
Friday, April 17, 2020

Whooping Friday

Well, I think I have maxed my desire to play with HSTs.  100 blocks are now ready to put into a quilt top - that's 400 HSTs.  AND that is all that is left of the w/w that I used for the skinny sashing.

ANd because someone will ask - the HSTs were trimmed to 2.5" unfinished and the sashing is 1" x 2.5" with 1" sq corner stones for a 5" unfinished block.

There is probably 100 more HSTs left, but they will wait for another day.  I'll use another type of block to use these up probably for runners.

We have gotten cold and have had snow the last couple of days with more expected.   We just got word that our state has extended the isolation until May 15th and required to wear a mask if out for essentials.

Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love those cross-hst's--looking forward to seeing them together...
    Take care Julierose

  2. You made short work of those HSTs, that's a lot of stitching. Hopefully those 2 more weeks will get your state past the hump and then they can start figuring out how to get back on track without getting people sick.

  3. Those are wonderful blocks and will make an awesome quilt.... can't wait to see!

  4. Nice blocks. Stay warm. Our snow is probably headed your way (again).

  5. It's snowing a predicted 3" outside my Michigan window right now. Good work on those blocks and what a great plan for them!

  6. Cute blocks. I still have more to do with mine. At least two more little quilts.

  7. Those are super cute blocks, Sharon! Nice job of putting 400 bonus HSTs to work. :o))

  8. We will be notified next week if our lockdown will ease, or continue. Some businesses might be allowed to restart, but what a balance between safety and economy. Lots of detailed matching there, it is such a wonderful sense of joy to have the pieces all sewn up .

  9. Beautiful blocks, we have had out stay at home extended until May too, thank goodness for sewing.

  10. I think extended isolation is good. But that's just my opinion, I know others will disagree. Be safe and stay well.
    Your triangles are looking good. I'm glad I'm not the only one who keeps such things. LOL

  11. Dang that is a lot of half square triangles. But they look great. Personally I'll probably be more cautious about venturing out if Texas starts opening things up. I'm with LouLee I don't think a few more days is a bad idea for most. There's already too many who think it's nonsense or like the protestors thinking the govt. is infringing on their civil liberties. Yep it's they're right to possibly get exposed. This virus stuff is crazy.
