
Thursday, July 13, 2023

A Rocky July


I should say "a very wet July" as it has rained almost every day.  I'm sure some of you saw the damage in NYC (why do they never mentioned other parts of NY?) and then parts of Vermont that were hit hard.  It was scary and we had one storm line drop 3 inches of rain in an hour - just a wall of water!

We had a Quilter's Hall of Fame picnic meeting planned for that Monday and of course scrambled to cancel and reach everyone with info.  Now we've scrambled for a reschedule.

Bracing for tonight as we are in a severe storm watch with potential tornado warning.  Yeah!

 Prior to the major storm, I took Momma out with me for some fabric hunting (for commission work) and found a couple of 'had to have' pieces.  I'm not a fan of 'holiday' print fabric, but this steampunk panel just had to come home.  AND yes, I am going to have to do a little fancy steam pressing to get this straightened out.

And this sewing is for the birds panel.  Love the colors and you have to really look this over to spot all the sewing items.  Clever!

Hoping not to be blown down the road,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. It hasn't rained every day, but probably every 2 or 3 days here. That's pretty unusual for July. This year it's just made the heat index worse due to the high humidity the storms leave behind. Love those two panels, looking forward to seeing those in a final project. Stay dry and cool!

  2. I hope the storm passes by without too much damage. It is raining heavily here and it is going to be like that for the coming week too. It is always the same as our children break up for the summer holidays in the UK the weather seems to change and we get this wet weather. We have had some lovely warm days during June which was so nice but now it is more typical of our British summers. I love the panels they are really cute and such great colours. Stay safe. Hugs, Susie x

  3. Good grief. I did think of you and Pat Dudek down the road from you, and wondered how you were doing. We heard a lot about Vermont, but not much about upstate New York. Hope the weather improves. Love your panels.

  4. I wondered if you were in the stormy area. I did read about the Hudson Valley flooding and there was severe flooding in part of Canandaigua which is about 25 miles east of me. Meanwhile, we didn't get a drop. Hope the wild winds weren't too bad. We're forecast for storms Sat. overnight.

  5. Sounds pretty bad for a lot of folks, hope you stay safe.
