
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

White Rabbit Hop


I would like to thank CAROL for hosting this month's HOP.  First hop of the year and so appropriate that it is rabbits and white.  We have been very 'white' for many days here in the Nor'East - snow, cold, winds, and ice. Hey, that's our kind of weather for January here.  SO..... let's hop right to it!

The Challenge was either rabbit, white rabbit, or white quilt - be creative.

I actually have a white rabbit.  Well, she isn't quite so white these days.  She has to be at least 50 yrs. old (0h, shouldn't give a gal's age away).  Many, many years ago I made rabbits, folk dolls, and primative kitties and bears.  I've held on to this gal all this time.  I think I should give her a real good bath and spuce up.  The velvet dress and lace have faired well, but maybe she deserves something new.

But the white quilt is going to be an honor to my Mamma who at 95, it may  be her last quilt.

My Mom's love is hand applique' and this is the book/pattern she used.

This is the full quilt.  Now my Mom pulled this old wicker case out with the book, all the fabrics and the center design done.  How long ago did she start it?   Now she had a major stroke 5 yrs. ago, so knew she could not do all the applique' still to go, but wanted to finish this.  

Now our sewing gals made a number of suggestions - mainly to just add 2 or 3 borders and be done.  BUT that would make it square - not my Mom.  AND it would make it smaller - not my Mom.

This quilt is so big I couldn't get it in a space to hang or get full shot.  She did make the applique' header, but knew she couldn't do justice to the rest.

Now my Mom has always hand quilted, but I am amazed she even finished the applique' with one hand.  One of our guild member's quilted this for her (has the super size frame) and I hope you can see the quilting as she did a beautiful job on this monster.  Thank you Betsy for coming and sitting with Mom, discussing this quilt and how you planned to work on it to make her happy - such care is greatly appreciated.


Of course, the back had to be white even though I got a pretty pink on white voile for it.  Again - not my Mom!  And yes, she always labels!

So folks, don't give up - keep stitchin'!

Be sure to visit my Bunny Buds today:

Domestic Felicity
Pattern Princess
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Highroad Quilter
Kathy's Kwilts and More

Sewingly Yours,


Sunday, January 21, 2024

A White January


We didn't get a White Christmas, but we have had a very White January so far.  Every weekend has been a storm - you dig out and then face another. An overnight system has left me with some shoveling to do this morning.

So why not a White Hop to start the year off???  I'm Ready!!

                                                              JANUARY 22

Just Let Me Quilt
Quilt Schmilt
Sew Many Yarns
Days Filled With Joy
Quilting Gail
Ms P Designs USA
Words & Stitches
Lake Girl Quilts
Homespun Hannah's Blog
Selina Quilts
Karrin’s Crazy World
Quilted Delights
The Life of Grammy
Quilting Between The Rails (Facebook Page)
Quilted Snail
Vroomans Quilts
Domestic Felicity
Pattern Princess
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Highroad Quilter
Kathy's Kwilts and More

Some snow humor - You probably  heard of the "lake Effect Snow Band"on the weather reports, but don't understand.  Someone in Buffalo - that gets hit by a lot of snow from the Lake Effect - wanted to clarify.

Sewingly Your,

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

New Year-New Plans


After a rough year, I need a year of easy and fun.  I do have a big show in April to prepare for with our Guild being one of the 6 host Guilds.  So happy to see this show finally happen as it has been on hold since Covid lock downs.  Then the Hall of Fame Show in October.  I'm on the committee for the raffle quilt and am the one who schedules where it is taken for ticket sales over the months up to the show.  So some travel time!  

So I'm keeping to working on just miniatures this year - oh boy do I have the scraps for that!  I will be back on the Blog Hop bus again and see minis and whimsy for the year.

I don't mind people bringjng my Momma food, as long as it is within her dietary, allergy free realm.  BUT to bring a whole chicken, large ham, turkey, large caseroles, etc...... for a lone, elderly person - well !!! 

So yes, I have been cooking and meal prepping.  Having one large sit down meal and then turning left overs into proportioned meals she can pull out and reheat.  I much prefer to use the crockpot when I can and boy it has made a lot of soups and stews.  I don't recipe anything - dump and cook is the game.  You just can't go wrong in a crockpot.  I've even done dump cakes and breads in this baby.  

Everyone is hyped again about the 'big storm of the year' this weekend - from Florida up into Maine.  I think we will just get rain.  Hey, we are the Nor'East and get storms - you get what you get and you can't do much about it but be prepared.  We have food for sure!

Sewingly Yours,
