
Monday, August 13, 2012

Bowls with Borders Blog Hop

I want to thank Madam Samm for the wonderful idea of Regina's Bowls for our next Hop and our gracious hostess Carol for handling so many bloggers who lined up for this.  I share today's highlights with these lovely people, so be sure to visit them :

When I first printed out the pattern I thought of Wasabi Bowls - but they are normally a solid color and I wanted  color.  So I pulled my few scraps of Asian prints and did a lot of fussy cutting.

And I fussy cut a little more, but still not pleased with the results..........  Because .............

they are small and we are suppose to have 10.5" or 12.5" blocks.   Sometimes going small loses the flavor of the pattern.  These are 3" x 6", maybe they will make cute book marks for a cookbook - gift idea!

So I dug some more in those scraps and my favorite piece - the Koi Pond was inspiration.  Also, I had just received my new table topper stand from Michelle of The Raspberry Rabbits and just had to use it.

Yes, still not the size (yeah, can't follow directions), but I wanted to highlight my new three piece topper which holds 6.5" x 9" easily.  A lot of fussy cutting to add to the Koi and to get the look in the design on the bowls.  This makes me much happier.  And they are unfinished blocks because once I am done displaying them on the stand, they just might become a table runner.

I happen to be a fan of Regina Grewe's patterns and she has a BOM right now - Garden Fun - and here are a few of my blocks from that.  You can find several free patterns - ReginaGrewe - and sure you can find something in her gallery that will excite you.  If you never paper pieced before, she has excellent instructions for beginners  and I love how she gives examples for showcasing your block.

As a thank you for stopping by, I tried to find some fabric with bowls on it, but I found this instead:

a panel "High Tea" by Ro Gregg for NorthCott and a half yard of two coordinating fabrics.  No, the furry doesn't go with the ensemble - oh she would be so mad at me!  Just let me know in your comment that you are interested - yes, I ship international - and I will leave the comments open until Sunday, August 19th, midnight (est) with winner announced on the following Monday.  All attempts will be made to contact the winner, so be sure you are not a no-reply or anon .

Thank you for visiting,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Oh Sharon, I just love your bowls. The fabrics are stunning. Small or not they are lovely!

  2. Love your bowls. Thank you for the chance!

  3. So many wonderful bowls. I have one bowl...giggle. You did a fantastic job Sharon as usual.

  4. I LOVE your bowls. I am so glad you went with the Asian theme. It is very fitting. The three piece with the koi is my favorite. It is so sophisticated. I wish I we more eloquent to let you know how truly impressed I am with your work on this project. Outstanding!

  5. A beautiful and sophisticated version of the bowls pattern...great job! Love the garden blocks you made too!

  6. I love the way your bowls and the Koi look with the table stand!

  7. Wow, they look great and very bold! Love them!

  8. Great bowls Sharon! and thanks for the link to Regina - I'm off to check out her site
    Count me in your lovely giveaway please!

  9. Sharon i love th set of 3 japenese mini's boy they look fantastic,well done.xx

  10. Love what you,ve done with the Japanese prints and LOVE that fabric panel -I,m into teacups in a big way at the moment

  11. :) Your bowls remind me of my days in the pottery studio studying under a potter from Japan. I struggled with making rice bowls...I like your bowls much better!!!

    sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

  12. Thanks for sharing the creative process from "bookmarks" to tabletopper hangers which will make an exotic table runner.
    Thanks for telling more about Regina your blocks are fun.
    I have teacup and saucer material which would blend with the blue & yellow floral plus the exquisite Panel - the roses are exuberant would just love it.
    Thank you.
    I am a follower but just in case zuzanzap(at)gmail(dot)com

  13. Lovely bowls, the fabrics are beautiful!

  14. Love your potential new table runner! Great job on creating the bowls - they are so tiny and detailed!!

  15. O i like that final one.. Thiugh you can' t put the koi on the bowl.. The bowls are lovely with that fussy cut border.. Sure it will be a great runner once you put them together with that koi block..nwould love to win the panel..

  16. These bowls remind me of Greek culture and the Olympic games...
    Very well done and thank you for showing your process.
    I would like the cat please.

  17. Wow,Your project is wonderful. Thank you for sharing with us today.
     I love the bom too. Off to check it out.

  18. The Asian inspired bowls are spectacular! It is really lovely!

  19. Beautiful fabric choices. And I totally understand about sewing and not getting it just right. I have to DO first and then decide. But the fun is in the discovery and every one of your bowls quilts are fabulous! Thanks for sharing your work. I love it!

  20. Great choise of fabrics and colors! I like your bowls and what you did with the pattern.

  21. Thank you for sharing your bowls and your PROCESS for coming up with your three panels. Love it. Thanks for the chance to win.

  22. Good Morning created bowls in the orient I see..was it a long flight? Seriously..they are all amazing...I see that tea in the cup, those fussy cut just perfectly match...Yes I see it all and I!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I think they are fabulous and knowing how small those pieces must have been to make the small bowls, I'm filled with admiration.
    Please add me to your list of "hopefuls" and thanks for the giveaway!

  25. Love, love the way your bowls turned out - and the three-way stand is perfect - don't you love Shell's stands? I love the blocks made for the stands, otherwise you end up with an orphan block, which I do not need. Judy C

  26. You had me at oriental! Love the oriental fabrics... anything made with them just has that extra POP!

  27. I love your oriental style bowls, they are wonderful! Thank you for the chance to win such a lovely giveaway. Happy quilting!

  28. As usual, I LOVE all your works. Congratulations on winning honorable mention for the day!!

  29. Love your version of the pattern. Your give away is very pretty. I love anything to do with tea cups.

  30. Love the idea of the bookmarks, they would make lovely ones!!

  31. Wow Sharon!! you are so under estimating your bowls. I just love them. You put so much into this project and they turned out beautiful..really beautiful

  32. An Asian printed fabric, what a great idea and your triptych is beautiful.

  33. Very nice. Hope you visit me on the 25th. Thats the day I deplay mind.

  34. Sharon, I missed your bowls yesterday but I'm glad I saw them today! They're lovely, the fussy-cut time paid off! :o)

  35. How can you make such little bowls?? And pretty bowls they are. Of course I am always up for new fabric, Thanks.

  36. LOVE...the bowls and the way you displayed them with the insparation fabric of Koia...

  37. Sharon, I like your creations especially the final three for your hanger.
    I will pass on the giveaway just because I don't know what I would do with that panel but thanks for having one.

  38. I love the little bowl blocks! Bookmarks would be adorable! AND yes, I'm interested in winning the panel! Thanks for the chance!
    Your projects are all beautiful!

  39. Very elegant bowls... and they look wonderful on the new three piece stand. Beautiful fabrics!

  40. Your bowls and fabrics are awesome and the way you displayed them is fantastic.Great job done!!

  41. I am loving all of the bowls! So pretty. Yeah, I would love to have that panel with the tea cups. Kind of fits my theme. :)

  42. I think your bowls look fabulous. The three piece set looks wonderful in your frame and the koi center is perfect.

  43. Cute bowls and I love your topper arrangement. I am interested in winning the panel. So pretty. I like the kitty too but understand you keeping her. My kitty wouldn't want to go anywhere else either.

  44. Don't slap me across the internet, but did you know that you actually followed the rules because this bowl hop didn't require a certain size block so your bowl creations fit perfectly. I felt that smack! I love your bowls, the fabric and your design. You did a beautiful job on these! I had so much fun hopping with you--thanks for keeping me entertained!

  45. I love Japanese prints. The fish is a really nice piece. I would love to win the tea set fabric.

  46. What a stunning display! No wonder you were one of the chosen! Beautiful fabrics...and I think I need to order a stand like yours.
    Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win.

  47. Sharon, I knew your bowls would be beautiful as I have seen some of your paper piecing before! Love the Asian prints and it looks so neat on your new stand! Thanks for a great giveaway and your kitty looks just like our Bo!

  48. What a lovely set of bowls. I would love to win the panel, but then I am English and I love my teapot.

  49. Sharon I can't believe you would even attempt to make the bowls so small....good going!!! They look great to me.

    The three pieces you made for the table stands....all I can say is WOW....a real treasure you have created. Thanks for sharing.


  50. A lovely trio of panels. Beautiful oriental bowls!

  51. They are absolutely gorgeous! Wow! I was amazed just looking at them.

  52. Lovely Koi displaly and I like your idea of making a table runner. Your giveaway is 'smashing'. It reminds me of my mom because she had a wonderful collection of tea cups and saucers.

  53. love your bowls, esp the three piece topper

  54. Love your bowls! Thanks for the giveaway!

  55. I just LOVE your Asian theme. And the tryptich idea was really a wonderful inspiration. Very cool.

  56. Love your bowls. Thanks for sharing it.
    I'd love to win the giveaway too :) Thanks!

  57. Sharon, I always enjoy visiting your blog. Today was just the tip of the icing. Beautiful prints and those mini stands, I just love it with your sweet mini quilts. Thank you for sharing. Judith, Texas

  58. Hello Sharon,
    What a wonderful collection of bowls that you chose to make. The Asian theme is actually kind of inspiring and look great on the little tri-piece hanger set. Thank you for the chance to win your wonderful "Hige Tea" panel & matching fabrics.

    quercus0824 at yahoo dot

  59. Love the 3 piece stand, what a great idea. Love the panel you are giving. Thanks for the chance to win.

  60. Wow! Your trio of small quilts is amazing. As for the sizes, I think you must have been working with some really tiny pieces of fabric! (No need to include me in the drawing....I cannot possibly take on one more temptation at this point!)

  61. Sharon you are so cute and march to your own drummer and good for you. I love the bowls and how you showcased them. I love all that you do

  62. Hi, Sharon. Just happened upon your very creative blog. I agree with everyone else that your bowls are beautiful in the table topper stand (interesting invention--how useful). Also enjoyed seeing your many quilting projects in previous posts and the antique quilt show.
    best from Tunisia,

  63. RosemaryB here: Your fabric choices are stunning! and your presentation idea is lovely. Well done!

    love your kitty too :-)

  64. I love the Asian prints. They look like rice bowls. I bought my mini quilt holder because I loved seeing you use yours. Now I want the triple holder. The bowls and Koi look wonderful in that display.

  65. Such dainty bowls, how beautiful. Love the pane, thanks for the chance to win it.

  66. very nice bowls
    greetings from Germany

  67. You have several great sets of bowls, with that last pair being beautiful with the design on them. You make me want some Chinese food, lol!

  68. I really like the three blocks grouped together! They are very pretty. Thanks for the chance to win.

  69. your finished grouping is quite lovely.
    The give away looks like an interesting panel I have not seen before.
    Now I am off to read on older posting on your blog.
    in stitches

  70. I can't believe how small they are. Very nice. The grouping is striking.

  71. Such a clever presentation! I love the fabrics! Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway!

  72. Gorgeous bowls. I love the fussycut look, but can't quite make my hands do it, yet.... Thaks for the oportunity on the giveaway

  73. Well, I have to say that I really liked your first set of stacked bowls that you were not happy with. Then I was blown away by your redo! That three piece set is just amazing!!!

  74. Wow! What a great set of blocks! They would make a beautiful table runner or a wall hanging! they look super like they are. Great job! And yes...I'd love to win your giveaway. I like the furry too!

  75. love your three panels! How pretty! I would love to be in your giveaway!

  76. Very nice! I love the Asian flavor! Just darling!

  77. Love the asian flare and how you displayed your lovely creations.

  78. Oh, I love-love-love your fabric. Big or small, these are beautiful bowls. The border fabric is stunning. This will make a great runner.

  79. Your bowls with fussy cut motifs are incredible and like the three stands together! Thanks for sharing your process with us.

  80. I love you bowls! The grouping is great. I love the giveaway you have. The fabrics are great! I am a follower!

  81. Sharon!! Beautiful piece of artwork you've created!! Thank you so much for sharing :)

  82. Stunning, simply stunning. The blocks are wonderful and the stand makes a perfect showcase.

  83. Your bowls are unbelievable like all of your quilting. Thank you for sharing!

  84. I love your Garden blocks they are real interesting. Enjoy all your quilting thanks for sharing.

  85. I love your Asian bowls and I think the grouping looks wonderful on your stand. Thanks for sharing all the projects. Please include me in your giveaway.

  86. I love your bowls! The ones displayed in your quilt holder are just gorgeous with the fussy cut fabric. Thanks for sharing with us and thanks for the wonderful giveaway!!

  87. I love, love, love your topper! The koi is incredible, and the white really shows off your bowls magnificently. Thanks for the chance to win.

  88. Wow, Sharon! I love your bowls and the oriental theme is fantastic. Looks awesome!

    Thanks so much for sharing and being a part of the hop.

  89. I enjoyed seeing your experiments. Sometimes getting the scale to work out if the hardest part. You still ended up with some cute bowls.

  90. Oh Sharon, I looooove your bowls, and the blocks are amazing! So inspiring! Thanks for the generous giveaway...yeah, I'd like it Ü

  91. I realize that most people are making a stack of bowls, but I think that the Raspberry Rabbits fabric single bowls are just so elegant, especially flanking the koi!

  92. Love your bowls. Thanks for the chance to win!

  93. Love what you did with your bowls! I have a stand similar to yours and you've inspired me to do something like yours.

  94. Your little bowls are very cute. I really love you cat, too!
    I have three furries and they must "christen" everything I work on, including hemming pants! LOL Thanks for sharing

  95. I love your blocks. They just feel like the kitchen table. Thanks, and if furry wants to come too, I have two to play with.

  96. I like your Asian-themed bowls and I'm glad that you are doing the BOM that Regina has. The tea cup panel is lovely too but I think the furry gal is a whole lot prettier.

  97. I love how you fussy cut your fabrics and included the koi fish! So pretty! Thanks for a chance at your generous giveaway!

  98. Your bowls may not be the correct size but they are wonderful! I especially like the two bowls with the koi in the middle - so classy!! Your pp blocks are precious. I haven't made any of them yet but have saving each of the patterns for a future time.

  99. SO cute and I love your fabric. This is a really fun one.

  100. Love your Asian print bowls even the tiny ones! Too bad the furry doesn't come with the fabric panel. LOL

  101. Hi, I was looking at the Bowls with Borders and came upon your
    Web site. Your bowls are beautiful.

    A long time ago, I corresponded with a lady whose last name
    was Vrooman, and she was a quilter in Schoharie. I think her
    given name was Arlene. You appear to be about my age,
    so I'm thinking perhaps it was your mother-in-law?
    I just wanted to say "Hello."

    Sallie in Texas, harp4fun@google

  102. Love how your bowls turned out. Great Japanese fabrics.

  103. They might not be the size you wanted but what a stunning piece(s) this turned out to be. Really beautiful! blessings, marlene

  104. Wow! Your bowls are super! How I love the picture of Bella with the prizes...she is a sweetie! Beautiful panel and fabrics!

  105. What a grat set of fabric choices! Very nicely done!@

  106. Oh, I love your oriental bowls!! And the pic of the High Tea runner with the furry-baby "batting" at the flowers is darling!!! Your blocks from the Garden Fun BOM are marvelous. Boy you sure are a versatile quilter!! :)

  107. I love, love, love all your bowls and matching center display piece. Thank you so much for such a great idea. I need to make some of these myself...I certainly have a big enough Asian stash to choose from.

  108. Your bowls are great as a wallhanging or the table topper stand. I love your fabric choices. All your projects are great.
    Cathy R

  109. Sharon, great job, you are always an inspiration. A table runner would be awesome. Thanks for sharing, have a wonderful week!!

  110. I really liked your bowls till I got to the ones on the table stands. Oh MY!!! They are one bowl wonders, stunners! Who needs a stack when you have some FABULOUS fabric and some your strategic fabric placement!!! A BIG WHOOOHOOO!! BRAVO!

  111. Funny to read that you wanted smaller bowls, I was about scaling them to big ones.
    Nice bowls!

  112. Smaller looks good too! This proves that paper piecing is not just for one size, but can be downsized easy enough. Love your bowls! Thanks for sharing.

  113. WoW! Your bowls and your three blocks are just gorgeous! I hope you are able to do something with the first bowls you made. How beautiful your Asian bowls are. Beautiful fabrics. Thanks for sharing them with us. Great job!

    Sorry I'm late, I'm just now catching up with day two. I missed that day but wanted to be sure I was able to see everyone's creations and I'm glad I saw yours!
