
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Monday Making


If you are new here, I find using BETH'S Monday Making a good way to start the 'week' off.  It gives me a base and pick up something in progress or to even start something new.  Be sure to visit the link up and even join in.

I want to move this project into the next step.  All the blocks are made - if you remember these were scraps from my daughter (and some ironically scraps I had originally given her - now smaller).  I plan getting this into a flimsy and push-push-push, get the borders on.  Maybe it will even get quilted this month, if the 'squirrels' stay away.

Sewingly Yours,


Saturday, February 27, 2021

RSC21 - February Yellow


I decided to add another block to the 'rainbow' play.  I've done the Carolina Chain in Civil War fabrics so playing with a different mix with this easy block.  I have a tote full of muslin strips - cut offs from backings - that need using up and pulling my brighter colors.

And the next batch of miniatures for the guild President's Challenge.  The smaller blocks are copies of the members blocks - or variations of.  I got some yellows and pinks in this mix.  I really need to get some purple in the next group.

 This month's full moon is the Snow Moon - called thus as February is the snowiest month.  At it's fullest it will have Mars off to the right looking like there are two moons.  I'm not braving the cold to catch that at around 3am.  I just hope it doesnt attract more snow as I am so over Winter.

Sewingly Yours,


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Scrappy Wednesday


I think a lot of the U.S. is feeling this way after all the snow and COLD.  We've been getting a little snow almost every day and it is getting very OLD.  I guess we will see a couple of warmer days, but then slip back - Mother Nature teasing us.

I've been thinking of revisiting the Bow Tie block when Temecula Quilt Co shared this bow tie on their Mini Monday post.  I have a lot of gray and black bits to use up and I think this will help chase away the winter.  Well, scraps and working tiny will certainly make me feel better.

I hope you have been enjoying the Stripe Hop.  Please visit Tuesday & Wednesday Hosts:

Tuesday, February 23rd

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Show Your Stripes Blog Hop


I would like to thank CARLA for hosting this hop and I am sure we are all going to be inspired.  Stripes are one of those versatile prints:

Most love to use it as binding,

Makes interesting sashings and/or borders.

It adds movement and interest in a block or block unit,

Excellent to use for animals,

You make your own 'stripes' with strattas,

OR completely change things up............  I played,


My mantra for this year is NEW: new patterns, new techniques, new fabrics, new tools, etc...  I save all my selvedge and bundle ties (and my students and guild members pass the to me) and I normally send them on to some bloggers I know who collect for projects.

I decided to play with my selvedge.  I watched some U-Tubes, demos, and  tutorials to pick up some tips and best useage of these lovelies.  I went with a small project to try this NEW out, see if I like the process, and decide if I still pass them on or keep them.

I like to use a thick craft felt for batting in wallhangings as it makes them lay against the wall nice and flat.  One tip I found useful was to draw a line every so often to be sure you are laying your selvedge straight.  This technique is useful in flip and sew projects as well - but we don't flip selvedge. 

You can start with a selvedge but I didn't want to lose that pretty edge in the seam so started with a strip of fabric.  Then easy peasy you just lay your selvedge on top of the edge (I over lapped about 1/8").  I usually cut off my selvedge with 1/4" to 1/2" of fabric depending on those pesky manufacturer 'holes' from the bolt machines.   Using a walking foot, stitch really close to the edge of the over lap - ta,da, quilted!

 And you just keep going!  Some have lots of fabulous color dots or cool prints or you can use all the info or just the fabric line name - just play.  If you are new to this technique, I do recommend a small project.

 They certainly look like stripes to me and I read it as a 'walk thru the forest'.  So I found a silouhette that I liked, printed out and did a fuse that I used the raw edge machine applique'.    You can see I lost my straight overlay with the last few selvedge, but it is my first try at this and I'm not stressing.  I think this would be fun to use to make a back on a bag.

Thank you for visiting and be sure to visit today's other hosts:

Monday, February 22nd

*link up with OMG2021*
Sewingly Yours,

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Scrappy Wednesday


The Broken Dishes blocks for the Tmecula Quilt Co mini QAL were quickly made up.  I'm using fabric left over from the Hall of Fame raffle quilt - my deal with them was no charge on the fabric purchase if I could have the left overs.  I think we both had a win.  I'm going to have to be real skillfull as there was a minimum of left overs - I mathed that project out good.

The next house block for my guild's President's Challenge.  This month's catagory was 'Biblical' and I chose a variation of Cross and Crown.

Here's the houses so far.  We are doing 9 catagories and members can chose to do just one or all and even more than 9 blocks if so chosen.  This is to encourage them to enter a piece in our big show in 2022.  

This isn't the order they will be set, but now I have a photo to refer to for selection of color and a bit of pattern style for the next three blocks.  I do need a purple!

And Diane came to the rescue again and found a bright white/white for the sashing.  I have some units made and sub cut, but I will work on these today.  This will help having these ready to go once the last 'house' is built.  I won't cut borders until that center is done - and there are three borders.

Once these are done, I'll get to work on the mini blocks replicating members' blocks.  I'd like to clean those up and get all those totes back on the shelf.  Then I need to start another commission piece.  Well, maybe a little house work first.

Prayers for those in this strange storm front,

Sewingly Yours,


Sunday, February 14, 2021

Monday Making


Well, the vintage quilt is repaired and ready for pick-up.  NOW I can play with blocks!  I need to catch up on the Temecula Quilt Co. mini blocks.  Just four little 4.5" Boken Dishes blocks, so that will be quick. 

Then I need to make the next guild President's Challenge house block.  This month's block catagory is Biblical named blocks and there are a lot to chose from.   I've had a few members e-mail me some photos of their progress, so I have a few smaller blocks to make as well.

This is why I like to make a lot of blocks at once - I pull everything out!  All the totes with the Civil War fabrics for a day (or two) of block play.


And save the dates for the next hop - I'm looking forward to some serious eye candy and ideas.  I love striped fabric for bindings, but there is much more to stripes.  My project is finished, but have to get things photo'ed.

With all the cold, ice, and snow - find a little humor.

Stay warm and Safe,

Sewingly Yours,


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Hugs To All


Remember to give someone a special hug today - even if virtually.  We can all use a little love and heart felt cheer right now.

I got my furkids some special treats for the day and bought myself a mini rose - 'cuz they can only give me smelly tuna and salmon breath kisses.

Sewingly Yours,


Thursday, February 11, 2021

Cold Days


So many are in this Polar Vortex deep freeze and being buried in snow.  Are you feeling like this?  This so looks like my walk way leading to the porch and I am so tempted! 

I did get out yesterday and took Mom for some groceries and now I'm stuck inside for several days.  Good time to finish up the repair work on this 1870 vintage quilt for a local family.  We agreed on 'area' repair work within their price range.  The center has the most damage and I'll catch some other spots.  I have enough of the 'old red' to put a new binding on (thank you Diane for finding this old fabric in your stash).

The family has this quilt well documented and with the repairs, it should be with them for another 100 years.

I love working on these heirlooms - like touching and communicating with past quilters and feeling their love of the artistry as well as making a keepsake to be passed thru the generations.

Sewingly Yours,


Sunday, February 7, 2021

Monday Making


I know I will need some breaks from the commission piece (hand quilting) so I have prepped some more placemats.

Just some left over panel pieces matched with scrap off the shelf for backs and using up scrap batting.  A simple meander to quilt these as I need a 'time out' for the old fingers.

 There's two of each print, so six more to add to the Meals on Wheels donation.  I'll pull the left over binding drawer and
 be sure to find something that works with these.

I had friends drop in this weekend and we got discussing our furry friends.  Dog people v.s. cat people and dog attitude v.s. cat attitude.  This cartoon just adds it all up:

Sewingly Yours,


Saturday, February 6, 2021



I have a stack of prepped blocks from yellows to pinks on the design board.  Since I am using 'Gelato' ombre FQs they color run from this way - so getting two months of color done.

See, yellow (there's darker yellow under the pile to be made) running into pink.


And the pink runs into a magenta.  I'll set these 6 blocks by 7 blocks, so 4 blocks a month with two to chose at the end.

So today is a catch up day and then I need to buckle down the rest of the weekend to finish a commission.  Snow is on the agenda all weekend as well - time to sew.

*linking up with Angela @ SoScrappy

Sewingly YOurs,


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

OMG February 2021


With February being a short month, I want to make sure it is a project that I will finish - so a miniature is in order.  Please be sure to visit the LINK UP as there is always a lot of inspiration.

I save my selvedges and bundle ties to pass on to other bloggers, but this time I want to play with them.  My year's goal is to try NEW and I have never actually used my selvedge in a project.  February is to be cold and snowy here in the Nor'East, so some fun play is in order.

See - yes, we got the predicted 20" plus.  I stuck my head out the door to snap this in the morning and it snowed all day.

Sewingly Yours (with an achey back),
