
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October NewFO

Gosh, another month gone!  And Christmas is getting closer - well, I am thinking more of that great Turkey Dinner first!  Let's see, this month was not one, but two Blog Hops participated in, FMQ Challenge, Color Challenge (pillow cases), Jelly Roll Challenge, doll quilt, pillows,  and three minis with Kunda's quilt along. And the quilt that went to Quilt Market (still no photos).  Oh, a few more things here and there - and sorting and organizing to get ready for next year's NewFO.  YES, next year - if it is gathered, boxed, and labeled - so much easier to find and do.  I didn't do this month's Schnibbles as both patterns were very similar to something I have already done this year - and I really don't need any more quilt tops to add to the pile on 'that chair'.

And thank you to all of you with your cares, concerns, and prayers.  We , luckily, did not get the amount of Sandy predicted for our area.  Although I cannot really celebrate about it as there are so many that are going to be in such dire need - and Sandy is not gone yet - still blowing around, heading north, dumping rain (snow) for the next several days. 

And thinking how lucky we were - my poor daughter's horror when she got this call - yes, SIL is postal delivery person and a tree fell on his truck today (Tuesday) while making rounds.  In knowing half of those lost have been from falling trees - OMG.  Thankfully, he was not hurt! 


If you know of a blogger - keep in touch to see if they are OK.  Anyone need anything - we are all here for them - let us know.  I know of a few not reachable yet possibly due to power outages, so hoping!!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. oh thank goodness your SIL is okay,the truck doesnt look too good though.xx

  2. So glad to hear you weathered the storm and that SIL is fine. You had a very busy month! Hope you have a wonderful Halloween day!

  3. That was a close call. Glad he is ok and that you made it through the storm ok.

  4. Good to see you on- line and that it was not as bad as feared.

  5. ahhh you were lucky in your area then Sharon....there are quite a few I cannot locate and like you mentioned likely because of power

  6. I'm so glad your community wasn't destroyed like it was last year. I was worried. It is difficult to imagine all the damage in the north east caused by this terrible storm.
    Glad your SIL is okay.
    You have had a very busy, productive month, girlfriend.

  7. Geez. Makes me weak in the knees looking at it. Glad he's okay.

  8. So scary for your SIL - glad she's okay!
    It sounds as though you got a lot accomplished this month. Good for you :)

  9. I'm glad you are OK, Sharon! And your SIL too... that's a very scary picture!!! Stay safe!

  10. That tree on the postal truck is really scary. So glad he's safe. I'm dreaming of turkey as well....grin.

  11. Glad your SIL is ok. We got the winds outside of Chicago. You've been a busy girl.

  12. So glad he wasn't in the vehicle. My husband was rear ended in his postal vehicle at a stop light now he is disabled. Glad you weathered the storm.

  13. Again, so happy to hear that Sandy skirted around y'all. Wow -- that picture of the tree on the mailtruck -- yikes! So glad to hear he was okay!! :)

  14. Glad to see that your area is ok from Sandy. . .we lost power Monday night & just got it back last night. No damage to our property but there are a lot of people that were not so fortunate.

    Hope all stays well.
