
Friday, April 14, 2023



I just realized I haven't posted in a very long time - how does time slip away?  I have done very little sewing other than get some of my patchwork stars done.  The plan is for 30 blocks - ha,ha,aha!  I will keep plugging along even if only to grab 15 minutes here and there.

There has been some secret sewing for the up coming HOP.  Maybe that's why I haven't posted - always afraid of giving away something.

My Daffs came out really early and actually right now are looking rather 'gone' since this photo.  We jumped from frigid and deep snow right into sunshine and super warm weather.

And of course when these start appearing all thru the lawn, it's time to start the mowing season.  Dandies remind me of my great grand mother - for salads, for medicines, for remedies, for wine, for jelly.  Oh, you couldn't mow her lawn until she got the 'crop' she needed.

Sewingly Yours,



  1. The stars are looking good and I'm looking forward to seeing your secret sewing. Mmmm dandelion wine, I haven't had any for ages. Maybe this year I'll make some.

  2. Ahhh…the lowly dandelion. I took a photo of dandelions today too.

  3. Your stars are looking good. We've not seen the dandies in our yard just yet. But I'm sure they are coming. We just finally got a bit of a warm spell.
