
Sunday, June 5, 2011

June Bug Jitters

Does June give you the jitters? Half the year gone already. Are half of my goals for the year met? Will I manage the second half as well - or hopefully better? I see blogs talking of Halloween and Christmas projects already. We have yet to have a Spring here in the Northeast! I'm looking forward to my roses (dratted aphids), not think of Mums and Poinsetties.


These are some of the 6 1/2" butterfly blocks for Claudia's Quilts - Big Quilt of Nature. I have the flowers, trees, and leaves from other years. An ongoing project - just enjoying the process.

OK - I'll admit it. I started some Christmas gifts. These are the easiest little wallets (still need their snaps). They are Valorie Wells' "Little Wallet" pattern. Think it took me longer to pick out fabrics then to make them. And I will make my simple zipper wristlets with matching key chain fobs - nice little gift sets.

I got this great Fat Quarter sampler bundle from Connecting Threads. I need to decide on 9 of them for Clover and Violet's stitch and quilt along project. I'm sure there will be other fun projects thru the year to use up the others.


I'm using my next Modern Quilt Challenge for the new Squared UP. Simple 4 1/2" squares to make 4-patch units. This is an organic woven and I am trying to work with out pinning too much as the fabric is 'sensitive'.

First a 1 1/2" x 8 1/2" strip to the right. Then a 1 1/2" x 9 1/2" strip to the left.

Then a 1 1/2" x 9 1/2" strip to the right - then a 1 1/2" x 10 1/2" strip to the left. Make a drawing and play with your color pencils. These blocks have a lot of versatility with color and layout.


I finished the little lighthouse cross stitch and fabric framed. My little zipper purse swap mate sent me that lovely multi-color fabric and it worked perfectly with this. I finished the 'Thistles' cross stitch, too, BUT.... I have a tutorial today on my fabric framing over at Stash Manicure and that little piece is my subject. Oh, and I think there is a give away with the tutorial.

This is one of my mural pieces done in 2007 for a show - "Cranes for Japan". It is 3' x 4', hand quilted with silk thread. And metallic, silk and beading thru the swans. One swan has the sea life of Japan and the other has Kimono prints.

Doing the June Bug Jitter:
As snug as a bug in a rug.
Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them.
Some days you're the bug, some days you're the windshield.
When birds burp, it must taste like bugs.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. jitters that the year is passing by too fast? Yep-sir-eee...and then I life is passing by toooooo fast!

    I gotsta start thinking of Halloween and Christmas...if, I'm doing quilts with these themes...otherwise, I never get 'em made for this year... =)


  2. what beautiful work you do Sharon,well done

  3. It scares me how quickly the time goes these days. I really will have to start thinking about Christmas but whether I will get something finished for this Christmas or next is another story!!!

  4. Eeek you've mentioned the c - word!! now I'm going into panic mode! no wait - it's only June!!!

  5. Thanks so much for your fabric framing tutorial over at Stash Manicure! What a great way to frame my needlework!

  6. Such a fun June post! All lovelies :)
    You still amaze me with all the beautiful projects you have going...
    Very nice quilted cross stitch wall hangings on this post and most excellent guest post on Stash Manicure today. So proud to see my friend guest post again.
    BTW Your cranes are most lovely.

  7. The Cranes for Japan quilt is lovely. Great choice of fabrics.
    I for one will be glad when June is over, there's so much going on here with my daughter and husband.
    Great info in your post on Stash Manicure.

  8. Oh my! So many wonderful creations being made this month!! Loved your tutorial over at Stash Manicure. Your Cranes for Japan is an amazing piece!

  9. Saw you over at Stash Manicure and thought your tutorial was great.

  10. Love the fat quarters. all of them are keepers..
    Also all your finishes are delightful!!
    You are such an inspiring person..

  11. What a GREAT way to uses up some of those blocks - FRAME them! Great tut over at Stash Man...! Thanks!!!

  12. I don't want to think about that the year is half over, but it is! I love summer sewing but I do not think about Christmas gifts til September. Maybe I should start now! I lov e you butterflies and the wallets!

  13. Your butterflies and wallets are beautiful and fun...but I am really liking those four patch blocks with the extra strips on them. Lots of possibilities there....
    Jacque in SC

  14. As a pattern designer, I have a hard time keeping up with the seasons! Sometimes I'm not sure which one is coming up next!

  15. Thanks Sharon for sharing your tutorial on framing over at Sew We Quilt! What a great idea!

  16. just came over from Sew We Quilt. Thanks for the tutorial. Great idea stitching end to end for quilt as you go.
    Your work is terrific. Selina

  17. Your light house cross stitch is so nice. I loved your tutorial over at Sew We Quilt. I could not leave a post but it was great.

  18. OOOh! I especially love the lighthouse cross stitch. And you're correct-the fabric is PerFeCt ! :)

  19. Beautiful projects! Those little wallets are a great idea, I should check out that pattern!

  20. YES! June does give me jitters. That's why I grabbed a sandwich and started quilting this weekend. I have too many unquilted tops lying around.

  21. LOL, that little poem at the end was fun! I saw you over at the stash but didn't comment as I don't really want to be entered into the giveaway.

    Your framed cross stitch is a great idea. I was thinking about you today as I was doing some stitching. I was having thread issues and I was thinking of all my pretty DMC that I used to have and it made me think of you! :)

  22. Cute wallets. I like the fabrics you picked out for each one.
