
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June Pearls

June's birthstone is the pearl, Alexandrite, or moonstone. But I love pearls. I have my Greatgrandmother's (pink), Grandmother's (yellow), Godmother's (tan), and my graduation (white) strands. A pearl ring and pearl earrings. Some adore diamonds, but give me pearls.

I have my base blocks ready for Clover and Violet's stitch and quilt along. I am waiting to add the second border around each block as I feel it will be easier to stitch this size block, press well and then complete the blocks for a cleaner finish.

A way to fill a rather empty blog - larger photos - LOL!! But this has been my project to finish with no distractions. It is the SQUARED UP blocks from Monday. Set on point - it is for the Modern Quilt Challenge - project #3 - Organic Quilting. I used organic woven fabrics, bamboo batting, organic muslin for backing and YLI (organic) verigated thread (greens to yellows to tans). I wanted to represent the Native American way of planting the 'three sisters' - corn, beans, and squash. Organic meant to me the most natural way of producing and nothing more meant that than three sisters. I used my serpentine stitch to represent the trendrils of the plants that help them to grow together and the corn silks that help in the pollination.

It was a learning experience for me. I found I am not fond of the organic wovens as they shred terribly (had to serge edges to help with the raveling), and really do not like the bamboo batting. The muslin was not really that different. I love YLI threads and use the verigated lines a lot in my home machine quilting. Because it says 'organic' do we trust that? I like to buy American made and produced (being American)- which is hard to find in the quilting world.

I'll stick with the reduce, reuse, recycle in my 'organic' quilting - suits my scrappy side.

And a pearl of wisdom (anon)
“I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens, but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls off a string.”

** I Joined in the 2011 Christmas Quiltalong with QuiltSue over at Quilttimes. I quess pulling my Christmas fabrics for the Santa Sack made me do it **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. lovely post Sharon a pleasure to visit.

  2. I really like your organic quilt - I couldn't think of anything - it looks like a winner to me.
    I do like pearls but am more inclined to sparklies

  3. Love the quilts. I was trying to decide what to make next, even thought about buying some fabric, but then decided I needed to use up some of this fabric I have. So, back to my original retirement plan to make everything scrappy.

  4. Love the blocks for the stitch and quilt. Can't wait to see your lovely stitching on them. The three sisters quilt is bright and beautiful. We do the three sisters in the garden all the time. The squirrels always eat the corn, but they don't care for the green beans and squash. Two out of three isn't bad!!

  5. Your pearl of wisdom is perfect!! And your quilts devine! Love your blog girlie!

  6. Pearls are beautiful. I especially like black pearls. I have a string of white that all have just a touch of pink to them. My DH gave them to me for our first anniversary.
    Your blocks look great! Now I have to go check out that SAL.
    Love your quilt and what it represents. Beautiful work. What didn't you like about the bamboo batting - just curious.
    Wonderful post today - enjoyed every bit of it :)

  7. How wonderful that you have those pearls passed down from those wonderful women in your history!
    ...the words of wisdom at the end of your post...are wonderful too!


  8. Your Pearls of wisdom was right on. I guess I am beginning to question organic more and have never understood why leaving pesticides OFF of vegetables, calling them organic, then paying more for it. Wonder it this is also in the quilting world - we do not need more expensive for sure. Love your quilts. Judy C

  9. Sharon - I love your organic quilt and the Native American theme is really neat!! Perfect combination!! And your pearl of wisdom is a wonderful reminder for each of us to just enjoy each day as it comes!!! Kris

  10. Your organic quilt is nice. I am glad that you did the small review about the bamboo batting. I wondered what it is like. Also, I have been planning to ask you for a couple of days, what thread do you use for applique. I was wondering if one could use DMC for that? Everyone else seems to use YLI...and here you have used it as well. hmmmm What to do?

  11. I love pearls too.
    What didn't you like about the bamboo batting?

  12. I love the blocks for the stitch and quilt along. What great frames for so many things.
    I also love the saying at the end of your post. So true.
    I always use large pictures on my blog because my mother has macular degeneration and I want her to be able to read my blog easily!!!

  13. Your blocks are looking great! I love the colors you've picked out and am looking forward to seeing your embroidery!

  14. I'm surprised you didn't like the bamboo batting - I've like the ones I bought at Hancocks that are fusible. I like the Clover and Violet blocks you've made. I searched and searched that site for the embroidery only to finally come to the conclusion they hadn't posted that yet. :) blessings, marlene

  15. I love pearls. So elegant. That is amazing that you have so many sets of pearls with such history. Those blocks are cute. I have been throwing around the idea of doing that quilt along. I wanted to wait and see what the sticheries were like. Was all the organic stuff cost more?

  16. I am behind on blogs again. Just want to say, I think pearls are just elegant. When I see them - I always think of Jackie Kennedy.

    Bamboo batting is not a good thing in my opinion. And organic thing is off the mark again.

    I so enjoy reading your blog. Sharon you inspire so many!!

  17. Oh. Love Pearls, too : )
    Nice snow ball blocks. They'll make a colorful, fun quilt. I'm partial to scrappy.
    I enjoy visiting your blog and seeing your lovelies, Sharon.

  18. Pretty pattern. Whoop whoop!

  19. What a fun post...that is so special to have things passed down to you from the family. I love your blocks for the embroidery the best of your pictures today, tho your three sisters is nice, too. Hope you have a pleasant weekend!
    Jacque in SC

  20. Love those base blocks,are they representing pearls. Those pearls are simply gorgeous:)

  21. I have never worked with organic fabrics before. Your blocks and quilt look great. I can't wait to see your finished project!

  22. Thanks for the info about the organic fabrics - I'm probably too cheap to pay for them, but I'd hate to find out they were difficult to use even more!

  23. Those blocks are wonderful and so is your pearl of wisdom. :)
    xx, shell

  24. I enjoy your posts. I will have to check out the stitch and quilt along. Sounds interesting.
