
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Monday Making


Storm Henri didn't make as big an impact as expected in our area (thankfully), but it made me play with the scraps left on the table from the Court House Steps quilt.  I could easily have put them away or discard some of them - NO not even those 1" x 1.5" bits.

I have one star block to make and then I am caught up on the President's Guild Challenge blocks.

Those little bits worked into a different kind of Bento Box block.  I dug thru the totes to use up a piece just big enough for the back.  I'm thinking a black binding to frame those popping reds.

This one with it's backing - that aqua will be the binding to use it up.

So I have a star block to make and two small pieces to quilt and bind - and the table is cleared off.  Then I need to seriously start pulling quilts/backs to either quilt myself or send out to be done (or both)- that pile is just too BIG.

Prayers for all in Henri's path,

Sewingly Yours,


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Orange You Glad Hop


I'd like to thank CARLA for hosting this fun HOP.  I don't use a lot of orange nor have a lot of orange in my stash so this was a push for thinking outside the box.  I like those kinds of pushes. 

With Christmas Season fast approaching, I went to my 'go to' patterns for a little fun.  This crayon roll up pattern can be found HERE and are great to use up scraps.  Pair them with a coloring book or activity book and you have a nice little gift with hours of fun.

Another scrap eater and quick project is the 'wristlet' pattern found 
HERE.  I usually put on the clip off wrist strap - to double as key chain, but I couldn't find my hardware so made an attached strap.

Don't fear zippers, they aren't that hard and this tutorial has great visual for the process.  Fill you little purse with some personal touch items and you have another quick gift.

Please be sure to visit all the participants:

                                              Monday, August 16th

Tuesday, August 17th

Wednesday, August 18th

Thursday, August 19th

Sewingly Yours,

Monday, August 16, 2021

Monday Making


All the blue blocks are finished and today will be about getting this one laid out and the rows sewn - maybe even a whole quilt top by day's end!  I don't do big blocks or big quilts, so I think this has to go on my year's goal list of NEW .

Another hot day, but our nights have been cool making for better sleep.  I think I will take some time to pick the apple drops and maybe run up the road to a friend's farm to give the goats and donkeys a treat.

Have a safe day,

Sewingly Yours,


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Whooping Friday


I can't believe  I am still sticking to this, especially since they are 18" blocks.  The greens are all done now.

And the purples are almost finished.  That will leave me with the blues and this will be ready for a layout and then sew together.  By having everything prepped and by the machine, it was simple to just chain a few strips thru as I had time.

Our rainy season ended with a few days of hot and dry weather to make it possible for us to finally lay my brother to rest.  The family gathered and we rode up the mountain to the old hunting cabin.  As the last of the ashes were scattered along the hedge row in front of the cabin (were we laid our Day), two yellow butterflies fluttered out and flew around the group for a while and then went down the hedge row and out into the favorite hunting field.  It was surely a sign that both souls united and found peace on the mountain they both loved.  

Sewingly Yours,


Monday, August 9, 2021

Monday Making


All of the mauvy/pinky blocks are done for the court house steps quilt.  I'm making the full size 16" blocks, but you could go less rounds for smaller blocks.  I don't normally make big blocks, but I am using this lovely pattern to eat up a lot of lite strip scraps.

All the other blocks are set up in their cuttings - blue, green and purple.  Keeping them by the machine for a quick grab of 15 minutes (or more).

  I have to get my Orange project quilted up to be ready for the next HOP.

Sewingly Your,


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Scrappy Wednesday


All of the cute little churn blocks were finished up on Monday Making and then I pulled out all the strips, scraps, string tote - well, emptied half the shelves.  I didn't photo the extra table as you would shake your head at the mess.  BUT that's the way I work scrappy - it all comes out to play.  So far I have two full blocks done and setting up two more.  Working in twos allows for chaining everything right thru the machine until 'boom' all is done - unless you have to stop and wind some bobbins.

We have a few days of no rain, but cool temps - sweats being worn during Summer!  BUT I love the cooler, more fall temps and will make sure to get out for a few walks inbetween scrap play.

Sewingly Yours,


Sunday, August 1, 2021

Monday Making


I have the Shoo Fly blocks into their little setting.  I've decided not to put the borders on, but keep it a nice size wall hanging.  It now waits it's turn in the 'to be quilted' pile.

There are a lot of Shoo Fly blocks still in the tote - another quilt - another time.  I need something NEW - well, still using up scraps.

I had a guild member stop in to get some help in how to clean and repair an old quilt and she dropped off some magazines to pass on to our class people.  This quilt caught my eye for sure.   The lovely Wendy Sheppard designed this pretty, scrappy Court House Steps using low volumns and I have lots of those to use up.  This in Better Homes & Gardens American Patchwork & Quilting  Issue #171.

 I dug thru the brown tote for all the Dark Chocolate in a few varieties that  I could find to make those cute Churn Dash framed mini squares.  All the tiny pieces waiting to be played with - and that's my Monday Making for today.

While the West Coast is hot and on fire, we are very cool with LOTS of rain - here and there at times a need to evacuate along the raging mountain feeders (that usually trickle), gushing colverts spilling over, and a lazy low creek that is now a river overflowing banks.  And the deadly Covid Varient is in our area.  Scary times all around.

Stay Safe and Stitch On,

Sewingly Yours,
