
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Scrappy Wednesday


Simple scrappy 9-patches set with various low volumn squares worked up quickly.  It just waited for enough fabric for a border, back, and binding (all the same) .  I picked that up at a recent estate sale and now this lovely is finished.

It's been rainy and cold, so photos had to be taken inside - especially with a very white quilt.  This is the pattern  DOGGO by Lorna @ Sew Fresh Quilts and was offered to those participating in the Hands2Help 2021.  This worked up so fast that it could easily be a day project, but I did the cutting and piecing one day and quilting/binding the next day.  That worked in my schedule of Mom's care and house needs.

The purple has sat on my shelf for a long time and I don't remember where it came from - time to use it up.  There was just enough for the heart around the eye and the back.  I think I had a small strip that was cut down into my barrel system.  The binding was pulled from the 'left over' binding drawer - just enough (sweating).

I'd like to make another Dog quilt with a tan backgroud and blue (or maybe green) accents.  If you are looking for a quick baby quilt - this is it.

I need to take a day to update the blog and side bar - so many new things going on that I am missing - but I like to share.  At least with the cold (and rainy) weather, I am in the mood to quilt some long waiting tops.  My piecing is only getting done on Monday from 1-3 when one of our sewing groups comes in, but a little is better than none.

Keep stitching and stay safe,

Sewingly Yours,



  1. I've been busy recently so I've missed reading your blog. It was lovely to go back and see the quilts you have finished or you are working on. I love the dog quilt in particular but your scrappy quilts are my favourites.

  2. You have made two beautiful quilts Sharon. Love the dog.

  3. The scrappy nine patch is definitely my style, but the DOGGO quilt makes me smile. Lorna has a great variety to choose from. My H2H choice was P is for Pond

  4. Simple Scrappy 9-Patches and Doggo both turned out SEW cute, Sharon!! Happy that you found a bit of sewing time.

  5. Oh my gosh, I love Doggo in the purple and cute! I'm glad you find some sewing time with all you have going on. It's good to take a little time for yourself to do the things you love. xo

  6. Take time for you. It's easy to forget when caring for the dog quilt. Cutecute
