
Sunday, October 28, 2012


Since there is no sure time or known verosity of what storm Sandy will give us in our area, I feel like these characters.  Are we coming or going?  We are high on the hill and well prepared.  Our poor community still is reeling from Irene - most of our town did a 'self-evacuation'.  The clouds are thickening and darkening, with a puff of wind starting.  So in light of what may come, I am posting a little early and if you do not hear from me in a while, not to worry - they say if the power goes it will ge a LONG time for things to be repaired.

I'll give you some laughter - big, belly size ga-huffs!  The FMQ Challenge for October with SewCalGal was the guest - Teri Lucas.  We were to try our name and then fill in with various designs and threads.  I knew I was in trouble - my handwriting would be analyzed as 'demented'!  And everything after that was down hill.  I would like to try this again starting with all the other stuff and then add my name in the center - maybe it would work better.

This was the Color Challenge inspiration with Patchworktimes.  It was a nice change from all the dark colors with strange combinations.  I knew exactly what fabrics to play with, but what to do with them?

Well, I kept it simple - our Quilt Guild will be collecting pillowcases for charity (million pillowcase).  So rather than do a lot of cutting/piecing of the fun Berenstain Bears and brights for a quilt, they were made up into cases.  I am sure they will be well loved.

The Jelly Roll Challenge piece is a flimsy.  I want to order yardage - not available until November - so the final border and backing will have to wait. 

I finished up all my BOM, QAL, and on-line challenges for the month - yes, NewFOs too.  I am trying to get November swap pieces to the point of just the bindings - so I can get the hand work done while power is gone.  I have some other handwork set up, too.  And, I have a huge note on the calendar to be sure to draw the name of the 'Wicked' post winner the 30th- so bear with things.


The gilding of the Indian summer mellowed the pastures far and wide.
The russet woods stood ripe to be stripped, but were yet full of leaf.
The purple of heath-bloom, faded but not withered, tinged the hills...
Fieldhead gardens bore the seal of gentle decay; ... its time of
flowers and even of fruit was over."
 - Charlotte Bronte

Sewingly Yours,

Everyone be well and safe - thoughts & prayers are with you all 


  1. Keep safe and hope it does not cause too much damage to you and your loved ones

  2. I've been thinking of you Sharon. Stay safe. Hugs, Christine xx

  3. Nice to hear from you...a little earlier! You have been busy! Proud of you to keep up with the FMQ...I can read your name, so obviously you know what you are doing and were successful at it. Your Berenstain bears fabric is perfect for the color challenge, and love your flimsy. But you know me...I love everything you do! Stay safe and batten down the hatches!

  4. praying for every one in the path of the storm stay safe hugs

  5. I'll be thinking about you and praying for you through all of this. I sure hope you don't lose power or anything!!

    I kinda like your name and the quilting around it. :)

  6. Your projects look nice, especially the jelly roll flimsy. I agree the kids will love their cases. Good luck with the storm. I've done all I can and now am just waiting. Everything is cancelled here. Hope for the best.

  7. Praying for safety in the storm. Blessings...

  8. I just saw the National News. It was mostly about the approaching storms. The eastern coast. New York. Rain, snow, wind, surge. I thought about you and your community. Please take care of yourself.

  9. I do hope it isn't too bad in your area.

    LOVE the jelly roll challenge quilt!! I would never guess it is from a jelly roll.

  10. Hi!!! Hope everything goes better than predicted...stay safe!!! Your projects are all so pretty!!! I bet those bears will get lots of hugs!!!

  11. Wow....I never thought about having to write a hard name. Mine is all loopty loops. I think you did a fine job.

    I sure hope your town doesn't get flooded again. I think you just dried out....prayers for you.

  12. Writing your name is no easy task. Good for you. Mine would be a scribble!

    Prayers for you from my family. We have family up and down the coast and Great Lakes.

  13. Stay safe Sharon! Praying for you and all of those in Sandy's path! So smart of you to have hand work ready and waiting for the potential power outage :*) Hopefully the lights will stay on!

    I wouldn't dare laugh at your FMQ Challenge piece... I assure you, mine would looks much worse!

  14. proud of you for having a good go at your FMQ Sharon and love your quilt,stay safe my friend and take care.xx

  15. Crews from Louisiana are already on their way. Those Cajuns will get y'all up and going very quickly especially if you offer them hot strong coffee! May the storm be gentle.

  16. stay warm and safe..hope your ride out the storm without any problems!
    byw...good chuckle for the FMQ!! :)

  17. You will weather the storm, for God will always be with you. Love the pillow cases and your flimsy.

  18. You're definitely in my prayers - hopefully the storm will bypass you completely and not be as devastating as they think.

    I love that jelly roll quilt - how big is the flimsy, and is it just one jelly roll?

  19. I am a novice at free motion quilting but that doesn't stop me loving what I make. I have tried a couple of writing things. They turn out much better than when I try to do stitchery. I struggle with smooth curves though. I love the pillow cases you made. The Berenstain Bears are cute. I hope you don't get too much time for hand sewing. I have been watching the storms on our news. They do look quite bad. Just make sure you stay safe.

  20. Be safe! Your projects are looking wonderful.

  21. Stay safe Sharon...we're keeping a close watch on this storm since our married children and close friends all live in the Northeast!!!

  22. Been watching the progress of Sandy, stay safe Sharon. x

  23. Keep safe. Look forward to hearing that it's all over and you're OK.

  24. Good for you for planning ahead. I'm not looking forward to what is coming either and I hope all in your area stay safe. I'll catch you on the other side.

  25. I was going to email you to see what the weather is saying about your area. Your poor town has had enough, I hope all is well, stay safe and know that we are all thinking of you.

  26. Hunker down, and stay safe. It looks like you are in for a long ride on this one. Praying all goes well for you and your area.

  27. Stay safe, you will be in our prayers!

  28. Hi Sharon, praying for you, your's and everyone else in Sandy's path. I'm down here on Long Island, horrible wind gusts but we're as ready as we can be. They're is always hand sewing, I've got a binding sewed on and ready to go. Be safe, Toni Anne

  29. Hope you and yours keep safe. Good on you for being up to date for the month. I did not laugh at your handwriting on your fmq challenge piece, I know I am enjoying the challenge of these challenges! - and I love those leaves/trees on the piece too!

  30. Dear Sharon, I have been thinking about you for the last couple of days as we are hearing all about this storm up in Ontario. I know your little town was hit badly last year and it is so sad to think about it happening again. I know you live on top of a hill and are safe from flooding but please be careful. Iwill be praying for you and your little town. Stay safe and warm (do you have a fireplace?) Hugs and blessings Sandra

  31. Sharon, first of all know that you're in my prayers for protection and safety!

    Second-- Cat Dog was one of our most favorite cartoons when the kids were young! I can still sing the theme song -- that's how much we...errr... they enjoyed it!! What great memories that brings back! :)

  32. Be safe! Wishing you well through the storm. I once lived in upstate NY along the Susquehanna, and know the flooding dangers well.

  33. I like your pillow cases for the color palette challenge. Fun fabrics! The kids will love them. Hope you weathered through the storm in one piece.
