
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Time For A Pause

Many are saying that they are frequenting the kitchen way to much - a love affair with their fridge.  I have to remind myself to eat.  The crockpot has been in heavy use, but that is so I can have one meal to eat and then put up 4-5 meals in the freezer for a quick meal.

I got half of the Sawtooth Stars done and then I picked up all the blocks and prepped pieces and filled a recently emptied tote.  This project will be visited later in the month.

The Corona Houses are now framed up and the next step will be adding something into the next border.  Our isolation has been extended for another 3 weeks so this little piece is unfortunately going to grow.

Batting has been cut for the four smaller quilts and this is my plan for the next few days - quilting and binding.  Finishing up while taking some time to reflect and pause and pray.  So I am taking a little break away from all media- will return for Scrappy Wednesday.

Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Consider the lilies of the field, your white blooms fit today so well, and while we are overwhelmed with the news, that bombards us with data, statistics, and more, we can be thankful for so much in our own homes, our friends here at home and far away , and the online and blog friendships that hold us in each of our hearts. XXXX

  2. What.Cadbury eggs are NOT for breakfast? Lol love your little houses. I should be finishing Ufos but instead making more...grrr have a happy safe Easter my friend

  3. HAPPY EASTER to you and yours, ~ ~ ~ enjoy your break Julierose

  4. Happy Easter... & remember to stay safe... xox

  5. Happy Easter, Sharon. I’ve been working with my scrappy HST’s. They woke me early this morning arranging them in my head. Finally had to get up and arrange them for real.

  6. Thanks for the laugh this morning, as I am eating my chicken eggs for breakfast, LOL!!

  7. Happy Easter and enjoy your break from media. It is snowing again today and this time it's sticking. Flowers are starting to bend over. I'm trying not to let the weather depress me (as if the the virus/isolation stuff wasn't enough).

  8. Happy Easter Sharon. Love the quilts. I work from home all the time anyway so have got used to only making drinks and leaving the fridge alone except at usual meal times!!! I have been doing this for 28 years now so am an old hand at it!!!

    I hope you have a lovely weekend despite the Lockdown.

    Hugs & Love Susie xx

  9. Your happy little isolation village looks very nice.
    Good on you for breaking away from the media. I think too many of us spend too much unhealthy time dwelling on what the press say and think. I try to stay away too, I'm happy in my bubble mostly.

  10. Love your stars and little houses. I think I'm going to finally attempt a quilt of houses. I'm tired of watch the news and TV now so hopefully I will get some sewing done. We had been doing the Keto/low carb thing but that has slipped to the wayside while being stuck at home. Not sure exactly why but it has. Stay Safe.

  11. Love those eggs. You might have to use houses for the border for your houses.
