
Monday, April 5, 2021

Monday Making


There are a few more blue Carolina blocks to make.  I'm making 8 of each print background and white background, so after four months of RSC21 color there will be 64 blocks in the tote.

The strings and old phone book are pulled as I need to make some new strattas for the Birch Tree blocks.

I'm making these with some blocks having 3 or 2 or 1 stratta 'trees' of different widths.  Four of each RSC color  and my color is Gelato gradiates, so they add even more depth to these blocks.

I have some fabrics to wash with color catchers - afraid the reds will run, but maybe not.  AND the weather is fabulous today so there will be walk about with the furkids.

Hope you get to stitch today, linking up with MAKING MONDAY

Sewingly Yours,



  1. Love the blues and the tree blocks are fun. The weather in London UK is cold and when we were walking this morning we kept having flurries of snow flakes. The walk was really good but unimpressed with the weather

  2. Your weather will tempt so many to be outside. Love those blues.

  3. Your birch blocks are really interesting. We've been having lovely weather too. Yet the studio pulls me to playing. Enjoy your week.

  4. What great blocks and they look like so much fun to create. Happy quilting

  5. All fun blocks to play with. I need a treadmill powered sewing machine to get off this duff lol

  6. The birch blocks look like fun. I like the idea of using up skinny strings.
