
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Here We Go Again


February wants to go out reminding us that it is still winter.  We went from storm to nice to storm to nice back to storms again.  Stay safe coast to coast people.

The H2H is being temporary run this year by Mari At the Academic Quilter.  If you don't follow her blog, please sign up for her newsletter or put into your feed.  We appreciate her taking on this huge task and want to make it another successful year of giving.  You can find the post on dates, sign ups, specials, give aways, etc.. HERE .

And the next hop is coming up.  Love these hops as they offer such inspiration.

Stay Safe and Keep Stitching,

Sewingly Yours,



  1. I agree 100% - Stay Safe and Warm. Spring will hopefully arrive very soon.

  2. well, we saw green grass for a day or two and signs of the bulbs poking up through the soil. Spring will come despite all the turmoil in the world.
