
Friday, January 29, 2021

Beating the Cold


It's cold in a lot of places and there is snow in a lot of places, but we are BITTERLY COLD.  Yes, we are in that arrow for winds and it makes it even super cold - minus cold!  And we are going to stay this way right thru the  next week or two.

I Saw Cynthia over at Quilting is More Fun Than HouseWork making these Court House Steps in browns and blues.  Well golly - I just shoved those piles of greens and blues in that box and what a great way to use them.  I have one more round on the greens and then to tackle the blues.  Yeah, I planned on moving that fabric to someone else, but I knew it was sitting there and how better to beat the cold.

And a bit of humor to beat the cold:

Sewingly Yours,



  1. Well, you made quick work of those blocks, Sharon!

  2. LoVe the use of scraps especially in the "steps" block.
    Well done...
    And stay safe and warm out of those winds... xox

  3. Wel, done on using up those scraps, the blocks look wonderful. Keep warm and out of those super cold winds.

  4. Making those pretty blocks sounds like a good way to stay in out of the cold. Stay safe and warm!

  5. Sorry about the cold. We're supposed to get more snow tomorrow night. Nice blocks.

  6. Yep, you are getting cold weather. It's the darn warming of the Polar Vortex. It's supposed to hit the east coast and over into Europe. Not fun but a good excuse to stay inside and quilt, quilt, quilt!

  7. That is the best way to spend cold winter days!
    Love Shel Silvertein!

  8. Nice looking court House Steps blocks! I've got a pile of strips cut I should use like that!

  9. Hope you are staying warm. Winter doesn't seem to want to let go this year. Very crisp looking court house step blocks. A great way to use up those odds and ends.
