
Monday, November 23, 2020

Organized Mess


I am working at getting things under control.  For many years I used my dining room/living room as a convalescent area - first from a work accident and then from a car accident.  While recovering from the car accident (almost two years) is when I took up quilting.  It's been a LONG time and now I would like a real dining room and living room and dedicated sewing room.

I'm working with a room that is 20' x 30' - large and very brown.  This is just a small portion and I am stripping right down to minimal.  Most of the room is empty with one small corner my computer and needs (which is getting a change) and one corner has things that go or will find a new 'home' in another room. 

Both of my furkids don't like change and have avoided my 'terror' upon them.  BUT, I have gotten a few double takes on why I am not calming them down with maintaining the food bowl to their liking - especially Bella who is on a diet.

I still haven't touched my machine which is buried on a small table with things to put in it's new place.  I do have something I need to work on, but will use one of the classroom machines when ready.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Homes have to change to accommodate what we need at the time. It's great that you are now at a point where it's time to reorganise and claim back a dining room, living room and a dedicated sewing area. I have the first two and it has made the lockdowns and restrictions much easier this year. I have to work on a dedicated sewing area. I had planned out an area in the corner of our bedroom but with working from home John claimed that as his office space. For now I'll continue working at the dining table and watching the birds on the feeder whilst I sew. Good luck with your changes and I'm sure the kitties will be happy when it's all finished.

  2. Things do have to change as our needs change. I am lucky to have a basement space for my sewing/crafting room. It was also very brown, with wood paneling. It took a coat of Kilz, and three coats of paint to get it lightened up. Would have taken only two coats, but the tan color turned out too pinky, so I had to add one last coat to take it to a golden shade.

  3. It’s going to be a nice big sewing room when you’re finished. Hang quilts on the walls for a burst of color beyond brown!

  4. The cat picture cracks me up! Whenever I try to explain to the kitties that they do so have food in their dish, they inform me that THOSE kibbles don't count...

  5. Our homes evolve as our needs change don't they. It will be good for you to have it sorted and working the way you want. Love the cat pictures.

  6. Best of luck on the reorganization, Sharon!

  7. I wish you gOOd luck with the new area... xox


  8. I took the opportunity of a long time a home this year to weed out my sewing room and it has been a blessing! I can see the floor and the 'mess' is confined to a small creative pile on the cutting table.

  9. It will be so nice for you when you get this goal accomplished! I can identify with your distress of not having a designated space!
