal.  I doubt they celebrate St. Patrick's Day, but I hope it brings luck and fortune to Manuela's household.

I played in that lovely scrap box Selina sent me.  There is nothing like running bits thru the old machine to get your juices flowing again.  I pulled a ziplock baggy full of scrappy red 2.5" squares and stacks of black and grey triangles and off I went.  I ended up with 160 of those tri-corner pieces when all was done - now where to take them?

And I am just putting on the finishing touches of the next Project Quilting Challenge - I should have a full post ready on this one Friday or Saturday.  Hey, we have had another snow stormy few days and there was nothing but to wind those 8 bobbins and get down to business!  

And slow going with the piece for the 'April Showers' blog hop.  My bit of stitchery had to keep under wraps - a secret and to keep Mr Moe off it.  I still have a few FQs of Summer Breeze left as well as scraps - and I just think this says "Spring" for this piece.

I struggled with the next paper pieced block for the Forest QAL.  So many tiny pieces and the thing kept splaying.  This is actually my third attempt and I'm sticking with it!.  I left out a portion of the block to keep my Birch trees straight and added the ground/greens pieced strips to each side.  And the block did not print out for a 12.5" unfinished no matter how I played with it - so I added a plain strip across the bottom.  This really looks like the small grove of birch we have along the old logging road.

Please take notice of the new button for Hands2Help on the side bar.  Click on it and it will take you to Sarah's site and all the information about the challenge for 2013.  I know a lot of you have participated in the past, but I have a lot of new followers (WELCOME) and would love for you to join in.
 "It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold:  when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade."
- Charles Dickens

Sewingly Yours,


  1. All your work is still amazing. I stitched 1/2 bee today. :)

  2. Don't you just love black, white and red together. I'm sure you'll think of something to do with those cute blocks.
    Lovely green clover wall hanging. Forest wall hanging, too.
    Thanks for reminding me that Sarah has a new 2013 H2H button. I need to put her button on my blog.

  3. yes i also find your work amazing Sharon,well done.xx

  4. What a gorgeous Mini you sent Manuala..
    I always love to see what lovely projects you are working on..

  5. You are so prolific in your quilting! I love the shamrock mini and that is really neat sending it out to Portugal. Can I be nosy and ask how high the shipping was for that? I have never mailed anything outside of the US or Canada because I worry...I think it's like Australia or Britan...I'm not sure which but I always hear horror stories of $80 shipping for a table topper and crazy things like that!! LOL*

  6. Looks like your snow days were well spent! Love those red, black, and grey pieces! Thank goodness your little bit of green quilt arrived is so sweet! I admire you for accepting and excelling at your challenge projects. You can do anything, and do it well!

  7. Love the paper pieced birches!! I always have trouble with blocks coming out to the correct size. I don't know what happens!

    Love the shamrock too!

  8. I really like the plaid border on your Shamrock quilt. It looks like you managed to use all 40 of Ireland's shades of green.
    Summer Breeze is one of my favorite fabric collections. This week I cut some 5 inch charms to use in another Twister project. That fabric really makes me think of spring even though the weather here still says winter.

  9. That Charles Dicken's quote is sooo true for me here in SLC, these last few days. We even got powder snow on the roofs and lawns this morning. =)

    I absolutely LOVE the green Shamrock mini that you did. And, I'm anxious to see what continues with the red/grey/black pieces dancing on your green mat.


  10. Again you amaze me with your talents and ability to do so much , lovely work as usual and I cant wait to see what you do with the red scraps :-)

  11. Just love your 'bit of green' quilt!!! I "pinned" it - maybe I could manage to get one made for me by next St. Patty's Day :*D And those soft blues/greens - YUM!!!

  12. Doesn't quilting just make the world a tad bit smaller when you know you reach out to a quilter from another country? Love it!

  13. I love your shamrock mini. You are busy this month!
