
Monday, November 7, 2022

Dog Days


I'm a dirty dog again for not getting back to a posting schedule.  BUT, my nose was to the grindstone to make sure all commissions got done and out the door - and they are!

I wish our wonderful colors had lasted longer, but there is a calm in watching the trees and other plant life go into their next phase of the cycle of life.  I just love this apple tree - a gift to my Dad after the loss of our big orchard (tornado).  It was suppose to be a miniature - HA!

We are in a very mild weather pattern (70's) right now, so enjoying the outdoors for as long as it lasts.  One last mowing of the season got done and now the lawn can slumber.

 We don't get any trick/treaters up our long dark lane, but one of our sewing gals made us pumpkins - I got a MOE-kin.  How cute is this?!!

I've been cleaning up all work spaces so I can get to some ME sewing for the next couple of months.  No more commissions until the new year, and I think I am already booked for the year.

 The last quilt out the door and just a peep as it has some personalized stuff on it that I don't want across the internet.  

I got organized for my FUN project after all that serious stitching.  Fabrics pulled, cut, and tabbed.

This is 'Dogs in Sweaters' by Elizabeth Hartman, a pattern I've had for some time.  Maybe this will keep my 'dog days' a little more fun.  I plan to use this for our Guild's Color Challenge, using the color pulled each month for a color sweater.

I'm packing up for our next guild meeting program - working with grey scale to select color hue and monochromatic quilts.  I look forward to our Show & Tell's as our quilters are so diverse - and lots to show - like going to a quilt show each month.  AND shocking that we have on the agenda to plan for the Christmas Party meeting - wow!!

Keep in Stitches,

Sewinginly Yours,



  1. Hello, stranger. Glad to hear you are doing okay. Our weather has been amazing as well, although it sounds like cold and possible snow are headed our way next week. Hope Natalie stays from enough off shore that you don't get inundated with rain later this week.

  2. In the space of a few days, all the remaining leaves have blown off our trees and are now bare, we can see the neighbors houses! Enjoy your 'me' stitching! It's so nice to be able to get together with other quilters again, happy stitching!

  3. Love the Weenie dogs. We used to get about 10 Treat or Treaters. Now that we are back in the city, it's unbelievable the amount of kids. Ran out of candy. We had 3 giant bags totally over a 1,000 pieces.

  4. Autumn always seems to go so fast. Enjoy your "me time" stitching. I really like the doggy quilt, that's going to be a lot of fun.
