
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Scrappy Wednesday


I was lucky to find this Debbie Mumm book among items from a quilter's estate.  I've done a few of these when Deb had her blog - love her style.  Now I have a whole book full of her treasures.

Gonna' pull my homespun scraps and make some fun cows!  While those homespuns are out, I haven't worked on the Hobo Quilt blocks in a while - maybe a few of them will join the party.

We are getting the storm that swept thru the West Coast and stuck in the house for the next few days as roads and bridges are closing due to flooding.  We are well stocked and good for days, but the fur kids are having trouble adjusting to being in each other's space - and mine - so can relate to this one.

Stay safe and warm,

Sewingly YOurs,



  1. I like Debbie Mumm, too, and I have several of her books. Have fun, and stay safe!

  2. Love those cows! That's going to be fun!

  3. I also like Debbie Mumm. I hope the storm doesn't cause you any problems with flooding, etc. Stay safe and quilt!

  4. Have fun with those Debbie Mumm patterns while you are stuck inside, Sharon!

  5. I like Debby Mumm also. I have that book as well as a few other ones
    I hope you don't have major issues with the storms. But, at last you can have fun in your sewing room.

  6. I have that same book. Homespun cows...hmmm sounds like a winner. Stay safe. We had floods fire and power outages. Crazy but glad it wasn't snow

  7. Hope the weather isn't too bad for you and you are able to enjoy some sewing. The cartoon is hilarious!

  8. Looks like a great book, have fun. Hope you stay safe.
