
Friday, April 30, 2021

April 2021 OMG


This months goal was to but together a flimsy with some 'found' blocks and maybe get the border on.  The weekend and week have been all about borders.  I hate putting borders on - I can and know how; even mitered ones - but I feel it is cheating to get a quilt larger rather than making more blocks.  That's my mind set any way.  But borders did happen!

When I laid out the blocks, I was short one and quickly made up another.  Flimsy done I tackled the borders AND yes, there are three borders.  While doing some clean up, I found the missing block (isn't that the way) so I will use it on the back with the label.

Please visit the final link up over at PATTY'S for some great eye candy.

Sewingly Yours,



  1. Lovely quilt top, the borders look great.

  2. Oh that’s funny. I love the quilt. The missing block must be a disease going around. When I went to sew together my 48 flying geese yesterday, I could only find 46 of them. I made up two more, but I imagine those two missing geese will come flying in the door now.

  3. Looks wonderful. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly goal and congrats on your finish!

  4. Love this pretty quilt.blocks really do have a mind of their own

  5. I like borders, because to me they help me line up the quilt on the bed correctly. The blocks go to the edge of the top of the bed, and the borders are what hangs over the edge. Beautiful quilt top!
