
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Scrappy Wednesday

I know you folks are keeping busy with quilting and purging and just restricting yourselves socially.  You may be tackling UFOs or re-assessing your stash.  Have you thought about your scraps of batting?  I'll admit that I have three large totes of scrap batt.  One for pieces that have been gifted, one for my Warm and White and one for the Warm and Nautral.

I've put aside pieces  that will work for a few wallhangings and table runners that are in the 'to be finished' pile and bagged up some pieces to donate.   Today is a good day to tackle the rest and make - as Bonnie Hunter calls it - "FrankenBatt".  I have several smaller quilts that can use these up.

When I'm done with this project my machine will need a good in-home Spa Day.  Another good project to do while house bound.

We all can use a bit of laughter right now, so be sure to visit  and share some encouraging comments to the Hop Hosts - button on the sidebar.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I have a roll of " Heat press batting tape" that joins pieces together. They need a very straight seam, put them side by side, press the tape to cover both pieces and iron , with a pressing cloth or other on top. Works so well, Another friend joins them with a wide zig zag. Or the small projects ,they can do it all on their own. I have 12 large place mats on the go, and lots more projects that I can get finally finiszhed.

  2. Wow, looks like I really need to check that spelling, maybe that is a new word!!!

  3. I use Fusible Interfacing. For me, it is a fast and secure way to attach batting scraps together, as well as, affordable. I cut 3''strips and then, using a pressing cloth, press away. Success every time. You can always reinforce with a wide zig zag stitch.

  4. I was thinking about my batting scraps just yesterday. The larger pieces are folded up in a box with unopened packages, but the smaller pieces are all stuffed in a laundry bag. It would be a lot easier to deal with it if I took each piece out, measured it, and stored it differently. I might spend some time with that next time I go digging through.

  5. I like to make QAYG projects with my scraps or fuse them together for kennel quilts as well.

  6. I just made an extra large quilt cover for my grand-dog's crate and it was all Frankenbatted! I got rid of a lot.
