
Friday, March 13, 2020

Yeah, Week End

I'm thankful that we made it thru this week.  A time change, a full moon, and a Friday the 13th - whew!!!  And did a little stocking up to be on a two week 'distancing'.  Our big show that took so much planning now cancelled, schools are closing, and all major events, parades, large gatherings are shut down.

We quilters know what to do - fire up those machines and stitch the time away.  I will listen to audio books and  my favorite tunes.  If the weather is nice, a walk outside around the property will be in order.

My second cat quilt ready for stitching and I shortened the tail to make it easy to piece this puzzle quilt together.  It's jelly roll strips from that same Kaffe roll - just pulled the red hues - orange polka dot from the scrap pile for the corner stones (all  used up - I mathed that one close).

The rest of those strips are pieced and ready for the flip and quilt method.  I have four projects pinned across my fireplace mantel.  In sight and ready to advance into their next step while I am on my 'stay-cation'.

First order of business though is my One Monthly Finish for the facebook group - my guild's sampler challenge from last year.

And I'll take time to cuddle my furkids as well,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. What an amazing quilt! And great math work, too! I participate in Comfort Quilts in Boone County, KY., making quilts for the nearby Ronald McDonald House and a hospice. We've made the cat and the dog blocks in the past. Your quilt would be another good one. If you agree, I will share this with the coordinator whenever this crisis ends and the sewing gatherings resume. Thanks so much and stay healthy.
    Connie W.

  2. I love your kitty cat quilts! What a lovely donation they'll make!

  3. Oh my gosh...that is adorable. Very clever design.

  4. Sounds like you are all set. Love your kitty quilt, and am in love with your blues.

  5. Lovely donation...& hope the weather plays nice for a walk too...xox

  6. Oh I love that cat quilt! Is it your own design?

  7. I love this one, too. May need to give this puzzle quilt a go.

  8. Cute quilt, and a wonderful way to use this time at home.

  9. Glad you are stitching away. Pet the kitties.

  10. Love your kitty n 9-patch quilt. Will you make one bigger too?

  11. I do love the kitty quilt and like to see you working with bright fabrics.
