
Tuesday, November 22, 2022



The snow did come, but thankfully this is what we got from the 'lake effect' storm.  Oh, poor Buffalo and upper NY - six feet of snow!  I can't imagine removing all that snow.  The emergency numbers went up on my fridge - in case I ever need them this winter as this was a sign. 

This is the pattern that I am using up those scrap lites in that large bag.  I saw it on someone's Pinterest board , but didn't catch the source.  It was something that caught my eye when looking for my guild's color challenge project.  I'll keep the stars with the 'warm' colors' and the cross roads for the 'cool' colors.

Have you seen the SPARROWS quilt by Pen and Paper Patterns?  It's been all over the medias for some time and I just think it's stinkin' cute.  Yeah, I bought the pattern.  It will certainly be on the list of winter projects.  They remind me of the little Black Cap Chicadees that are our winter clowns.

I got Momma out for probably the last time for the season.  She hates the cold and the least bit of snow/ice, she is terrified of falling.  There will be just the two of us for Thanksgiving and I am doing crock pot stuffing/chicken, sweet potato, cranberry sauce with blueberry pie topped with vanilla icecream.   

Sewingly Yours,



  1. The Sparrows are adorable. The other new project looks like it will be lovely too. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Love that photo with the kitty looking over the quilt, so cute. The sparrows quilt pattern is adorable.

  3. I'm with your mom - I've already had enough winter and am ready for spring. (Yeah, I know it's only November. *sigh*...)
    Both those quilts look like fun projects - enjoy!
    And enjoy that quiet Thanksgiving, too!

  4. A very tasty meal, enjoy the last trip with your Mum, and hope she doesn't get too much cabin fever,,a look out of a different window each day maybe. Love the upcoming quilt.So thankful you escaped the 6 feet of snow, I truly cannot imagine that much.

  5. We got 6" of snow from the big storm, which is unusual since lake effect snow from Lake Erie doesn't reach us often (we're 70 miles east and slightly north of Orchard park where the heaviest snow fell). The little birds are adorable. One day on my way home there were literally hundreds of sparrows in the middle of the road. Not sure what they were finding to eat there, but it was interesting to see so many of them in one place.

  6. I'm pretty sure that quilt pattern you are using for your light scraps is called "Endless Summer", maybe by V. Christensen? I've made it and it drove me nuts making those two blocks over and over, but it is a beautiful quilt! I just get bored easily - LOL!
