
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Scrappy Days Ahead


I've been handling some other things that kept me away from the blog.  I need to play with scraps.  This is a mock up of what I would like to use to eat up the over-stuffed 2" square barrel.  Some easy, no think, chaining thru the machine for the day.

Then I need to catch up on the Temecula Monday Mini blocks.  One of my RSC21 green blocks to be done (leader/ender).  And we finally met again with the guild - was a delight to see everyone and there was a fabulous show&tell.  The members gave me quiet the list of mini blocks to catch up on.

 Staying with our quilting history theme, I did a program on the history of the pincushion and then taught a little 'make & take' project.  I modified the tutorial from Polka Dot Pineapple - there are a lot of Golf Tee Pincushion tutorials out there.  Quick, cute, and fun for National Craft Month.

I've pulled some scraps to start working on a project for the up coming Hop - Salt & Sand.  We are being teased with some warmer weather, but the Nor'East is known for those late snow storms.  This project should be a good perk me up, looking for Spring.

Looking forward to some serious play time with my machine,

Sewingly YOurs,



  1. Go and play, maybe still inside till your swarmer days arrive, we are definitely in Autumn, and with some rain all day, I was happy to stay inside after a quick visit to the hairdresser.

  2. I love your "mock up" for the over flowing 2" scrap bin. I can also see it for the over flowing 2 1/2" scrap bin

  3. That looks like a great quilt project. I’m looking forward to doing some of that mindless chaining too. A good audiobook and my sewing machine sounds great right now. We’ll be home today, so it’ll happen soon.

  4. Your mock-up looks like a real scrap buster. Gives me an idea for the RSC 16 patches I've been making for a few years. I succumbed to the warm weather and did some garden clean-up yesterday and will be at it today. I know it's a risk since there's certain to be one more big snow, but I couldn't resist.

  5. Your project should use up a lot of scraps, that is a very cute pincushion, thanks for sharing.

  6. I hope you had a fun day sewing those 2" squares.

  7. So great that your guild is seeing each other again! Ours is so big, that we are still not able to meet. Have fun sewing up those scraps!

  8. Looking forward to seeing what you will make for the Salt and Sand Blog Hop, Sharon. I pulled some scraps for my project, too. We better get busy, as it will be here before we know it!
