
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Scrappy Wednesday


The hated string box has come out to play.  I hate making string blocks, but when the tote is full - you deal.

However, I am making a few strattas for piecing into another project. I'm thinking six of these approx. 10" x 14" will be enough - and won't dent the string tote.

Another NEW on my list - the birch tree blocks by Amanda Jean Nyberg.  With the Gelleto solids bundle and the strattas - will work these with the RSC21.

AND with my love of small and to use up a tote of fabric (with extras) left over from our Hall of Fame quilt - playing with the TEMECULA QUILT CO Mini Monday sew along - button on the side bar.

Some of you may relate - Bella has been having a tantrum as I am getting strick with her diet (she's trying to steal Moe's food now).  Hides all day and then at night - I get this.

Sewingly Yours,



  1. The Birch tree quilt is a lovely rainbowy one and will be perfect for RSC through the year. Happy scrappy sewing :)

  2. Great projects, I just throw out strings as they don't thrill me at all.

  3. Love your string project.i have one started somewhere. Hmmm arent cats funny? They know how to get a message across dont they? Dunks is sitting near me paw on my leg....dont go to work Mom. Kills me the lil booger.

  4. It's so good to hear that I'm not the only one who dislikes making string blocks!

  5. I haven't decided how I feel about string blocks because I haven't made enough of them but they do help clear the scraps. I love how cats show their disapproval of things. Scamp, our dog, gets grumpy but if you give him a scratch he'll roll over for a tummy tickle and his grump is forgotten. Picasso on the other hand can keep it up for days, will deliberately ignore you, and be as awkward as possible.

  6. Lol cat picture. I can so relate. Thanks for a great laugh this morning.

  7. Ah Bella, letting your Mum know you are not happy!!🤣
    Your Birch tree blocks look wonderful, string blocks are a bit of a challenge but great fro scrappy quilts. Enjoy your mini Mondays.

  8. I have my eye on the Gelato ombre bundle. That will be gorgeous bkgd for the trees. My vet told me that is how my cat is showing me trust and love. Yeah, okay. Kitty can love and trust the foot of the bed.

  9. The birch blocks will make a great RSC block.
