
Saturday, October 3, 2020

Fabric Every Where


I am in fabric overload!  It is such a shame that this quilter did not use up her lovely stash.  BUT I am sure that our guild will put this all to use that would make her very happy.  We do a pillow case drive for Christmas and a quilt drive  and placemats for Meals on Wheels for Easter and a lot of these I am sure will be seen in these projects benefiting the communities.

I have had to press and fold each piece as this was all crammed into bins, totes, and drawers.  Very time consuming but it looks so much more exciting all neat and ready for happy hands to pet and chose.

 There were  a lot of blues - my daughter even took a huge tote full of blues and aquas.  Everything is broken down by color, low volumns, whites, beiges, solids, novelties, and textures (example: flannel and wool).  So I have a lot more totes scattered around the house - this is just one table full.

I have a few guild members coming in to do a little early 'selection' as this won't be presented (along with more magazines and books - yes on one of my tables as well) until our November meeting as our October meeting is a guest speaker and we want to give the full meeting to her.  I, also, need this purged a little as I have 5 large garbage bags of fabric yet to go thru and I need room.


 Of course I had help.  Moe's love for boxes led him to the one for tossing the scraps - bits too small for a nice little bundle to work with.  These will be my takes from this whole project.  I like to be challenged with tiny bits.

Bella chose the chair near by.  Occassionally I saw an eyelid flicker for a peek to see what I was doing.  And yes, she if FAT!

There are some new buttons on the side bar and I hope to get to a few of them - I need a break and some fun.  Carole  always shares some fabulous projects, recipes, card making and stitching during October.  She has a row-a-long quilt this year and I really want to make one.

MODA is offering a slew of blocks for a Breast Cancer Awareness Sampler.  I'm not wanting to make another whole quilt, but some of the blocks look like they would make for nice runners as gifts. Or since I need to make placemats for the guild project - these will work as well.

I hope to get my Mom out for a drive to see all the community scarecrow decorations.  Several of the rural towns in the county decided to give a little fun and laughter to 2020 and sponsoring contests in town decoration with scarecrows.  To cast a vote for your favorite you need to donate an item for the local food banks.

Happy Autumn,

Sewingly Yours,



  1. Thats a great idea for the community to have the scarecrows for all to fun and no Bella is fluffy not fat. Your fur helpers are both so adorable. You have quite the job there sorting thru fabrics. Good luck

  2. That scarecrow decoration is hilarious. What a fun idea for the community. You might have inspired me to go through my bins and iron the fabrics. Some are stuffed full and all I can do is pull out the drawer and dig through the pile when I’m looking for something. Pressing and folding would make it a lot easier. Besides, it would make room for more!

  3. Love the pics of your helpers! Funny, I recently went to an estate sale of a quilter and she had a LOT of blues, too. I saw Moda's "Stitch Pink" and have been saving the blocks ... but October is also Down Syndrome awareness month, and since I've got a young niece with DS, I'm going to do the blocks in yellow and blue! :)

  4. Wow, Sharon. Those fabrics are so pretty. I especially love the greens. That is truly amazing what your community is doing. I love the scarecrow and I think it will bring a lot of joy for the people to see all of the awesome things that is decorated. I live out in the country and not many people decorate for Halloween here. Have a great week!

  5. Thank you, I hope you have fun with the row-along quilt! I do wish that the Moda QA was in Feb, LOL, I can't get into pink in October.

  6. What a wonderful community building idea! Love Silo Sam!
    I will be participating in these two events also!

  7. I can relate to downloading the stash! We moved from our house to a fifth wheel and sold our house. I had a room and a half of fabric...I know way too much. donated tubs full to my quilt guild...boy were they happy!

  8. The scarecrow decoration is great!
    Having all that fabric to sort can be overwhelming, I hope theguiild ladies help you out.

  9. I wish I lived close enough to drive by and see the scarecrows. That sounds like fun.

  10. What fun your guild members will have sorting through this quilter's stash and they will make a slew of wonderful items for donation!

  11. That's a lot of work to sort, press and fold that much fabric! Hope you found a fun project to play with to reward yourself for all that effort.
