
Friday, May 5, 2023

Fell Into May


May snuck up on me and then kept going!.  May Day was a walk back into winter for us here in the Nor'East - windy, cold, snow, sleet, hail, rain.  Mother Nature threw it all at us that day.

I've been busy doing some business here on the farm with clearing out old farm machinery, tractors, and what nots stored in the 8 barns on the place.  And it will continue once things dry out a bit.

I am working on a commission piece using part of this "Loon Lake" Northcott panel.  What a time I had finding it as it is a much older print.  BUT if you are looking for past dated panels and fabrics = a treasure!  Hingley Road Quilt Shop, Mn has it all and very good service.

 Amd secret sewing for the new HOP.  I need to take a day to get the binding on that one.

With Mother's Day around the corner, I wanted to share my Momma (with walker).  At 95 she is still quilting.  When she had her stroke a few years ago, she cleared her fabric stash not thinking she would be able to sew again.  Yeah, still got her going and was great therapy for her.  She had asked the local guild members to collect/send her brown scraps and this is the quilt she made.  Got her to our last month's meeting to show it off and thank those who contributed. 

Back to my Loons,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Your Mum, how wonderful she is to be quilting, and her quilt is a beauty. Weather, our daughter further North said it has rained every day for over a week, and more to come, Here, we had some drizzle, today the load of firewood sitting on concrete and covered will get put into the shed, friend and her grandies do that job so well. Brown fabric, I would struggle to find much at all in my stash.

  2. Well, I don't envy you all that cleaning out of stuff, having just done that last summer. It'll feel good when it's all done. Good for your mom. She's like the Energizer Bunnie...going, and going, and going.

  3. I thought decluttering the house was bad enough, I can't imagine having to declutter a farm! So glad your mother is back to stitching, her finished quilt looks great. Good luck on your in progress projects. Hopefully you get some nice spring weather soon.

  4. Yay for your Mom! What a beautiful quilt. I'm so happy she was able to get back to quilting.

  5. Thank you for the heads-up on loon panels, something I have been looking for for years. I had purchased several yards of fabric years ago intending to get the panel "later". Again, thank you for referral to Hingeley. Sharon

  6. Well done by your Mum, she is amazing!
