Sunday, July 31, 2011
Small , Smaller, Smallest
Have you noticed how things are getting smaller? Packages of cereal - no wonder my son says he is having a box of cereal for breakfast, not a bowl of cereal! Ice cream - two scoops anyone? Print - fine print is now everything. And Quilt patterns - everyone seems to be going for the 1.5" blocks and strips for design. Now that is OK if you are use to handling small pieces, but for a new quilter - oh, just chase them with a stick. Now that being said - I do like to work small........
The largest piece I worked on this weekend. The newest embroidery block for Clover and Violet's stitch and quilt along. I didn't want to stitch the tiny bird, remembered my 'Incompareable Buttons I won - so a cute little red button bird sits on the branch. AND yes a tiny button heart on the house. This is my 'small' project.
My next SQUARED UP project - using a jelly roll strip folded in two, I cut just the salvage - (3) 2.5" squares - (3) 4.5" bricks - and just that smidge of the nasty fold is scrap(I threw it away). The project is using 16 light and 16 dark strips if you want to use from stash.
I layed out a dark brick, light/dark square, and light brick - this is how you will sew your block together. Take care that your light/dark squares are placed in this order at all times. Yes, you will get an odd size block - 4.5" x 6.5" - but there are no rules that say you have to have a 'squared block' to make a quilt. More will follow on Thursday. This is my smaller project.
Yes - these are 1.5" squares. A special gift from someone who knows how I love to play with small bits of fabric. These are going into a special project that I will show when done. Yes, this is smallest - OR IS IT?
OK that bag of scraps that I have been playing out of has bugged me to use it up. This will be an on-going project. There is a dime on one of the blocks and layed them out on one of my cutting matts so you can see how small. Yes 1/2" strips - these are paper pieced - please, not that crazy! I think I will make a black skinny sash as I don't want to try and match all those seams.
I added the new orange button for Stash Manicure for the Wantobe 3 month give away - just click on it each day and it will take you to the new posting. Nuf said. BUT, I see I have hit the 200 follower mark - holy quacamole!! That deserves a HUGE thank you and a give away in itself. YES, right here!! SO.....
I so tried the orange colour thing - just cannot wrap myself around that much orange - sorry orange lovers. This is a Connecting Threads quilt kit using the fabric line - Canning Day. Everything you need is in there. All the fabric, templates, instructions (nicely colored, too) - I only opened it to check all the items there and to photo it. This quilt needs a home. Is your color orange? Just leave a comment and be a follower. I will draw the winner on Saturday, August 6th ** will ship international**
"Little by little does the trick."
Aesop - on 'Things and Little Things'
Sewingly Yours,
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Hands 2 Help Charity Challenge
Who would have thought that two wonderful ladies way back in April would put together such a wonderful challenge. BUT, Judi of Green Fairy Quilts and Sarah of Confessions of a Fabric Addict pulled together 47 active participants and a wonderous 60 quilts were made for donation. Please visit Sarah and see the link ups with those who participated and see all the wonderful quilts that will be traveling to Romania. So many are going to be wrapped in hugs from around the quilting blogland.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Summer Fair with Gen-X
It's time to celebrate the County Fairs of Summer with Gen X Quilters'
Summer Fair: A Quilt and Recipe Show! Be sure to visit here to enjoy all the entries.
This is a pattern from Red Rooster's free pattern web page. Called 'Country Cousins' I thought it was a wonderful representaion of country fairs.
I drew strictly from my scraps and stash. It is hand quilted and tied. My first yo-yo's here, too - for the bird house holes - first applique in the corner heart settings.
This was one of my earlier quilts - today I would do some 3-D with the aprons and some thread painting of the hair. But, my love of buttons shows in this quilt.
Even the chickens would have a little more whimsy if I did this quilt today. But I love them in their simplicity anyway.
And even from the beginning, I loved to piece my backs.
My favorite food at a country fair is the Fried Dough. But I would like to share my recipe for Funnel Cakes that can be made at home.
Funnel Cakes
1 1/4 cup allpurpose flour
2 tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. baking soda
3/4 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 egg
3/4 cup milk
Combine dry ingredients in large bowl. Add eggs and milk. Beat mixture until smooth. Heat 1/4 inch vegetable oil to 375°F in a skillet.
Cover bottom opening of a funnel with your finger. A funnel with at least a 3/8 inch opening works best. Pour 1/4 cup batter into funnel. Hold the funnel over the center of the skillet. Remove finger from funnel end to release the batter into the hot oil. Move funnel in a slow circular motion to form a spiral or other design (option - use a gravy boat to pour batter). Fry two minutes or until golden brown, turning once. Drain on paper towels.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar or cinnamon and sugar. Or serve hot with syrup or fruit.
Or how about some fun Funnel Stix - can control the amount of calories and the kids just love them.
Or, turn them into a fancy dessert for a special dinner or picnic fair.
Thank you for joining me and please go visit the other entries in the Gen-X Summer Fair event.
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Hand To Hand To Hand To .....
**photo removed because it was being used in the wrong context by others - thank you**
The hand has been a symbol through the ages and in many cultures. Some hand 'expressions':
Hand In - Hands Down - Upper Hand - Other Hand - Out of Hand - Hand it to Someone - Lend a Hand - Helping Hand - Bite the Hand that Feeds - Free Hand - Hand Over - Hand over Hand - Hand Up - Hand Out - Hand in Glove - To take a Hand - Throw up your Hands - Wash your Hands of it - One Hand Washes Another
The last few days have been all about 'Hands' for me. Coping with storms (a level 3 tornado on Tuesday had me wringing my hands), a rogue 'cable guy' cutting my lines and then trying to get assistance. Thank you neighbor for lending a hand in reporting someone on our vast property. Needing a hand to get around - no vehicle and STILL nervous about driving myself when loaned a vehicle. A grandchild needing special hands to help with an illness. Caring hands for daughter and SIL to cope with sick child. A helping hand from a cyber friend on dealing with an elderly parent. Extending my own hand in assisting someone in need. And waiting to see what the government is going to leave me in hand should I lose my only income.
Hand2Help is nearing close - see side button
Santa Sack Swap 2 sign ups nearing close - see side button
Wantobe sign ups nearing close - must register with someone with the side button - both new quilters and 'experienced' quilters
I had some helping hands with cleaning my work/living space as I had everything torn apart to 'analyse' my cable problems. See what happens when I clear a spot! And that is a new Square Up tutorial I am working on - a sharing hand.
This was my distraction from all those HAND expressions. I finished my Simple Treasures quilt - Charming Girl's Club last project. Moda's 'Strawberry Fields' charm packs that were given to me by a cyber friend for my birthday, scrap muslin, and Connecting Threads' strawberry print (stars) and Bernatex 'Meadow' print for the back. AND buttons!
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. **Audrey Hepburn
Sewingly Yours,
The hand has been a symbol through the ages and in many cultures. Some hand 'expressions':
Hand In - Hands Down - Upper Hand - Other Hand - Out of Hand - Hand it to Someone - Lend a Hand - Helping Hand - Bite the Hand that Feeds - Free Hand - Hand Over - Hand over Hand - Hand Up - Hand Out - Hand in Glove - To take a Hand - Throw up your Hands - Wash your Hands of it - One Hand Washes Another
The last few days have been all about 'Hands' for me. Coping with storms (a level 3 tornado on Tuesday had me wringing my hands), a rogue 'cable guy' cutting my lines and then trying to get assistance. Thank you neighbor for lending a hand in reporting someone on our vast property. Needing a hand to get around - no vehicle and STILL nervous about driving myself when loaned a vehicle. A grandchild needing special hands to help with an illness. Caring hands for daughter and SIL to cope with sick child. A helping hand from a cyber friend on dealing with an elderly parent. Extending my own hand in assisting someone in need. And waiting to see what the government is going to leave me in hand should I lose my only income.
Hand2Help is nearing close - see side button
Santa Sack Swap 2 sign ups nearing close - see side button
Wantobe sign ups nearing close - must register with someone with the side button - both new quilters and 'experienced' quilters
I had some helping hands with cleaning my work/living space as I had everything torn apart to 'analyse' my cable problems. See what happens when I clear a spot! And that is a new Square Up tutorial I am working on - a sharing hand.
This was my distraction from all those HAND expressions. I finished my Simple Treasures quilt - Charming Girl's Club last project. Moda's 'Strawberry Fields' charm packs that were given to me by a cyber friend for my birthday, scrap muslin, and Connecting Threads' strawberry print (stars) and Bernatex 'Meadow' print for the back. AND buttons!
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. **Audrey Hepburn
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Going to the Fair
A fair or fayre (common British spelling) is a gathering of people to display or trade produce or other goods, to parade or display animals and often to enjoy associated carnival or funfair entertainment. Fairs are also known by many different names around the world, such as agricultural show, fête, county fair, exhibition or state fair, festival, market and show.
It's the 135th year for our County Fair. I remember showing in the 4-H and Youth Deptments as a kid - my own kids did the same while I exhibited in the Domestic, Art, and Vegetables Depts. For a few years I donated my time as the 4-H and Youth Horse Show Judge. I have not been to our County Fair for a number of years - I think it's time. I definitely will look for the Fried Dough first thing!
Being busy with the Crafters Campfire on the weekend, I didn't get to a lot of things. I did get to these pinwheel blocks for the next 6.5" block swap and they will be popped the mail today.
I'm hoping to get my Simple Things quilt finished this week. I did a stitch in the ditch around all blocks and now will large stitch with color in the 'boxed' boxes and first muslin border. Do you like to quilt with color? I have buttons for those box centers, too.
There is still time to get into the new Santa Sack Swap 2 being hosted by Carol . All information is on her site - sign up closes July 30th.
Now I turned this over to my SIL - she went thru the comments, typed a list (so may not be in the order of my blog comment order as some didn't want to be in draw), we checked it twice (both of us) to be sure no one was missing. She made up number slips, numbers in a dixie cup, shake several times. Number pulled is....
Linda I will need you to contact me for mailing information. I actually played with more blocks so there are I think about 200 blocks. Also, in sorting the bag(s) I found a lot of 2" and 2.5" strips that look like some one planned a project and then let it go - that is added to the box. (**Linda contacted and package mailed 7/25**)
There could be more fun in the future, so don't dispair!
Remember this? Well if you want to find out what I did with it, hop over to Stash Manicure because I am guest tutorial today. OOOHHH - there is a give away, too!!
** winner was announced this morning on Stash - goodenpd of
Time for the Fair by Raymond A. Foss
The heat of the air reminds me of the country fair
the candied apple, the hot burnt sausage sub
the smell of wet hay, the warm touch of a cow’s side
the crows of the roosters, the squeal of the pigs,
Men with canes urging the oxen to drag the sled farther,
kids running from ride to ride, teens sneaking off
the races after twilight, the craft booths,
the giant pumpkin, squash, the pies and paintings,
with sash and ribbon pride of the makers for all to see.
Sewingly Yours,
Hello friends and followers, I would love to welcome you to the Wantobe Quilters Campaign over here at Stash Manicure. They are having quilting supplies to giveaway 5 x a week for 12 weeks. Supplies that will have you quilting before you know it...From sewing machines to irons, to die cutters, to mats, to rotary cutters, sewing baskets, scissors, batting, needles, rolled sewing machine bags, patterns, books, magazines -everything
you could imagine to assist you in being a NEW Quilter.
Even if you are already part of this community you can win quilting stuff too...Tuesday and Thursday are days for us.. All you have to do is give me your name and phone number and email sew I can submit this to the organizer, because if you win anything I can win something too.
My email is shavroo53 (at) yahoo (dot)com
All you have to do is be my follower and a follower over at Stash Manicure.
That is all! There are over 49 Sponsors involved. I am excited to be part of this and I am inviting you to join in on the fun!
Sewingly Yours,
*****From Judy's comment - 'My understanding from Samm is that we do not send names in for already quilters. When they comment on a post on Tuesday and Thursday, they sign (their name) and Sharon from Vroomans Quilts sent me - as long as two names are linked - to be eligible, and they do have to follow you and Stash. Just a little more info.' If you sent me anything I will still turn into Stash - forgive me as this is a little confusing to me. Both buttons for WONTOBE take you to the 'Stash' post with information.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Crafters' Campfire
I am so excited to share this campfire with you and to visit each of you with your shared craft and recipe. Linky will be up from 9pm (EST) Friday night until 9 pm Saturday night. And this post will stay open all weekend. I will be updating/editing from this post.
** Remember to visit my camping buddy (you remember the buddy system when camping?) Tonya as she has the coolest fabric to play with.
A s'more (sometimes spelled smore) is a traditional nighttime campfire treat popular in the United States and Canada, consisting of a roasted marshmallow and a layer of chocolate sandwiched between two pieces of graham cracker. While the origin of the dessert is unclear, the first recorded version of the recipe can be found in the publication "Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts" of 1927.
A marshmallow is toasted on a skewer (we use a good old green stick of length) held just above a campfire. The inside of the marshmallow becomes soft and liquid. The warmed marshmallow is quickly removed from the skewer with two graham crackers, one of which has a piece of chocolate on it. Ideally, the heat from the roasted marshmallow partially melts the chocolate. Alternatively, some cook the entire assembled s'more to ensure the chocolate will melt. Warming the graham crackers and chocolate can also aid in melting the chocolate. Peanut butter is sometimes added.
* The true graham cracker is made with graham flour, a combination of fine-ground white flour and coarse-ground wheat bran and germ. In a discussion with Sue at QuiltTimes (she has a great give away at the time, too) in an equivalant to another country - the digestive biscuits are the closest approximation.
** try other crackers or cookies in place of grahams.
Indoors - using a microwave - place one graham cracker half on a microwave safe plate, top with marshmallow, top with chocolate piece. Cook for 5-10 seconds, add top graham cracker and cook for another 5-10 seconds.
Stove - s’more pie - graham cracker crust (pre-made or make own) in pie plate, fill with mini-marshmallows and chocolate chips - bake for 5 - 10 minutes at 350 degrees. Remove from oven - crush a few graham crackers on top - let cool slightly and then enjoy.
Grilled Corn
Peal husk back and remove silks. Pull husk back over ear and soak in cold water for at least an hour. Put on grill or campfire coals for about 20-30 mins. Carefully peal husks (careful of steam or possible live amber stuck). Herb Butter: 2 sticks butter or margerine melted, blend in a 1/4 cup of mixed herbs (basil,chives,tarragon,salt,pepper) - use pastry brush to coat corn.
I no longer camp or travel far - so remembering/sharing a craft I used to help teach knots to Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts when I worked summer camp. Friendship bracelets were always popular - floss, skinny nylon rope, twine, leather, sometimes beads and metal charms added - the boys' learned their knots, had an item to trade during camp, and something to take home to Mom.
God's Eye - great way to add some 'collectioned treasures'. Directions found here as well as many more great camp crafts.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
His name is my name, too!
Whenever I go out
The people always shout
There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
Each repetition of the above should be quieter and quieter, except
"Na-na-na-na-na-na-na" which children enjoy singing loudly.
I had all those lovely strings from sorting the scrap bag and tote, so decided to make some Hexies. Hmm, I seem to have a lot of greens! These are tiny - I will make some flowers to use for embellishments.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Hula Hoop - La
A hula hoop is a toy hoop that is twirled around the waist, limbs or neck. Although the exact origins of hula hoops are unknown, children and adults around the world have played with hoops, twirling, rolling and throwing them throughout history. I've been twirling my 'hoop' with being sure all my monthly projects are on time. Luckily, I can still get the hoop around my waist - so it gives me hope. Sometimes I can keep the momentum going, and then there are times it drops to my ankles - the hoop, not my waist!
I played with some paper piecing. Regina Grewes' BOM and the next butterfly for Claudia's Big Nature Quilt. One of our class ladies gave me a small baggy of scraps - I decided I would challenge myself to use just what was in the bag for these. And Shell's (Raspberry Rabbits) signature black/white dot ribbon I saved worked great for my hat. And, I got to fondle my buttons looking for the right one on the umbrella.
I have my stitchery ready for our Crafters Campfire. Will use the time to add the binding - when I decide what fabric I want to use. I'd really like the green again, but found just enough for this little bit of a border.
I have been very busy with a secret project using this. I just love Lily and Will in the Aqua - so my colors. It's my next tutorial visit over on Stash Manicure scheduled for Monday - July 25th. I double checked all my photos and notes and getting this into draft is today's project.
Just a reminder - Crafters Campfire on July 23 - Saturday. Bring your favorite traveling or camping craft and recipe to share. Tonya and I will both have Mr. Linky available to you - we share some followers, but then we have our own, too. So plan on visiting both sites. For our international folks, I plan on having Linky up Friday evening.
'And I say the sacred hoop of my people was one of the many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father.'
** Black Elk
Sewingly Yours,
I played with some paper piecing. Regina Grewes' BOM and the next butterfly for Claudia's Big Nature Quilt. One of our class ladies gave me a small baggy of scraps - I decided I would challenge myself to use just what was in the bag for these. And Shell's (Raspberry Rabbits) signature black/white dot ribbon I saved worked great for my hat. And, I got to fondle my buttons looking for the right one on the umbrella.
I have my stitchery ready for our Crafters Campfire. Will use the time to add the binding - when I decide what fabric I want to use. I'd really like the green again, but found just enough for this little bit of a border.
I have been very busy with a secret project using this. I just love Lily and Will in the Aqua - so my colors. It's my next tutorial visit over on Stash Manicure scheduled for Monday - July 25th. I double checked all my photos and notes and getting this into draft is today's project.
Just a reminder - Crafters Campfire on July 23 - Saturday. Bring your favorite traveling or camping craft and recipe to share. Tonya and I will both have Mr. Linky available to you - we share some followers, but then we have our own, too. So plan on visiting both sites. For our international folks, I plan on having Linky up Friday evening.
'And I say the sacred hoop of my people was one of the many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father.'
** Black Elk
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Round To It
That old expression - 'When I get round to it'. Well half the year is gone, so getting round to it needs to be replaced with 'get it done'. Where did the time go? It called for urgency to re-organize, re-do lists, and put all those little ducks in a row.
I finished the next block for the 12 of Hearts BOM on Raspberry Rabbits. I need to decide what fabrics I want to use for this and start to building these blocks. I like this FQ and may find something that works with it.
And the next block for Clover and Violet's stitch and quilt along is done. All the base blocks are done on this, so it's just waiting for each stitchery to add.
So many asked about the Cookie Crumbs quilts, that I promised a tutorial, so I am using it for my SQUARED UP section. Also, Linda over at eatsleepquilt has a segment on making fabric with scraps that works well with this.
This is just a small portion of my scraps - I know, just awful! But I like to work this way, just dump and rummage. More fun with this project is if you have some little ones to help. I like to dump onto the middle of the floor and let my grandson pick out the 'goodies' - kids see colors so differently then we do.
First we need some 'skinnies'. I already had seperated some and had them in a bag to keep them from knotting and raveling until use. Colors and fun prints, sections fussied from a section - anything goes. Anyone who likes to control their work probably has the shivers now.
Then we need the 'crumbs'. Probably you don't keep this small, but I don't throw out - obviously! This is where those little eyes and fingers really help - look for those hidden treasures.
Just sew those bits along your strips, take to the ironing board and press out, then snip them apart. Now you have some new 'crumbs' to play with. And as you can see, there are many different shapes which adds to the fun of this.
Just keep adding your crumbs to strips, round and round - no real method - until they are large enough to cut a square from. The size is up to you, but I wouldn't go over 6.5" as you lose the whole fun of the blocks when they get too big. I like to use 3.5" or 4.5" which makes these blocks work up very quickly.
Another method is to use those left over triangles - I have a special container for them. Use just as is, make HST's, or do up some pinwheels. Again keep them small and add some of those skinny strips to add to color and design.
Another type of block - skinnies. Just keep sewing them in rows. Again having a little one pick the colors and patterns adds to the fun of these blocks.
I make the skinnies a little longer/larger than needed and then trim to size - save those extras for your next starter crumbs! You keep the straight, cut on an angle - you can see some were short, so I just added a piece to them - anything goes. Let go of that controll rein!
How about some paper piece blocks to use those small scraps. These were actually pulled from my Orphan box - I have a tendancy to make more than one, have an extra on hand or to use to make up a quick card. But I also print one or two extra, so I have a quick source for a fun project.
Here is the Cookie Crumbs quilt. And since I have a pile of 100 blocks now - yes, that many I played with while making up this tutorial - I need to get rid of them. I have plenty of crumb quilts in the shop, so I am giving these blocks away - with maybe a few other goodies. So if you would like 100 (4.5") crumb blocks to start you on your way to a Cookie Crumbs quilt of your own - just let me know in the comments. I will pull a name on Sunday July 24th.
Hope you are planning to play with us on Saturday, July 23 at the Crafters Campfire. Gather those traveling or camping crafts, a yummy recipe - Mr. Linky will be available so we can all share.
The only way round, is through.
Robert Frost
Sewingly Yours,
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