
Monday, July 4, 2022


 If you get any e-mail from me (not from y a h o o ), do not open and PLEASE do not send money.

A harvesting hack from facebook market (and I don't use)


  1. Ooooh Sharon. I am so glad you posted this. In the email that I received , it asked if I used Amazon. Since there has been talk about Amazon on TV, I thought you might know about something going on. I don't use it but my grandson does. The next email I received supposedly from you really shocked me.They wanted me to get a gift card and send to your friend for her birthday because something was wrong with your bank account and it would be a few days before it was straightened out. This kinda made me mad since I don't actually know you. So I deleted the email. I have been sick ever since May 20th with a bad Bacterial Infection. With all the extra expenses, I didn't have any money to send anyway and I was thinking you were very rude to even suggest it after I told you. I am so glad to hear this is NOT YOU! I hope there is a way you can straighten it out.

  2. Yeah, I got one of those from "you" also - but I was suspicious when I noticed the email was wrong. And it REALLY didn't make any sense for "you" to be asking me for money when you have family and friends who would help if you really needed it, rather than asking someone you know casually from the internet.

  3. Yeah, I saw the email but I suspected it wasn't you. Luckily, I was so busy during the weekend that I just saw it this morning.

  4. I also got the email but knew right away it couldn't possibly from you. I don't know you but you didn't seem like the type of person to ask strangers for money!

  5. Add me to the list of people who got an email from "you" and thought, "That can't be right" and deleted it.

    The one I got asked if I ordered things from Amazon. I didn't get any requests for money, perhaps because I just deleted the first message.

    You really have to keep your wits about you on the internet these days!

  6. I got one but was very suspicious as you didn't say hello Christine as you normally would. Just deleted it straight away.
