
Sunday, May 3, 2020

Monday Making

I am still working out of that old plastic tote and finished up two more table toppers with the Civil War Fabrics.  The remaining strips have been packed up in my stash for a re-visit in the Fall.  This is the Moda Love Layer Cake pattern and comes in three sizes - using layer cake, or charm, or mini charm.  I use the minin charm size to use up those bits.

This is the project that Moe was helping to arrange.  Those little, bitty 1" strips that normal people throw away made for some cute tiny 4-patches.  I'm really in love with this one.  But I think I am ready to move on from the CW play.

You see I am down to this mix now, but there are plans for it.  First I pulled greens for my tree row on the Corona quilt and yellows for the new June hop.  There are some strips and pieces of batiks , but I am allergic to those so will bag them up pass them on when able.

The next project cut and ready to chain thru the machine.  Yes, I like to chain it all one right after another,  the challenge not to break the thread until the finish (or sneak a leader/ender in).

This is a block from the Moda Snap Shots QAL - 2015 - all the patterns are still there.  I saved the dog and cat block (in case they disappeared) and in my quest to get all my animal patterns done this year - well, puppy in a basket is ready for quilting.  And there was just enough of that dotty aqua/black (love it) to make the binding.

I am pulling fabrics for the Kitty on quilts - then I can quilt the two and do their bindings right up.

There is still lots of play in that old tote.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Fun fun projects. Your cw minis are awesome and so is the dog. Love it

  2. You two latest finishes are great. It must feel good to have made great progress through that tote.

  3. lovely table toppers, the first one is my pick, but those tiny squares, a lot of matching corners there. Scraps, I need to sort mine and this week looks like it might be wet most of the time, no outdoor stuff to be done.

  4. That puppy is just too cute! It would make a fun placemat too.

  5. that mini is really pretty--so tiny!! The puppy is so cute in that basket...nice works ~ ~ ~ waving in the sunshine Julierose :)))

  6. Looks like you’ve been having fun. I like your little mini four-patches too. I’ve used up a lot of small scraps on my poppy quilt, and I’ve tossed the itty bitty bits left over. You’d never know I’d done anything with my scraps. It still seems as if I have as many as when I started.

  7. Busy, as always, Sharon. LOVE those new table toppers! Nice use of those scraps.

  8. Love your toppers, they look wonderful.also the dog in the basket is very cute. Had to giggle at your allergy to batiks, I love working with them, but that is just how it is, we are all different.

  9. Thanks for the link to the blocks, I downloaded some of them too.

  10. Your mini quilts are always wonderful.
