
Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Winter Solstice


As the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing the shortest day of the year, the Southern Hemisphere is enjoying the longest.  We haven't had much snow and what little we wake up to is gone shortly.  BUT it is cold!

I've not worked on much of my own pieces, but helping Mom to clean up a few of her 'hidden' treasures.   This Christmas panel with pieced and applique'd  borders was quilted by one of her former students and now I am finishing up the binding.

And a little humor,

Sewingly Yours,




  1. SEW sweet of you to finish up one of your mother's UFOs for her, Sharon!! I'm sure she appreciates the assistance.

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your Mom and the rest of the family. I know there will be some saddest, too, hopefully fond memories of holidays with your brother will lighten your days.

  3. Your mom must be so happy to have that beautiful quilt finished. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  4. Yes it's definitely cold and I expect the snow will be arriving before we know it. Merry Christmas.
