
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

One Monthly Goal - January 2020

How appropriate to start the New Year with a new step.  I will be using OMG to move projects into their next step.  

The goal is to get these RSC19 blocks assembled into rows and a completed flimsy stage.

Linking up with OMG @ Elm Street Quilts

Please be sure to visit or even join in,
Sewingly Yours,

Monday, December 30, 2019

2020 Goals

This sums up my goals for 2020 - putting my right foot first.  I am such a squirrel chaser and the piles of 'in progress' and UFOs are just growing faster than finishes.  I know you all think I finish a lot, but you would really hate me if I showed all the actual projects I work on.

1.  I joined a FaceBook group for finishing one project a month and that I am using to get at least ONE quilt quilted.  Two stuffed extra large totes of quilts waiting is too many.

2.  Use the One Monthly Goal again - was good for half the year and the squirrels got me.  This will be used to progress a work in progress.

3.  Participate in Block Hops - I truly love these and give me a chance to design and express.  I want to try new fabrics this year, so this is a good place for that bit of play.

4.  RSC20 - use to make one small project with that color.  I think I can make a bigger dent in the scrap stash this way rather that a block a month.  I'm staying away from BOMs this year period!

5.  Slow Stitching Sunday - I got away from this treasured touch of heritage quilting and really want to get back on track.  I have some UFOs that I want to hand quilt as well as do a little cross stitch.

6.  Silly 365 - not sure what Joan has up her sleeve, but this could be used for a Hop or new fabric project - I'm all for killing two birds with one stone.

I have three quilt shows thru the year to participate in and I am in charge of traveling the Hall of Fame raffle quilt for ticket sales - that I hope will lead me to traveling to some long 'want to go to' events.

I am, also, booking a few more travel teaching events - part of my need to get out for a little ME time.

OH, the animal logo on the side bar as my GOAL - well........
I have a lot of projects, UFO's, and new fabrics that are related to animals and birds and they need to progress or be finished this year.

Hopefully my right foot keeps leading forward,
Sewingly Yours,

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Monday Making

The black setting Chandelier Beads are put together, but I didn't have enough to use for border treatment.  What little black was left got chopped down into my barrel system.  The idea of these RSC projects are to use up, so I will dig thru my fabrics to see what I can come up with.

So I pulled the RSC19 Sampler blocks out.  I need two more of each the straight and diagonal setting.  Rather than trying to figure out which blocks I missed, I will come up with my own.  I will be using up the last of my Kona white as well with this project.  I used a lot of mixed scrap white and w/w so I can get away with using any white to finish this one off.

I need to order my year's stock of Kona basics for 2020 so if I hold the black setting for 2020 - that works for me.

Because I made a block for the traveling Susan B Anthony quilt, I received an invitation to the 200th Birthday Celebration Dinner in Rochester NY.  I would love to go to this, but such a long drive would require a couple of overnights and I can't leave my Mom alone for that length of time.  I'll frame the invitation and hang with my other certificates and show ribbons.

We are in a freezing rain mixed with snow three day storm, so I will be sewing away.  If the power goes, I have some hand work set aside.

Sewingly Yours,

Friday, December 27, 2019

Finishing RSC19

Moe decided it was more comfy to lay on my project rather than the guest bed.  I think he really just wanted to be close by today as Bella has been rather mean to him of late.  So I changed gears - 

I've got a few RSC19 (Rainbow Scrap Challenge) projects that really should be pulled together.  This is the Chandelier Bead Blocks set with the black.  I'm really crossing fingers and toes that I have enough Kona black left to make those setting triangles.  I know I can get more, but the idea is to use it up!

I love the RSC, but I struggle with making monthly blocks as I want to get it done.  Next year I think I will use the monthly color to make a single project.  Scraps used up and instant gratification instead of a possible UFO (I have plenty of those). 

I don't party for New Years - home with the furkids and Mom.  I just might get this one done for the last finish of the year.

Sewingly Yours,

Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Best Of 2019

Meadow Mist Designs

I would like to thank Cheryl @ Meadow Mist Designs for once again hosting the 'BEST OF' linky party.  Please be sure to visit and/or add you own link.

I make a LOT of quilts, but chose to highlight the best being all the HOPS that I just love to participate in.  I will be joining in again with the new year as it keeps me creative and sometimes working outside the box.


pattern by  Sally Trude at The Objects of Design










Thank you for visiting,
Sewingly Yours,

Monday, December 23, 2019

Monday Making

As Santa starts to load his sleigh and sack - I opened a 'sack' of scraps that were gifted to me.  Knowing this quilter LOVES to make Buggy Barn patterns, I knew all these scraps would be coordinates used in recent projects - and lots of reds.  

Of course if I even look into a scrap bag let alone dump it out - I have to play.  These are going in my 'Seeing Red' project and I have all the blocks pre-cut, display boards loaded and layered by the machine so I can chain them thru when I have the time.  I used 90% of those baggy scraps up - the rest have been cut down into my barrel system to be used in 2020 projects. 

And just for my last bit of giggle (this was such the joke in our house) to help you all relax a little:

Sewingly Yours,

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Longer Days

Winter Solstice came upon us with a bit of sun, but bitter cold.  Days will start to get a little longer for us (and shorter for others) - a bright side to my day.

Just sharing a little bit of crafting fun with some older children or grands that might get that "I'm bored" thing - folded book page trees.  There are a lot of on-line tutorials and u-tube demos for these.  You can make the setting tree from paperback books.

 OR - you can make these lovelies with an old hardcover.  Again, you can find the instructions on-line.

When I ordered my 'gift' of the wool pressing matt (and an emergency needed extra wide back), I also picked up these three 1 yard cuts to add to stash.  Well, they actually have a purpose - the top two are border fabrics for two quilts and the shirting will make an appearance in the 'Seeing Red' Hop.

AND you are not the only one feeling stress of the Season - so smile!

Sewingly Yours,

Friday, December 20, 2019

Whooping Friday

I have to put a 'Whoop' out for my quilt guild.  This is the huge pile of pillow cases they made for donation to the Community Services Christmas family boxes.  I am so proud of this group of quilters and the community work they do.  We have a collection for placemats for the community Meals on WHeels coming up and then a quilt drive in April for the Easter boxes that go out to families.

I am planning for some of the NEW activities for 2020.  You may have noticed the side bar is getting updated as things get announced.

I do love to participate in Hops and will continue so in the new year.  I've pulled fabrics for this and have a pattern planned with tutorial.

I don't use a lot of red - mostly as a little pop of surprise color in a project from time to time.  That's what I like about hops, they help to keep the creative juices flowing and sometimes make you think outside the box.  I do have a piece of red fabric that has been sitting on the shelf that is reaching my 2 year plan.  Yes,  it needs to be used in two years are it gets passed on - I don't hoard fabric, I use it or share it.

 Share the Silly

I can't wait to see what Joan has cooked up with this new venture.  I love whims and look forward to some fun play with this.

No photo description available.

I have three local shows in 2020.  Our guild is one of the member host quilds for the Empire Quiltfest.  It is the 10th anniversary, so I need to make a piece for the challenge - Diamonds and Daffodils.  This one is the first weekend in April.  Then we have the combined quilt/flower show at the local library in May.  Last is the Catskill Mountain Quilters Hall of Fame show in the September.  I've volunteered to travel the Raffle Quilt for ticket sales, so I will be on the road a lot.

We are experiencing a cold snap - yesterday was bitter with winds making it minus 15 degrees.  Needless to say - I didn't venture out.  So a bit of humor during this cold:

Sewingly Yours,

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Scrappy Wenesday

Happily the Tiny Tree QAL with Temecula Quilt Co project has been completed.  This will probably be the last finish for the year ans I need to clear up the creative space to get ready for the Season.

These are made by my SIL - a quick scrap project for a quick gift.

A corner 'hand' pocket pot holder - you can make or buy (she makes these), some kitchen utensils, and ribbon.

Add utensils to pocket, fold corners back under and tie with ribbon.

And I bought myself a Christmas present - a wool pressing matt.  I use a wool backed pad on my big ironing board, but this is for my little portable table.  I can set this up next to my work station with my small travel iron to press all those tiny, scrappy blocks for my first 2020 project.

Remember to treat yourself this season - you deserve it!
Sewingly Yours,

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Monday Making

I remade the 'trunk' block to be a little more shaded and even got the real last block made of the Temecula Quilt Co 'Little Tree' project.  I made my blocks 3.5" unfinished, which means my little tree will be a bit bigger than everyone elses.

Also, I used a constant green for the settings as things were a little 'muddy'.  I want to use up the last of that Osnaburg Linen for the background as well as those few scraps of green.  So today's stitching will be putting this little project to a finish.

AND a huge thank you to those who saw that I had the 'Z' wrong in the original photo.  I never saw it, even with it hanging for some time in front of my face.  Luckily a corner block which made for a quick fix.  How horrible would that have been in gifting an Alphabet quilt and the alphabet was wrong!

Because we are expecting some more snow - need a little humor:

Sewingly Yours,

Friday, December 13, 2019

Whooping Friday

THe Alphabet quilt is a top!  I think it took longer to cut the pieces than to actually stitch each block up.  I did cut the colorful hand dyed fabrics into squares for a scrap border, but when I laid them out on two sides I really didn't like the look.  The pre-cuts and rest of fabrics will get passed on.  I will look for something else for the final border on this one.

The next project for our Guild is placematts for Meals on Wheels for their special Easter Dinners.  There were a number of pre-printed pillow cut-outs, left over pieces of panels, parts of border print, etc.. from our Guild swap. I pulled all of those and they will be perfect for this project. 

BUT first, I need to make the tiny blocks for Temecula Quilt Co's 'Tiny Tree' QAL.  I'm calculating that they just came out with the last block today and then assembling tomorrow, so I best get stitchin'!  Also, my tiny tree will be a bit larger as I plan to re-math the blocks for bit bigger tiny block.

It's c-o-l-d outside today!!!
Sewingly Yours,

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Scrappy Wednesday

The scrappy, colorful bricks and stones quilt is a flimsy.  This is such a quick quilt to make and as I said before, a pattern that is easy to math out for using different size bricks (rectangles) and stones (4-patches).  This was completely out of that baggy of scraps - I didn't add a single thing to this.  There was probably four 5" squares left over and they are going into the next project.

The next project is in progress.  There was another baggy from the Guild Swap meeting that was filled with hand dyed fabrics.  I am using the Temecula Quilt Co pattern called 'Little Letters' listed on their side bar - Free Patterns.  I have enough of an extra wide backing cut-off for the background (use it up).  

I've made this pattern a couple of times and it is very cute.  There are some tiny cuts and you need to be precise with your 1/4" seam.  I have found that most of the TQC  patterns you need to use that scant 1/4" - just a note.

We went from a few days of warmer temps, but plummeted overnight.  Snow is on the horizon, so I am running a few errands today freeing up a lot of stitching time when that bad stuff rolls in again.

Sewingly Yours,

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Virtual Cookie Exchange Winner

Thank you to all who visited and commented.  I hope everyone enjoyed all the wonderful recipes and quilty inspiration.

The winner of my panel give away is:

What cute treats. Fun to make with grands. Thanks for the giveaway.

I will send her an e-mail for mailing info.

Sewingly Yours,

Monday, December 9, 2019

Monday Making

I let the white and black strips dictate how many blocks I could make for this project.  There are 6 of each pair of color and I have enough color solid to make a piano key border.

Today I hope to get this into a complete flimsy - maybe even sandwiched up for quilting.  Since it is a small quilt, it will need a few borders.  I can easily match the white for a border and then use up the colorful solids in a border.  And I know I have a piece that will work perfect for the back; I'll even use up a cut-off (or might have to piece) of batting - clearing out. 

This is a great scrap eater pattern and one that is very easy to math out.  I have used it a few times with different measurements.  This one was mathed around what size was in that baggy.  The w/b strips were already cut 1.5" so the 4-patches finished 2.5".  So I made the bricks 2.5" x 4.5" and that was good as many of the solids already had strips (wof) cut that size.

This is going to be a great gifting quilt for our guild drive,
Sewingly Yours,