
Monday, June 29, 2020

Monday Making

We've had (and will continue to have thru the week) some powerful thunder/lightening/downpour storms, so I hope we keep power thru most of our week.  I will be joining Beth for a little Monday Making - see LINK UP HERE.

I'm working on the last few star blocks for the Lincoln Quilt.  All the sixteen patches are made.  The stars usually go quickly, but....

I am using the flip-corner technique' for the geese units so I can make these bonus units to be used in another project.

With the homespun chickens and thie quilt, I have used up all my greens, most of the blues, and half the reds.  There was very little yellow, black, and blown and they are almost gone. 

I had helpers along the way - Moe in a Tote!  He made me jump and yell as I did't know he was in there - reached in to get the last few scraps out and touched this "furry thing" that suddenly moved!  Stinker!!!

Bella helped to hold down the piles of finished blocks.  They both stick to me like glue when there is a bad storm - they are as nervous as I am - and I'm suppose to be the brave one.

I have packed the larger pieces away in the big tote (and all that pink homespun yet to use).  All the small and scrappy stuff was put in this smaller tote.  I have two projects I want to work out of the 'Hobo Quilts' book and want to use up the scraps first.  Yes, there is still a lot of milage in all this fabric, but I think once the Lincoln Quilt is done, I will have my fill working with homespun  for now.

I snapped a photo of these before the heavy rains just in case they get beat down.  

And this is the first time these have flowered in years.

Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love your homespun projects. I would have jumped too if i reached in and touched a furry thing LOL. Bella looks so cute guarding those blocks. We had storms roll thru last night. We all went to bed early and snuggled thru it. Hate storms like that

  2. Hostas and those gorgeous hollyhocks, both so lovely, but I will give the purple rosette to the helpers, there is something so special about a cat who stays close by in a storm.

  3. The blocks look so cute with those homespuns included. Love your hollyhocks. A friend is going to send me some seeds this fall when hers are finished. I’m hoping I can get some going.

  4. I hope the storm hasn't damaged any of your plants (or home for that matter)...& you enjoyed some safe sewing time...xox

  5. Great homespun blocks and that is good you have used up so many fabrics. I had to laugh at Moe(sorry) that is so like a cat. Hope all was ok with the storm.

  6. With kitties to help comfort you (and you them) in a storm all is well.. as long as the power stayed on and you could work on your quilt making.

  7. Too funny. Cats do have a way of giving a scare. Your helpers are sew cute. I have the HOBO Quilt book but haven't used it yet. It's on my list of things to do but haven't got there yet.
    Wish we had some rain. Still none. ;o(
