
Monday, September 14, 2020

2020 Fires Help

Oregon Wildfire 2020 

Oregon Wildfire 2020 Quilts

We are receiving inquires about how to help.  We would be happy to accept finished washed pillowcases and finished washed quits for local distribution of wildfire victims.  (We are not setup to accept any other donations.)
You can ship them to:
Bear Creek Quilting Company
Attn: Oregon Wildfire 2020
110 Industrial Way
Lebanon, OR 97355

Bear Creek Quilting Company

**if you know of any other collects, please let me know and I will gladly post**


  1. So sad to see the fires, this side of the world last summer and now your side.

  2. Thanks for passing along that information, Sharon.

  3. Thank you for posting this. I am sure I can find something to send.
