
Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday Making

 I forgot to link up with slow Stitching Sunday, but I did work more on my 'Corona Village' piece.  The cornerstone hourglass blocks are left overs from a prior project I worked on during this 'pause'.  I chose a quarter, nickle and dime for my size circles representing when my son and I took both our change jars to a coin machine - my there was a lot of money!  The circles are hand applique'd - I want to use different techniques in this piece.  And I used scraps of the Kaffe Jelly Roll that was used in the three baby quilts that were born during this shut down.

We are still on lock down until May 15th - three more weeks to add to this - hopefully that is all, but I doubt it. 

And I pulled another machine out to play with.  Hey, it's a good time to make sure they are all in working order.  This Singer 347 is a work horse - and heavy.  I stole her back from the class room to do some binding work and I may even try quilting on this.  The feed dogs drop and it goes fast - should do the job on some of those smaller quilts.

I always just sit at a machine for 15 minutes and then take a break.  My breaks will be gleening my FQ totes.  Any thing small or strip will be cut down into the barrel system.  There is a small pile on the ironing board to start with.

And we are still having snow here in the NorEast - good day to sew.

Stay Safe and Health,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Your Corona village looks good with the borders on. Good use of spare blocks as cornerstones.

  2. The Corona Village looks so cute. If your circles were a quarter, nickel, and dime, it must be a very small quilt.

  3. Illinois is shut down till the end of May now. I like that Singer. Have fun stitching on it. I really like the houses quilt. Nice borders.

  4. Love, love, LOVE how your Corona Village quilt is coming along!! Smart thinking on simplifying the House block with no doors or windows. Feels totally appropriate for the current lockdown!

  5. Love your Corona House project, especially the part about you and your son and the coin machine! I have one of those old workhorses...a Rockford that I got when I was 16. I've had to replace the motor but it still stitches up a storm when my other "modern" machines won't cut the mustard....glad you are staying safe.

  6. Our lockdown goes from Level 4 to level 3, well it did at midnight, so in theory have been a little more relaxed for 5.5 hours,. We can drive locally, there will be garden centres allowed to sell, but online or phone order, and contactless collection, restaurants can do takeaways, again no contact or entry, but the lockdown was, in my eyes, the only way to beat this pandemic. Stay safe, and play with those scraps.

  7. I love this house quilt! I'm always amazed at how much money totals up from my coin jar. It's always a nice bonus.

  8. That's a great idea making a corona quilt during this lock down. WoW... what a memory...
    Take care & stay safe...xox

  9. The Village quilt looks great. The hour glass blocks and the circles make the border fun. I used to love counting up the coins from our jar when my children were little. They always had grandiose plans for the money. These days, I usually put purchases on my credit card so my change jar takes years to fill up.

  10. Loving your Corona Village and have fun playing with the Singer ...

  11. Love your village and the extra bits you have added. Enjoy using your Singer.

  12. Great Village, but I think I'll call it Happy place....grin.
